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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. yep i have used seafoam in my honda self-propelled lawn mower. matter of fact i use seafoam & fuel stabilizer in my gas cans. (chain saw,leaf blower,weed wacker) the honda harmoney self propelled lawn mower i bought in medina,ohio in 2000 still has the origanel spark plug in it, still starts on the second pull. seafoam great stuff. don c.
  2. hi bill i feel some mental health days coming on about this time. i'll be interested in a little ride up that way. keep me posted on a date. best reguards don c.
  3. hi ponch thanks for the update. begening to wander if something from area 51 had beamed you guys up. three years ago i did the POLAR BEAR RIDE ( first weekend of january) with rick buttler and friends to big bend. by the time i got to panther pass i was peeling clothes off. i stayed the night in terlingua. woke up at 1:00 am 'cause wind was howling around the door frame, had to turn on the heat ao the a/c. but the next morning it was great no wind and no clouds. we road the river road to presido. somewhere between shafter and marfa the temps droped to 32 degrees. the border petrol check point officers just shook thier heads and waved us on thru. got to fort davis had lunch the rest of rick's group turned around and headed back to big bend. i had promised sarah a new t-shirt from mcdanold obervatory (6,000 ft), so rick and a couple of his friends decided to come with me. now at that last big curve before turning into the driveway at the obervatory. i looked down into the canyon to my left i thought i saw snow. as we pulled in the parking area i think we all said S#$%# about the same time. there was sleet and a lite snow in the parking lot. need less to say we didn't stay long. but sarah got her t-shirt. so you guys got some colder temps than i did. glad everyone made it back safe and sound. never saw any, live deer all were road kill. best reguards don c.
  4. reiny sorry to hear about this, this scum needs some texas justice. i fell the need for some knee cap brake'en. best reguards don c.
  5. i would go aread and replace both fork seals at the same time and be done it it. that way you won't have to worry when the other seal will give out on you. best reguards don c.
  6. hi tom thanks for sharing those pictures. wish i could have made it. be safe, see ya on the road somewhere. glade to ponch & libit meet up with you all. best reguards don c.
  7. gunboat


    hi jt glad to see ya back on the site. were your ears burning? i was haveing coffee saturday morning with a certain member you know - texas venture. and your name came up, good to see ya posting again. stay in touch, you have a big venture family that likes to hear from you. best reguards don c.
  8. lowell's starting the touring season again. lowell be safe & we'll see you on the road some were. best reguards don c.
  9. hi eddie count me in for one patch. let me know where to send the money. thanks don c.
  10. thanks for sharing i liked the squirel in combat gear. thanks again don c.
  11. i have purchased the set 1-long philps & 1- long standard from harboer fright but i guess sears would have them too. best reguards don c.
  12. hi ken thanks for shareing this, didn't know anything about it. look like a heck of a ride to honor our bothers & sisters who never made it home. best reguards don c.
  13. hi lewis put me down for a pin also. money will be sent shortley. thanks again don c.
  14. rick it will be all better by the time of the '09 international rally. by that time i would love to have some cool weather. don c.
  15. gunboat

    Big Snake

    i had sarah look at that snake real close, she only jumped back a couple of inches with a big smile on her face. said she figured it would do something like that. but now me, it was a little different, that's my story and i'am sticking to it. by the way have i told you i HATE SNAKES. don c.
  16. thanks mark for putting the info on here for everyone. i didn't know any thing about it. don c.
  17. hi hazel thanks for all the info on pete. sent a note thru the hospital well wishes site. be sure to take care of your self also. prayers sent for a fast recovery. best reguards don c.
  18. best reguards to pete for a fast recovery. don c.
  19. hi mike thanks for sharing this bad news. i agree with ronhenry i call the local news reporter and see if he will investage and expose this guy. best reguards don c.
  20. 2.gunboat ( don c.) & sarah '09 int.rally allready registered.
  21. go for it boomer, rode home from work this morning. low 50's will warm up to mid 70's today. snow what snow haven't havent seen show since i was at squidley & sweetnothing's house in january. don c.
  22. hi brad pb blaster is so good stuff. when i lived in cleveland, oh, i found some at a big lots store. but i belive auto zone, advance auto parts or any other auto parts store should cary it. also i be live it's made in ohio. best reguards don c.
  23. thanks for the update, hate to hear this. i belive the death toll is now over 400. i hope they catch the son of a gun/gun's who started some of these fires. nice pictures of muryville shame there's nothing left now. best wihes to everyone down there. don c.
  24. i'am like mariner fan i never check either, as long as there is " no marking it's spot ". i'am good to go. don c.
  25. ha boomer temp's got to 70 today and will stay that way for a while looks like our winter is over. not a SNOW FLAKE any where in sight. don c.
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