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  1. Just a bit of a follow-up, after a few hundred km and quite a few starts', switch is functioning as should and all electrics are good. 👍
  2. Or maybe not to be disassembled, till necessary :)) With Start, Cancel, Cruise and Engine Stop switch clusters in that small housing, a shot of lube seemed the way to go. One of those `don`t fix what`s working`? Appreciate the heads up!
  3. Forged ahead and gave the Start button gap a small dose of Fluid Film as it is the bottom switch., worked it, now smooth operation, end of binding and sticking. Can actually feel some sort of switch inside housing operate. I will disassemble housing end of season and rectify whatever needs a tweek. .
  4. Agree and well said Ronnie. I`m sure this ol`87 would have hit the boneyard years ago without our gurus. Thanks again all` !
  5. Oh wait there's more ... Thought the trouble was suit cased yesterday. This morning, removed RLU, cleaned what looked like slightly corroded contacts, thin layer dielectric grease and reconnected RLU and heh, lights work. End of problem right? Tried lights and ... no lights. Long story short, poked around switches and found the Start switch intermittently binding when thumb released. That was a lucky find! (thanks for suggesting that direction in earlier replies) Can actually simulate the problem by starting bike and Start switch will stick eventually. So, maybe the start switch and RLU combo? In any case, I can deal with binding switch for now by pulling out switch button when it sticks. Would a micro shot of FluidFilm or WD40 into the housing that the start switch rides on be recommended to loosen binding or just do a rebuild of the entire assembly? Thinking lube might compound problems down the road? Note, found RLU access fairly easy. Removed windshield and upper CPU housing. There are 2 of 4 housing Philips screws that can't be reached with a regular screwdriver. Removed both turn signal housings to access the 2 screws on both sides.
  6. Appreciated all the responses. Once again the brothers came thru! Ok, I thought the bypass recommended would be a quicker test to eliminate the RLU which luck has it appears to be defective. Bypassed with jumpers as suggested in VerntureVet's link below. Upper/lower beams fully functional. Display 'light' indicator on CPU stays on after self check. Below is my rendition of a bypass mess, but it worked. Fortunately I have a spare 87' parts bike to salvage a spare RLU. Thanks again gents! https://www.venturerider.org/forum/topic/56239-reserve-lighting-unit-rsu-bypass-1988-venture-royale/#comment-671700 (side note: The 3 pig tail connection posted by VerntureVet that read green/white was green/red on this 87'. minor detail I thought worth mentioning)
  7. Nice explanation found here pucster. Never knew what RLU was or it's function. Found the 8 pin connector block to RLU. Jumpering might be a quicker test than taking switch apart to isolate trouble at this point? I'll give it a shot. Closer look at schematic shows head lamp indicator, high beam indicator, illumination control lamp and headlight leads (all of which are out) trace back to the RLU. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/topic/61834-location-and-access-to-the-reserve-lighting-unit-or-rlu/#comment-746566
  8. First issue with the 87' in a few years, guess it was a matter of time. Three symptoms are solid, no high and low beam and dash CPU lamp. All other lights and signals are good. There are no other known issues. CPU cycles it's self check normally turning ignition on and no warning indicator after. All other CPU functions are normal. Bike starts and runs fine. Replaced bulb. Fuse ok with 12v measured on both sides of fuse with ignition on. Flipped high/low beam and On/Off switch a few times and reseated whatever connectors accessible behind the headlamp. Tried flexing exposed wiring and connectors. Can't even get the lights to flicker once. Couldn't find a common connection on the schematics. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.
  9. Still kickin' around. Not much touring past couple of years. Actually thought of selling the trusty ol'87 until I fired it up yesterday, still purrrs. Plastic on the lowers today and off touring once again. (where we left off in 20')
  10. Permanently moved the ol' 87 to a new city today about (136 km) 85 miles in the young lads enclosed trailer. First ride of 2021, sort of , well technically. About a 30 yard run out of the deal. 15 yards in and 15 yards out of the trailer... Patiently waiting 4 more weeks traditionally bring on warmer temps for some serious riding, blow away some winter covid blues.
  11. Good question, wife says most important to get off the steed, stretch and rehydrate every couple of hours. Myself, a full selection of tools and a cell with wifi/data. 60 day rte66 run was longest for us in 2013, 267 hours saddle time. This forum was the best reference to successfully put that trip together.
  12. Quite the sense of humor. Waste of 2300 bux tho.
  13. Ah darn it , to have the 87's live closer by would have been sweet. Quite a generous offer, thanks all the same. Would have been worth a whole lotta coffee..
  14. One more cut this way. Winterized the ol' 87 way too early .. Oct 28th this morning Nov 5th
  15. 👍
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