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About mellco

  • Birthday December 6

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  • Location
    Milford, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Venture,96Rotal Star
  1. Hello All, My 96 RS has "Turn-out" mufflers on now and I wanted to change back to OEM mufflers. I purchased a set of mufflers only to find that I need the "stays" to mount the OEM mufflers. I'm reaching out to anyone who might have a set of these that would want to sell them.
  2. Purchased a replacement windshield for my 96RS from CBaileys and realized that I need the rest of the windshield , chrome trim and acrylic piece that adjusts down to headlight.
  3. Hello All, I have a 96 RS with 4/2/4 exhaust and looking for turnout mufflers. Have looked on the Web but cant find anything. Looking for ideas.
  4. Hello All, Looking to replace the stock medium windshield on my 96 RS Boulevard with a Cee Bailey tall (24") windshield ( a lot cheaper than OEM) and would like looking for feedback.
  5. How was the passenger seat? My other ride is a Venture and the passenger seat is very comfortable. Can I expect something similar?
  6. Hello All, Got my96 RS on the road and need to replace the original seat, not comfortable at all. I have been looking at Mustang and Corbin Dual Touring seats and would like some feedback.All will be appreciated.
  7. The 96 Rs has 4 to 4 exhaust so isolating the exhaust is simple.As far as burning oil, blue smoke from the pipe with the smell of oil is the other giveaway.
  8. The saga continues. My 1996 RS that I recently purchased and have been working my way thru its issues has come up with still another problem. If the bike is left running at idle all is ok. If you take the bike out for a ride and get it hot cylinder #1 smokes/burns oil real bad. Shut it off let it cool and start it again all will be ok till you take it out for a ride. I found oil on the outside of the muffler for cylinder #1 about 1/4" back also inside the muffler ( they are slash cut mufflers). I pulled the plug for #1 and it was ok, also compression for that cylinder is good.
  9. When I got the bike a mouse had made a nest in the airbox,ate the filter and the prior owner had ran the bike before I picked it up without knowing about the mouse. Could there be something from the mouse nest that the motor sucked up stuck in the exhaust valve( the pop comes from the exhaust not thru the carbs) shells,seeds ect?
  10. Compression Results: Cylinder #1: 40psi dry, almost same wet Cylinder #2: 227 dry Cylinder #3: 230 dry Cylinder #4: 219 dry Because all of the dry readings were good wet test was not done *** Note: these readings were done by 3rd party
  11. Hey all, I did compression check on my 96 RS and found low compression in cylinder #1. Added a little oil to see if it was rings or not and it made no improvement. The motor has 18k miles on it. I talked to the dealer I work with but his proposal is TOO open ended. I dont want to wind up with a $1500.00 + bill without knowing first. I live in Pa. Looking for an alternative to the dealer.
  12. GeorgeS, I took your advise and clipped 1/4" off the ends of the plug wires,have not tried to start the bike to see if it made any difference, also on my bike 96 Royal Star the wires are part of the coil assembly and cannot be replaced. Thanks
  13. V7Goose, thanks for the input, not knowing which lead to check secondary resistance with, I checked it using both terminals and came out with the same value that was within range. Does that mean all is OK?
  14. Still tracking down the intermittent spark problem on cylinder #1. Pulled rear coils and checked them for resistance, primary resistance was within limits, secondary coil resistance showed an open loop on both coils. Just to be sure,to check secondary resistance per the book I should put one lead from the DVOM into the spark plug wire( with the cap off) and the other should be to ground at the coil mount. The DVOM shows open loop on both coils. The cylinder #2 that uses the other coil in the pack is firing as it should, or at least it is firing ( exhaust gets hot). This makes on sense.
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