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Everything posted by Max

  1. might add that a neck Buff can be an effective extra to reduce exposure to the elements.
  2. "sign me up" !
  3. muchly appreciated uta, will be in touch.
  4. Mare & I just checked out your trip report over a java, excellent and thanks! Great timing, as we are in first stage of laying down an 8 week bike trip to CO,UT-MT next year. A good kickstart and bookmarked.
  5. Ordered 2 sets of EBC 123HH replacement pads for ( 1NL-W0045-01-00 ) from Siriusconinc.com a few days ago. They delivered in 24hrs and free shipping (Ontario) if total purchase over 79.00 US, or 12.50 shipped to US.
  6. Max

    vintage pics

    Great pics. Thanks for posting them. can you dig those helmets that doubled up service on the football field. The caption under the pic of Evil bouncing his head off the pavement with his XR750 airborn is priceless = "his motorbike" COOL PICS - I loved all of them!! We were lucky to see Evel jump in Detroit early 70's. It was way overcrowded and standing at the edge of the crowd, I saw him pop up over heads and catch air for 2 secs. Well, at least I can say we saw him. Am I missing something or is she 1 legged! ya, I caught that flamingo pose too, figure she's got the other leg strapped to the exhaust and ready to torque down a carb. Boy does that make me feel OLD!!!!! I hear ya brother.
  7. as a 50's kid, I can relate .. ahhh those good ol' Saturday morning westerns.
  8. Max

    vintage pics

    Who would of thought TWC had our backs? There's a few great vintage pics at the bottom of page. It was love at first sight with pic 4, the 1st b&w pipewrench carb sync demo. http://www.weather.com/safety/autosafety/motorcycles-wet-roads-dangerous-situation-20140907
  9. Semi, we travel 100 - 300 mp/day depending on availability and distance between hotels. Full week (10 days) run averaging 2000 mi would comfortably take you around most of the mentioned routes. I find 10-3PM is a good riding window this time of year. I like the odds in our favor (probably wishfull thinking) avoiding dawn and dusk as those 4 legged critters seem to like wandering across ashpalt more so in the fall. (our experience) Have fun and a great trip.
  10. both E3s, 2 up, currently 29,000 km. Slight cupping and noise. No issues on wet roads. Very tough tires. They'll be replaced with E3s this fall.
  11. thanks for the update.
  12. Stayed at the Downtown Comfort Inn on Front Street a couple of nights (Sept 2012). They let us park the 87' indoors near front lobby entrance. As it turned out there was room for 4-5 scoots parking. We walked the 20 min to Beale St, there is a trolley ($1) 1 block east of the hotel that stops at Beale St.
  13. Canada/US Niagara bordercross wait times can be brutal this time of year. The earlier the better. Crossed at Rainbow bridge to Cda yesterday at 11:00 AM for an hour wait. Lineup into US was out to Livingston & Veteran's Rd., according to google earth 1.3 miles.(bring a lunch & 6 pack) There is an 800# available. http://www.niagarafallsbridges.com/
  14. Sorry darkhorse, I wasn't ignoring your question, missed it all together.. They also make under shorts. Having travelled on our 87' for 6 weeks in the last couple of months, imo they are a lot more comfortable than cotton. Kinda keeps the package where it belongs. Wash and dry quickly, a big plus on the road.
  15. good suggestions to drive by... glad your ok!
  16. you know the BIG bright green T shirt guy in the foreground. I think the truck was a BD treat for that guy. the poor dude riding shotgun below needs to get a life.
  17. ... can't have a thread without :ICrolleyes: now can we. July 12th 2012
  18. never a day with a dull moment. just finished this AM wrestling with a past due maple tree in the yard for a good part of 3 days, man did it have a bunch of gnarly roots. looking after my 3 young grandaughters the rest of the week and xing' the T's for a 3 week ride down east shortly after. (Gaspe Qc, NB & Maine). yes, as previously mentioned, life is great.
  19. 3 wheeler rentals around SanFran last summer, similar concept. Requirements are a drivers liscence and helmet. They refered to them as cars. Didn't pay much attention at the time, but kinda interesting.
  20. Gota agree with the E3 fans. 23,100km/14,300mi with approx 5 mm tread left on current E3s. No noticable cupping or abnormal wear yet. They handle well with 2up and have taken a lot of abuse over the past 13 months, including a 7 day heat wave we survived from Texas to Death valley last July. (one of the days they predicted a record high of 130f for death valley) This is the second set for this bike. Not sure how many mi on the first set, but didn't have any isssues with them. The thing is, the cost for a set over this way is prohibitiive, about $610 a set all in. ouch.
  21. how not to wire a Garmin 1440 GPS.. not wanting a cigarette lighter on the dash, circumvent both plugs and connect GPS power/data cable directly to 12v battery. That little GPS will blow in a micro second. Apparently there is a circuit board in the gps plug that drops voltage to 3.7V. I have never done this and will never admit to ever doing this. However, if you ever tried this, it is possible to purchase a new power cable and have unit replaced under warranty. Better idea bundling cigarette lighter with adapter and inline fuse behind left side frame and side of gas tank out of sight to easy access.
  22. here ya brother, I don't have the ultimate solution, but a few 'cheaper' suggestions. The 87 is quite comfortable 'as is' but a big ol' sheepskin and a set of Longhorn pegs extend the inevitable long haul crush by a couple of hours at the end of the day. Also changing shorts from cotton to Exofficio type material makes quite a difference. Sounds like small stuff, but it works well for us. btw, having done the Dragon and surrounding trails over the past few days, above combination worked well. (forget about the pegs on the dragon).
  23. Ya , listened to the dude since 70's all over the airwaves on weekends. One of those dj's I always thought of as quirky but he usually had the top 40 dialed in.
  24. Hey Tooch, we're on the Tail and surrounding trails on the 16, 17 and/or 18th depending on weather (VA/NC weather cells have not been kind to us past few days) Then on to Nashville and Memphis. Anyway, if you pass this 87' blonde (dirty blonde after past few days) throw us a high 5.
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