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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. lowell i'am sorry to hear about your grandson, best reguards to you and your family. peace to you all don
  2. best wishes to the mom and dad. congrads to grandpaw & grandmaw. nothing like kids and grandkids to warm the soul. best reguards don:ice_awesome-vi46644
  3. hi gibvel thanks for the input, i talked to a couple of e/t's at work this morning. they are thinking along the same line as you. so i'll start from the antenna and work my back to the cb box. hopefully i won't have to split the faring. thanks again for the help and thoughts. will post what i find and do. i guess this is what i get for not using the cb before now. may have had this problem since i bought the bike. ( it's used ) and i bought it from a mom & pop m/c shop. hey said they knew the 1'st owner but i never meet him best reguards don p.s. maybe i'll go ahead and preform the marshell mod..
  4. hi salty the cb antenna is on the left side of the bike. when i came to work tonite i had the cb on and the squech turned down to level #1. had the dash speakers on with volume set at level #12. i live in north houston, i have to pass over interstate i-45 to come to work at iah bush intercontinental airport. all i heard thru the speakers was static no one talking on ch.19. last nite when i started troubleshooting the cb., i was useing a handheld cb unit and it would pick up weak signals but the bike unit would not. funny the handheld cb only has a 6'' antenna. thanks again for any and all input don:confused24:
  5. hi salty i turned up the ic all the way as you suggested. had my daughter use the other helmet hs and we could hear and talk to each other. so now i guess i'll have to buy a new cb unit. thanks again for the input. best reguards don
  6. no i haven't changed the antenna and the mic's were turned the right way. even took the windsock off the mike to make sure. but was thinking about doing the marshell mod. thanks don
  7. hi all i have a question about the cb on the bike. this past weekend i used my 3/4 face helmet with the headset. i have not used this setup in over 2 years. i normaly use a 1/2 helmet without a hedset. the problem is i could not hear anyone talking on ch19. i ask for a radiocheck several times and never got a come back. i could hear the am/fm thru the hs and dash speakers. the rx icon was on the control head and when i pushed the tx button the icon would come on the control head also. the squech was set at 1 but all i could hear was noise/static. so i set the squech at 2 and the cb was just quite. last nite i had my wife go across the street and talk to me on a handheld cb i could hear her talking just fine thru either the hs or the speakers. but she could not hear me talk all she got was static/ noise everytime i pushed the talk button from either the driver conn. or the passenger conn. are you suppose to hear your voice thru the hs while you are talking/transmitting? yesterday morning i did hear a trucker on the cb thru the dash speakers but i didn't have my helmet with the head set on so i just turned the cb off, to concentrate on mornig rush hour traffic. any ideas. thanks in advance don:(
  8. hi ron it was a great run down to refugio and back to houston yesterday. had some great b.b.q. good to meet you, don, and jt. nice to visit with don h and linda again. best reguards don c
  9. hi hipshot sorry i missed this post, talked to don h he told me you had posted this. i'll be there good lord willin and the creek don't rise. best reguards don c
  10. hi all i would like to add that when i received my clearview sheild, john had said to use novis #2 to clean the shield with. but i took a chance and tested novis #1 on the new shield, and it works just fine so i use it instead of novis #2. the novis #1 its a plastic polish & cleaner. it also is antifog, antistatic and dust repellent for use on all plastic surfaces. novis #2 is a fine scratch remover, novis #3 is a heavy scratch remover. but #3 says its not recommeneded for coated plastics. i have the lite gray tent on my clearview shield so i won't use it. i have used it on my old windscreen. i am lucky to (borrow these products from wrok ). their # is 1-800-548-6872 to find the nearest distributor. just my 2 cents don
  11. hi carbon one you'r so right it will be great to get out of the 100' deg days and 90' deg nites. i lived in brunswick, ohio for 5 years loved it. had my first snow blower, would do the whole block of sidewalks and driveways. also liked having water coming out of the sink colder than a jug of water in the refg. best reguards don:cool10:
  12. hi reiny and all you north of the border girls and guys. the weather down here in texas has been just great. had a great weekend ride ran into some texas dew (thats rain for you none texans).temps into the low eighties. i still plan on coming up there, got to have at least 1 texan to tell some tall tails. best reguards to all don /gunboat:stirthepot:
  13. still have one on an old keychain in my tool box,(also has my origanal set of dog tags from 'nam). it also has been used clean dirt from under my fingernails. best reguards don:confused24:
  14. hi flb_78 was just wondering what brand and size front tire are you using with the rear bfg t/a 155/80r/15? this tire is a radial correct and is your front tire a radial also? i'am using metzeler me880's right now. the front tire is a 130/90 hb-16. the rear is a 150/90 hb-15 just wondering do i keep the me880 front to use with the bfg t/a radial rear? thanks in advance don:stirthepot:
  15. hi brad and lonna glad to see pictures of your new bike. its already been said here but i'll throw in my 2 cents worth. it doesn't matter what you ride as long as you ride. i am just glad you and lonna are here with us today. looking forward to seeing you guys again at the international rally. best reguards don:bighug:
  16. gunboat

    Car Tire ??

    hi oldman thanks for the info on runing a car tire on the rear of the rsv. you have stated your runing a bias tire on the front. please let me know which brand and size. i am now runing metzeler me 880 on the front a 130/90 hb-16 and on the rear a me 880 150/90 hb-15 i have got great service on these tires. i like the smaller tire on the front 'cause i have short legs and this is a heavy bike. i am going to the '08 international venture rally this summer, and will be pulling a trailer. i would like to try your tire setup. thanks again don:stirthepot:
  17. hi all there is a '06 rsv for sale with 3,600 miles on it. i meet the owner about 9 months ago. we compaired my '99 rsv to his '06. it's the red/maroon color, his is a retired in huntsville,texas. he had bought the bike to ride with his son. i remember him saying ( he was going to have eye surgey soon, and was a little worried about rideing the bike). meet the son a week ago, said dad was doing ok but had decided to sale the bike. the son carl hicks jr. said it was ok to pass along this info and contact # if anyone was interested. his asking 12,500 or obo. son's # is 936-714-1293. said he could e-mail pictures and more info. thanks & ride safe don / gunboat
  18. hi rick thanks for the fast reply, hope the engine won't have to come out when it's time to replace it. was hopeing to do it myself, will have to break out the shop manuel and read up on it. thanks again don
  19. hi all could anyone tell me at what milage should you change the u-joint on my '99 rsv? i have over 42,000 miles on mine, it seamed ok when i pulled the rear end, driveshaft and swingarm off and greased everything a couple of months ago. fixen to put about 2,ooo miles on it next weekend and will to going to the international rally in july. just rather change it now than on the side of the road. thanks in advance don
  20. thanks for passing this along, i'am a aircraft mechanic for a major airline here in houston. i have walked up to and shook hands and said thanks to my fellow service men and women. there are times when i get strange looks from other people in the waiting area. this might be a better way to let them know i appreach their service. sure wasn't that way when i came back from 'nam, thanks again don
  21. thanks condor got mine and installed, just in time to run out to big bend area of texas for a father/son ride. gunboat
  22. hi don thanks for the article. i have a friend who has a bmw 1100 rt. he will just eat this up. don
  23. hi condor please count me in for a odyssey pc545 battery. i still have not received my battery from MOTORCYCLE BATTERIES USA. i ordered it on 12/11/07. they processed my payment on the 13th of dec. have e-mailed them several times and no responce. their phone # on my bank statment is out of service. looks like i'll have to dispute the charges with my bank. so much for customer service. thanks in advance don
  24. brad and lonna my heart just sank this morning when i received a e-mail from david. then i read you guys are still alive. i just meet you guys on saturday and saw you and lonna wenesday morning before ya'll left. i'am honored to have meet you both, and consider you freinds. so much has been said here already. god bess, a speedy recovery you two are loved by so many. don
  25. hi all it was great to meet the squidley and sweennothing at the surprise meet & eat. meet some great fellow venturerider riders. had the honor to meet the ambassador and his riding buddy. man do they have some tails of great rides and close calls. brad and lonna thanks and ya'll be carefull on your return ride to home. looking forward to meeting up again at the 08 international rally. happy new year peace to all don
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