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Everything posted by msshearin

  1. write in DON!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. and I had chili for supper yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Seafoam is a fuel/engine oil additive that is sold at most big retailers ie walmart,napa,autozone and the like.Most of the folks on here swear by it to keep your carbs and fuel system clean and solve some fuel system problems. We also joke about it a lot as in if Saefoam can't fix it nothing can.
  4. I'm upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Panthers lost again and I'm sure you had something to do with it Yammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hey Don do I see a POWER BUY COMING UP?
  6. thanks for all the responses..... I have been sold on Seafoam for years and do use about 2 ounces with (every) fillup on my bike and wifes Burgman and no carb or FI problems at all with either,even put the stuff in my diesel tractor. Its good to know that there is no need to go out and buy Stabil now. Wonder how much a 55 gallon barrel of Seafoam would cost?
  7. If I have been using a little seafoam in every fillup sense I have owned my bike,do I need to put Stabol in her when I put her up for the cold months? In short, will Seafoam do the same thing as Stabol as far as keeping the gas from turning to varnish in the carbs?
  8. congrats grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. what the cats excuse?
  10. Congrats dude you got me by 7 lol
  11. correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the GL1800 Goldwing design about 10 years old? Just asking!!!!!!
  12. Eck the old man might have a young trophy wife........you never know
  13. http://www.bikerspost.com/forum/topics/driver-hits-motorcyclist-flees-the-scene The guy on the bike must have been doing this guy's wife or something
  14. you want to know if it's normal for your bike not to be broke and running fine???????????????????? I would say yes that is pretty normal for a Venture sir.
  15. prayers sent for all of them and their families! Hope someone put or will put a bullet is the sob's a$$ that did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I let my wife help me with mine.......don't take as long
  17. whatever happened with that short guy you were trying to sell the goldwing to???????
  18. You'll better be careful how you talk to your wives........http://www.policeone.com/bizarre/articles/5920186-Wis-woman-takes-husband-to-police-for-annoying-her/
  19. Now that is funny!!!!!!!!!!! Roflmao!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. believe it or not, got a call several years ago about a guy that had left his wife at the NC welcome center on I85. Stopped him about 30 miles up the road, She was asleep when he got out and he didn't know she had got out and gone into the building. He just assumed she was still asleep in the back. Another Trooper relayed picked her up and brought her to us. They were reunited....happy ending......I think she was really P.OED though!!!!!!
  21. okl another or topic question what make white wall tires are you running?????? they look nice, been looking into them for next tire change but can't find then in rsv sizes......
  22. prayers sent for all of you sir!!!!!!! so sorry to hear this...........
  23. glad to hear she is home and ok
  24. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. prayers sent......keep us informed dude......
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