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Personal Information

  • Name
    Henry Lemons


  • Location
    Macon, GA, GA, United States


  • City
    Macon, GA


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 RSV
  1. Thanks guys. If I am going to have to spend that much to make them work, I guess I will just have to go ahead and spend the extra on the Vmax carbs. It will cost about the same either way.
  2. I recently started a restoration on an 85 Vmax for my son. The bike has only 11K miles on it but has been sitting since 1999. So far most everything has been in pretty good shape, considering the lengthy down time. The carbs, however are history. I am having a difficult time finding a set of carbs for it that are not way out of his price range, but I can find first gen Venture carbs fairly reasonable. Would these fit on the vmax? I'm sure if they do, there would be some loss in performance, but would they suffice until he can find OE carbs.
  3. I know that 14 pounds don't mean squat, but I was looking for a positive to all the problems of the last 2 weeks. The battery that I fried when the charger malfunctioned was an AGM battery. It was in the bike when I got it and never gave me any headaches. If the lithium gives me any grief I'll switch back; providing the bike survives.
  4. on the positive side; I lightened the weight of the bike by about 14 pounds by switching to the lithium battery. The new battery weighs just over two pounds. Has anyone else changed to a lithium battery? How well do they hold up over the long haul? Just curious.
  5. Just a quick update. Since everything was pointing to a loose connection somewhere, I rechecked all of the connectors again for the 10th+ time. Then I went back to where it all started; the R/R connector. The new plug connector came with crimp on ends, so that is what I did when I first changed it; so I took it back apart and soldered all the ends on to the wires and put it back together. I then started the bike and put the meter on it, not expecting any change, but there it was 14.1 volts at idle and when I rev it up it drops to 13.9. I think I can live with that. Who'd a thunk it?
  6. That is where my suspicions are leaning but I didn't want to admit that I just threw away 75 bucks on the aftermarket R/R.
  7. I'm going to throw this out there for feedback, hoping that I am wrong with my diagnosis. Back in July my RR took a dump. I replaced it with an aftermarket RR from DB Electrical after checking the stator resistance and output to make sure that it was not also faulty. I made a 2000 mile solo road trip at the end of August with no problems. Everything seemed to be fine. The bike is my daily driver so there isn't any down time. About 2 weeks ago, on my way home from work, it started to sputter an misfire and then it just died. I called a friend and 2 jump starts later I made it home. When I pulled the RR I found water in the plug and considerable corrosion on the connections. Since the problem was cause by moisture and not a defective RR, I purchased another one from DB Electrical. I charged the battery and my charger malfunctioned and cooked the battery. I replaced that with a lithium battery. With the new battery installed and the RR and connector replaced I proceeded to check the charging system out. The stator still checks out good. The winding resistance is .3ohms with no continuity to ground and the output AC voltage is 26v at idle up to 110+v revved to about 4k. The Lithium battery has a no-load full charge voltage of 13.4v. When I start the bike and check the voltage at the battery I would expect to see about 14v but all I get is battery voltage and it drops when I increase the RPMs. I disconnected all accessories and pulled the headlight fuse and the idle charging voltage rose to 13.6 volts but still drops to battery voltage when RPMs are increased. I'm not sure where I should go from here. The only added accessories I have are incandescent passing lights and an LED tail light bar.
  8. I rode a 84 venture standard for 11 years and when it met an untimely end under the front end of a Saturn. I didn't even consider any other bikes. If it doesn't have the Yamaha V4 I don't want it. I now have a 99 RSV and plan to keep it for a long time.
  9. After looking at about a million different mounting options and configurations, I realized that I had been overthinking the whole thing. I will be using the gps on my bike and on those rare occasions when I travel in my truck and it came with a suction cup mount that attaches quite nicely to the inside of my windshield. It doesn't obstruct my view of the road and can be easily removed, and I can use the same mount for my bike and my truck. Sometimes I can take the simplest things and complicate the heck out of them.
  10. Does anyone know what is a good mount to put on my 2nd Gen for my Garmin 1390 GPS, and where I can get it? I don't want something that sticks up in the air like a flag. It would be Ideal if it could clamp on to the bars between the risers and hold the GPS just below the speedo. If I can't find one I may just have to get creative and make my own.
  11. I just upgraded my 99 RSV to the Barnett. Got it through Amazon for 127.00. I didn't have to change the friction plates. It works great now.
  12. I was having the same issue with my 99 RSV. It was already slipping a little under heavy acceleration, but after I did an oil change it was more noticeable. I got on here and asked for feedback and everyone was really helpful. I finally made the decision based purely on personal preference to upgrade to the Barnett conversion kit. It would have only taken 20 min. to change over but I didn't follow advice and purchase a gasket ahead of time so it took 24 hours. So far I am happy with it. I didn' change any of the friction plates as they were well within specs. Whether you go with the Barnett or the heavier diaphram spring, you will be happy with the end result.
  13. Here is an update and a big thanks for the advice. I removed the seat and split the front fairing, cleaned and greased all of the connectors and now everything is working again including the cb which was what I was trying to fix in the first place. I may never use it but if it is there I want it to work.
  14. I haven't had time to clean anything yet. I had to put it all back together. I have to go somewhere tonight and where I go the bike goes. The next time it is sitting still for a couple of hours I'll tear into it. I think it is supposed to rain soon. I should have some time then. Thanks guys
  15. I bought my 99 RSV in 2011 and the cb has not worked since I got it. When I push the cb button nothing happens. The rest of the system worked just fine until today when I went out to see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. I removed the CD player from the bracket and left it connected then I removed the trunk mounting screws, lifted the trunk and tilted it forward to get to the cb. Then I removed the cover and then unplugged and reconnected all of the connectors to the cb. Then I turned on the key and tried the cb button. The FM radio just kept on playing just like before. Then I pushed the channel up button and nothing happened, then I pushed the audio button and nothing happened. I tried all of the buttons and nothing happend. It just kept playing the same radio station that it was on when i first turned it on. The only thing that works is the volume and the display was showing the station it was on. Then I turned off the ignition the display went dark but continued to display the radio station for several seconds before it went blank. I turned on the ignition and the display lit up and it continued to play the same radio station as before only now the display is blank. There is still no response from any of the buttons but the volume still works. At least it is my favorite radio station. Can anyone tell me what the heck happened and how I can fix it.
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