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Personal Information

  • Name
    Michael Harnar


  • Location
    Pomona, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Royal Star Venture, 1999
  1. I wish I had seen that center stand auction for St. Jude (http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65614&highlight=center+stand+auction)! I've recently purchased a 99 RSV and would like a center stand for doing maintenance. Are there other options for center stands, other than Rivco's?: http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=60&cat=220&page=1 I suspect I'll have to do the adaptation to the right-side mounted hindrance mentioned above, but I'll follow the guidance you all so graciously provide. Thanks!
  2. I've read a couple of existing posts about fuel gauges, so I think I need to replace the sensor inside the tank. But, let me give a few details and see what y'all think. I have a 99 RSV that has under 1000 miles on it. Was sitting in some garage in pieces and put back together by the person I purchased it from. I replaced the main wiring harness b/c the person who took it apart in the first place did some stupid, nasty stuff to the wiring. Well, once I got it electrically working, and had the carbs rebuilt, there is still this odd fuel level reading issue. I DO get the yellow light telling me my tank is low, but my fuel level never reads anything but a blinking single bar after fill-up. I've pulled apart the connector under the black tank cover and put it back together, giggled it around a bit, and no change. Should I replace the whole piece inside the gas tank (4 screws, rotate it a bunch till it pulls out)? Thanks! - Michael
  3. Yes, that looks right if I believe the items on ebay selling under that model. Thanks!
  4. grrrr! Thanks! Now to figure out what kind of bike can use this seat so I can sell it on ebay. - Michael
  5. The used 99 RSV I recently purchased had a back seat with it, but it wasn't attached. I'm not sure that it is the right seat and I'm hoping someone can give me some insight about a) the seat and b) how to mount it. This one has a rear bracket on it, but it won't reach the back mounting bolt because there is a fender-attached bracket that is raised off the fender about an inch and it gets in the way of this particular bracket reaching the back bolt. Do I have the wrong bracket? Does that make sense? I'm attaching photos of the seat and the back fender to help show the issue. Thanks! - Michael
  6. I replaced both bolts with local hardware store items, matching the threads, of course. The left side one went in and tightened, no problem.
  7. I just bought a 99 RSV and the prior owner put those little round stick-on mirrors on the OUTSIDE edge of the mirror, taking away important mirror space! UGH! I'll probably pull them off and hope to not leave too much adhesive on the mirror. Thanks for mentioning larger mirrors, I'll look for the Harber mirrors as an alternative, and watch this thread for more comments about the Harbers.
  8. I've recently purchased a 99 RSV and had to replace the main wiring harness. Well, I've been successful at that job, but when I took the fuel tank off the right front bolt that mounts the tank to the frame had been broken off by the former owner. I managed to get the broken bolt out of the frame. But, when I bought a replacement bolt and tightened the tank back on, my bolt also broke before it was tightened on the tank. So, the threads inside the frame are obviously royally screwed up. Any insight into whether this is a replaceable piece or will I need to re-thread the existing mount? If replaceable, any idea what the part number would be and/or where I would find it? Thanks! - Michael
  9. Great, thanks!
  10. Great, thanks for the info and the generation(s) and the wiring diagram link. You've probably been around the forum long enough to recommend which area I should post electrical wiring issues? GPS, Audio, and Electronics or Tech Talk 2nd Gen? Or other? Thanks!
  11. I just upgraded from a 2005 V Star 650 Classic to a 1999 Royal Star Venture 1300. I'm a little dismayed though, it had major electrical issues hidden under the seat and now I am in the process of replacing the wiring harness. I'll probably be posting lots of questions around this as I go forward. One newbie question. What's the difference between 1st Generation and 2nd Generation Ventures?
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