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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi annie thanks for doing this. i sent paypal for 2-patches and a extra for postage. also sent it as a gift and i payed the fee. best reguards don c.
  2. hi dan the squid's still don't have internet at home. i will give him a call & let him know about this mug shot. reguards don c.
  3. annie i'll take 2 also. reguards don c.
  4. nice to see a picture of the grandkids together. happy mothers day janet and you too kregerdoodle. reguards don c.
  5. hi zip & jamie sorry to now hear about this bad news. but as it's been said things happen for a reason. prayers sent. reguards don c.
  6. Now I guess I'm officially old, at least according to my new Medicare Card..... i don't want to hear it, you are only as old as you feel. best reguards don c.
  7. way to go perry, yep have pulled a couple of over 24 hrs myself. but not those kind of miles. well not since my navy days. reguards don c.
  8. i too missed the orginal post. prayers sent to the old man or a fast recovery for your friend. reguards don.c
  9. top of the day to ya big guy. hope you have a wonderfull day. they only come once a year, and got to enjoy them to the fullest. regards don c.
  10. you bet ya dan. sorry to hear this about your neice. best reguards to all of ya'll reguards donc.
  11. sorry to hear about all this. but glad things turned out for the best. best reguards don c.
  12. hi annie sorry to say i must have scraped those rubber handle bar mounts. i guess after almost 2 years i didn't need them anymore. anyone have a set? reguards don c.
  13. hi annie i have 2 of them off my old '99 from when we lowered the front end. the bad part is i got to find them again. i have had them setting out side my new garage for a couple of months. just started to insulate the garage and moved them around some where. hope i didn't throw them away. will look in the next day & let you know. reguards don c.
  14. hi brad thanks for shareing some of the stuff going on in your neck of the woods. i will keep you and family in my prayers. reguards don c.
  15. hi tom i think this is a good question. i don't have any idea. but living in south texas the temps in the garage where i park my bike can get really toasty. i do not have an insulated garage or door. so the temps can go really high if the outside air temps are over a 100 as they can do here. but up in your neck of the woods i would not think there would be much of a problem. but this is my 2 cents worth. reguards don c.
  16. better watch out for that blue smoke it will bite you every time. reguards don c.
  17. double roger on zipcode. bet he will be looking for burger's soon. reguards don c.
  18. thanks for posting this monty. i was lucky to start off my short navy stay under the wing of a master chief engineman, sam easley. he had at one time been the m/c of the navy. he told me once that he hated office duty. he was assigned to man the crew of the presidental gig. he had one story of having to man the gig as some high up congress members and their wifes got to use it on weekend, to go fishing. one of the congress members wife ask the master chief to bait her hook. well the master chief told this lady in some colorful words. that he didn't bait his own wife hook & she better learn how. needless to say the master chief was transfered back to the fleet the next day. which he said was all right with him. i later transfered to a patrol gunboat & spent a little time in southeast asia. i lost touch with the master chief for almost 40 years. when we had our first ships reunion in norfolk,va a few years ago. the master chief was still the same as i remembered him. the first thing he said to me with his hands on his waist was " cumpston do you remember one of the last things you said to me before you went off on that d--- gunboat?" now he said this in front of the other chiefs and ships crew. everyone started laughting and asking what i had said. the master chief said you were going to "woop my ass". i said yes master chief i did say that, but let's tell them the rest of the story. sam had spent a couple of tours in 'nam and he had been in some of the nightmares of war. he know how it could change you and some times you don't come back in sprit or body. he was just trying to keep me safe and not go thru some of the stuff he had. i can never repay the master chief for taking me under his wing. reguards don c.
  19. hi folks just a little update on ponch as i know it. called ponch last week and left a message, no responce. i wish the best to him & litbite ( kathy ). ponch is a friend and will always be but i feel his days on the v/r site are over. there are more details & i don't have all of them, but something happend at the international rally in cody. to turn kathy off on the v/r site. at the hospital in houston after ponch's crash. (i was there) she said the v/r site was david's doings but not her's. i know i'am going out on a limb on this but i have felt that we are all family on this site but? some times limits are over streched, but we must always be respect full of our v/r family. best reguards don c.
  20. yep i hear ya. told the gf last night we are doing a little ride this morning. had some honey doos to take care of yesterday. now can get out in the wind. enjoy the day everyone. don c,
  21. hi tj the hose on the left is a vacume line. it's usually long enought that it can be cut off a little to get past the crack / split before having to replace the whole hose. don c.
  22. me too some one got to keep the airplanes in the air. don c.
  23. i have installed speed bleeders on my 2 '99 rsv's. i have never used a vac to bleed the speed bleeders. that's the whole point of installing them. the little spring and ball close off when you stop pumping the handle. so you don't have to close the bleeder every time. i think you just have to open it about 1/4 to 1/2 turn for them to bleed. also it helps to hook up a clear plastic tube to the bleeder and put the end into a clear glass container to watch for the bubbles to come out, and when they stop. also to know when the fluid canges to new. reguards don c.
  24. new iberia is also home to the tobasco (hot sauce)plant/company. nice little place to visit, but you won't have time to see it this time. reguards don c.
  25. hi bob i'll let you know how the air shocks work out. yep my trike is a m/t conversion. it was one of the first ( royal stars ) to be converted. it did not have the air bags installed, as this mod wasn't started until 2003. i guess the orginal owner didn't want to spend the $600.00 + to have this mod done. reguards don c.
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