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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi kreg & janet glad to hear janet is home. it's always better to be home. let us know if there's anything we can do to help. still talking to the old man about you all. best reguards don c.
  2. thanks for sharing this. it reminded me of the rivelery between the armed forces. my father-in-law passed away going on 5 years ago. sargent us army combat also in the south pacific. was real sick towards the end, would take him out side to set in the sun. he would go to sleep, i could see hi eyes moving around under his eyelids. his hands and feet would move a little. he wake up and look around, tell him welcome back. he would say "you know were i've been? ". yes you were back there in the hell no man should have to go thru. he and i had a special bond. when he was better we had talked about things no man tell his family. no one but a combat vet understands. he ww11 & i 'nam, i miss him. peace be with you and all our vets. don c.
  3. yes its right under the trunk in the middle of the rack that the trunk bolts down to. has two rubber straps across the top of black to hold top bown and water tight. hops this helps. this is also a good time to check for any cracks, should not be any if the mode has been done. i not sure about a 1992 rsv, mine is a 1999 rsv best reguards don c.
  4. hi lowell sorry i did not call , we came thru de berry between 11:00 am & 12:00am on that monday. but i'am gald i didn't call now. i would have felt bad if i had woke you up. best reguards don c.
  5. hi bought my 99 rsv 3 years ago next month. all ready had bub's installed, so can't realy compare to oem pipes for mpg. but during my trip to 08 rally in kitchener. i had a low mpg of 33.3 to a high of 44.5 and that was towing a trailer loaded to the gunwalls. rode 4438 miles round trip. had my 13 y.o. sarah on back for 2200 miles most of this was at 70 plus mph. best reguards don c.
  6. hi check the black box under the trunk. for any loose connections like the motroial male/female connection, mine had come loose. i did the marshell mod before i found this loose connection. best reguards don c.
  7. hi lowell took a short cut passed thru deberry on way back from kitchener. saw some house's with some barns. how close are you to that old store were all the old coke boxes were setting out front. didn't call to say hi, i was thinking you were still on the road. plus the wife wanted to get back to houston. next time i'll buy the cup:97: best reguards docn c.
  8. hi all thanks bill and all for starting to put this together. i'am a little bit south of ya'll but if i can help in any way please let me know. i told sarah my 13 y.o about the 09 rally is being held around the ark. area. she's ready, she had a great time at the kitchener rally. ride texas magazine just came out with a story about the harrison, ark area. will take the mag into work tonite to read the article. best reguards don c.
  9. hi janet & kbay glade to hear she's doing better. god's speed for a fast recovery. and a quike trip home were she rather be than a old hospital room. best reguards don c.
  10. hi all made it home today (monday) at 5:21 pm central time. 4,438 miles round trip. what a ride. sarah's through rideing for a while, her butt's sore. i can not thank everyone enought for all the help. for putting up with us. i'am still laughin about the two persons who were dressed up in red and white. you had to be there, i'am glad i made the trip. looking forward to meeting up again with all the old and new friends next year at the next international rally. by the way who won the wet shirt contest? best reguards & peace to all don c. & sarah
  11. hi all made it to meadville,pa thursday nite about 6:00 pm only about 250 miles. had wanted to make it a little futher down the road. but after visting the falls it was time to stop. ( sarah's butt was sore ) finaly made it to mother-in-laws in knoxville,tn friday nite around 11:00 pm. over 700 miles in one day, sarah hug in there and did not complain. we had a great time, would do it over again. i wish to thank everyone, ya'll made us so welcome. there are so many people to thank. made so many new friends. leaving knoxville sunday morning will be back to houston monday afternoon. i have more to say when i get home. thanks to all best reguards don c. and sarah now what about that wet t-shirt contest
  12. hi pegscraper great looking ww c/t you finaly got the tire you wanted. keep us posted on how you like the c/t. i now have over 7,000 miles on mine. works just fine, have put over 1,600 miles on the bike since saturday morning when i left houston to come to the 08 international rally. still have a few miles to go before reaching the camp grounds at bingamans. best reguards don c.
  13. thanks don i will go on recoard here to say i would never blame this site or anyone for the advice. pro or con for my use of a car tire on my m/c. it is my choice and i'am so far am happy with it. thanks again and best reguards don c.
  14. gunboat

    Safe travels

    hi all mede it to export,pa yesterday to my stepmoms just outside pittsburgh,pa. have had no problems, except with a bored 13 y.o. trailer has pulled stright and true at posted speeds or higher. i have traveled 1742 miles so far, will be leaveing in the am to head up to erie,pa and up to buffalo, ny. will stay the nite there before heading over to the bingamans on saturday. hope fully no rain. see ya soon. don c.
  15. hi all my daughter and i will be arriving at bingemans sometime saturday july 5. we are doing the tent camping thing. we will be leaving wensday moring july 9th after breakfast. will say our goodbys there, finish packing the bike and trailer and start heading back south. looking forward to meeting everyone.:happy34: best reguards don c.
  16. hi jb count me for a set for the sec. gen don c.
  17. hi reiny we will be leaving on wensday morning to head back to texas. will have to go by this resturant on monday or tuesday evening to check it out. will get directions from ya when i see ya. i also bought you a case of " lone star beer. " thanks best reguards don c.
  18. hi don so glad to see you posting again. i know yor having good days and bad. but soon this will be behind ya. looking forward to riding with you and linda again. peace and love my friend, prayers and positive thoughts to the old man upstairs for you, linda and family don c.
  19. gday wow that vid as cool eh ya'll thanks for sharing don c.
  20. hi ob-1 just read your report on your c/t experiance. i have rode the 3 sisters here in the hill country of texas( fm337,336 & 335). i was happy with the way the c/t performed while ridening them. you tride it and it didn't work for you. thats ok, as i have said its not for everyone. thanks for the honest report on your experiance on your c/t. i now have 5,000 miles on mine. fixing to ride up to the 08 int. rally and pulling a trailer,will report how i feel on the first leg of my trip when i get to loudon,tenn. best reguards don c.
  21. hi reniy hows the trailer ticket sales going? i've just bought a case of lone star beer to give to ya. that should do it. tom you can have my old trailer. i'll even deliver it to ya. best reguards don c.
  22. hi gw & erica thanks so much for the mx day at your home. it was great to see familer faces and meet new riders from our big family. it's so nice to put more faces together with their handles. i had an enjoyable day at your home. goose thanks so much for rechecking my carbs with your vac-gages, after i had syc. mine with the carbtune. i even picked up 3 new grand kids. they were a joy to be around, i still have some chest hairs left. thanks to everyone, its a pleasure and a honor to be assosicated with this group. best reguards don c. / grandpa gunboat :cool10:
  23. bub slip ons. came on bike bought it used 3 years ago. great sound, no rejet as i know of. don c.
  24. hay lowell good to see you at gigawisky's southern mx day. ride safe my friend i will chatch up with you the the international rally. don c.
  25. hi steve thanks for the up date. i am very happy with your grill fits like a glove. you thake it easy and be carefull. best reguards don c.
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