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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi heatonmt i would like to add , i put a bead of clear rtv in the lowest part of those rubber tubes/channels to keep them in place. mine seemed slide out a little every now and then. best reguards don c.
  2. hi all yep i agree with ponch and owen. this is nothing i've been thru worse. but everyone does need the rain. like big snell says a 24 hour slow soaking rain. thanks for asking. best reguards don c.
  3. thanks for posting the pictures as a reminder. glad he was able to walk away and not too bang up. best reguards don c.
  4. hi kreg and janet thanks for the offer and i'll keep that in mind. sorry not being able to spend more time with you owen and margaret but wanted to help james (jburrell). didn't think i would have that much trouble. had a great time though got to wrench on someone else's bike for a change. it's a 99 rsv also like (mine) now have a new source for spare parts, just kidding james. yes i think we should have a meet & eat every month now. saturday being the prefered meeting day. and sometimes a breakfast meet & eat would be ok i think. but would nice to get more ventureriders in the houston area involved. i know not everyone can showup every time, and thats ok too. and you don't have to show up on the scoot. anyway i ready how about everyone else. as hipshot says "just my 2cents". best reguards don c.
  5. hi ken

    thanks for the note. your more that welcome to meet/join up any time. we have not had a meet and eat in awhile. i throw this one together at the last minute. i work shift too. i work midnites, off on sat, sunday and monday nites for now. feel free to call any time my cell# is 832-265-6236, or pm me. looking forward to meeting up.

    best reguards

    don c.

  6. hi owen & margaret was great meeting up with you guys and kreg (kbay). well had quite a time bleeding james (jburrell ) clutch. finaly had to pull the speedbleeder off my clutch to try it on his. it worked and was going to use his on my bike to get home. but could not get it to work on my bike. went to closest auto parts house bought a new one but the bottom of the bleeder was longer, so it would not work. james said to swap them back the way they were. that way i could get home, great guy. well now my speedbleeder wont let the brake fluid pass thru. but james origanel bleeder is now working on his bike, go figure. james did say he had noticed some drops of fluid under his bike. he had boughr his 99 rsv a week ago. clutch went out on him saturday nite trying to leave his car port, bike fell over spilt the winsheld right down the middle, poor guy troubles on a new to him bike. i think his clutch slave cylinder may be leaking took me to my house to pick up some tools earlier and i loaned him a shorty windshield i had taken off my bike when i bought the clearview shield w/the vent. well i had to u-haul my bike back home. what else could go wrong? it started raining cats and dogs. could not even get out on the truck for about 20 minutes. anyway had quite a day, meet three new ventureriders and a old freind. sorry to missed the others old freinds but their will be more meet and eats. i've been on here long enought best reguards don c.
  7. hi ken yep just like goose said, the only think i would add is to use a 3/8 rachet with the metric allen head type sockets. to get to the allen head bolts, you can use the regular type allen wrenches just seams easer to use the sockets. ( the allen head is about 1 to 2 inches sticking out of the holder socket ). you can find these at any auto store / sears tool department. just my 2-cents. best reguards don c.
  8. hi owen looking forward to meeting you, margaret and james(jburrell) in the morning. we only had a couple of meet & greets so far in houston. but we are trying to work on that. i know it was on short notice and thanks to all. next time a little more advance notice. best reguards don c.
  9. hi bump
  10. hi all i now have just over 10,000 miles on my c/t mode. i put 4,438 miles on the c/t going to the '08 int. rally in kitchener. i also pulled my trailer that was loaded to the gunwalls with all my camping stuff. for 2,200 miles i had my 13y.o. sarah with me. i had put 34 psi in the c/t before leaving for the rally and you know i still haven't checked the air pressure in it yet. i can say at first the c/t was different, for the first couple of hundred miles had to get use to the "new feel " when i leaned it to the turns. the bike seemed like i had to nuge it up and over the 'edge". i do not feel that difference now, it's a smooth left to right swing now, just like on a m/c tire. i've had the c/t on now since april 06,08. i first ran the "montgomery trace" fm 149 on monday after i installed the c/t. it has some nice twistes in it, no problems swinging thru those twistes. the next set of twistes i ran was the ( three sisters fm337,fm335 and fm336 ) over in the texas hill country. o by the way the sisters are voted as one of the top 10 m/c twistes roads to ride in the state by ride texas magaizne. had a great time running the sisters. i also removed and installed the c/t my self and i did not balance it. so far i have not had any shake / woble problems as i have read about. all i can say is it's working for me. and i am happy with my decision to go to "the dark side". sorry for the long post but just wanted to throw my 2-cents out there. i'am still thinking about trying that radial tire for the front as maineac has suggested. when i do ya'll be the first know. as i have stated before this mod is not for everyone, but it's working for me and i like it. best reguards don c.
  11. hi kreg and janet hope janet is doing ok and the wound is healing well, don't push it the cage would be just fine. she has plenty of time to ride the bike when her leg is better. hope don h. is doing well and linda and him can show up. hope ponch and his boss will be able to show up too. i know it's realy on short notice but it's been a while sense we had a little get together. i for one will be glad when the cooler weather gets here. as it stands we will plan on meeting up at the ihop at spring cypress and sh249. at around 9:30-10:00 this sunday moring, the 3rd of aug. best reguards don c.
  12. hi all planing a short notice meet, eat & greet at the ihop at sh249 and spring cypress for this sunday morning aug 3. how is 9:30-10:00 am sound. thanks james for the location works for me. owen hope to see ya there. everyone is welcome to come. best reguards don c.
  13. hi all any one up for a short notice houston meet & eat this sat or sun morning? thinking around the tomball area. there is that bbq place on the west bound side of tomball and 2920 that has a weekend breaskfast or somewere else. any ideas/thoughts? feel free to call cell # 832-265-6236. best reguards don c.
  14. hi bobby got a guestion on the new works shock you installed. what was the stock#? i was looking over their application guide, and i think it ref. a ultrasport #649. and may i asked how much for the shock, i thought i had read here someone payed almost $600.00 us dollars? i have a 1999 rsv. thanks in advance don c.
  15. ponch it's still there under recommened links. lower right toolbar. don c.
  16. hi ponch chapter 6 is the mta (motorcycle touring assocition) up in the dallas area that rick and others belong to. there used to be a link on the right side bar to their web site. best reguards don c.
  17. have a great and safe trip, i'll try to make the trip up there next year. looking forward to seeing the pictures. best reguards don c.
  18. hi their is no dumb questions. yes you can get to the rear shock with out taking off the rear fender. i got mine off with out jacking up the bike, but it could make things a little easyer. best reguards don c.
  19. hi nathan glad to see the pictures of your daughter on the bike, and that she had a great time. sarah's ready to go to the 09' rally. best reguards don c.
  20. thanks buddy great job, i can read it just fine. sometimes computers have a mind of their own. again thanks for all the hard work you all are doing to put this together. best reguards don c.
  21. hi all thats ok by me don, found out about the ft.collins rally to late. but got behind the kitchener rally. and will behind this one as well. thanks to all for all the hard work. best reguards don c.
  22. hay kerg i know that the iv pole will fit on the back of your bike with the flag pole holders. and with that welding machine of yours we could rig up something to support her leg. no not a good idea what was i thinking, janet now that your home you'll just have to heal faster. would some bule bell help? best reguards don c. :fnd_(16):
  23. hi greg holly cow those are some great pictures. gives me some ides. best reguards don c.
  24. hi randy might pm jb (lonestarmedic) he has worked on this with his i'st gen. don c.
  25. hi michael i'am so sorry that i gave you any wrong info about the location of your cb radio control box. in my haste to help i gave you the wrong info. i have a 2'nd gen and you have a 1'st gen. i amy truly sorry this sounded so much like the problem i was haveing. and it may still be the same connection by not the same location. again i'am so sorry hope it's a easy fix. best reguards don c.
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