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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi george i found a old coil ( for a 2'nd gen ) from a set i bought from pinwall cycles about 5 years ago. i had bought them as spares. so tommorow i'll take it apart and find out how the wire is fixed to the coil. will let you know, should have a answer for you by noon c.s.t. reguards don c.
  2. thanks hal for posting this info. reguards don c.
  3. top of the day to ya bob. best wishes on you b-day. reguards don c.
  4. happy birthday brad reguards don c.
  5. i have posted the party & bond fire on the calender. so you can rsvp there. any questions give me a call. 832-265-6236 reguards don c.
  6. forgot to add please rsvp by november 2'nd if you plan on coming. thanks don & cathie
  7. hi all cathie & i have decided to have a post halloween party at my place. that's november 3'rd on a saturday about 3:00pm. we will have a low country boil and a bond fire. come over when you want. monkey boy will be in charge of the bond fire but i'll be the back up for more fire wood. if you want to bring anything that will be ok. the bond fire will start about dusk, hopefully the weather will be good. my adress is 180 CR 3793 cleveland, texas 77328. cell# is 832-265-6236. if your coming from out of town, you can stay at my place. best reguards don c. & cathie
  8. hi jb thanks for posting the news about wilike. glad to hear he's is going to be ok. the bike can be replaced but he can't. reguards don c.
  9. hi ray hope all is well in your neck of the woods. thanks for your post about your experince with the c/t. glad it has worked for you. as i told you a few years ago this is a mod that has worked for me, but it has not worked well for others. thanks to the boss for letting us d/s folks have a place to share the good and bad of runing a c/t. best reguards don c.
  10. :whistling::whistling::whistling: :no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no:
  11. mr. wild hair you are so bad. great to see you post. hope all is well in your neck of the woods. best reguards don c.
  12. thanks to everyone who posted pictures. sorry to have missed all the fun. looking forward to making the ride north. but i have promised a few canadians we are coming next year. i'll even bring the wny venturerider quilt that cathie & i won. so mr. owl can look at it, maybe even touch it. best reguards to all till next year. don c.
  13. never heared of them, but their web page says they have been in business since 1974. some nice color pictures of a few of their go carts. looks like they are down next to the hobby airport area of houston. let us know if we can help. reguards don c.
  14. gunboat

    New Home

    thanks for posting the pictures of the new digs. congrats to you guys. may ya'll have many happy years together in it. best reguards don & cathie
  15. dang what a trip to tell the grandkids about someday. glad to hear ya'll made it home safe and sound. it was great to see and spend some time with ya'll at the wny international. best reguards don c. & cathie
  16. i'am glad i didn't say that reguards don c.
  17. does'nt his profile picture show him wearing a panamal jack hat and he still has all that hair? sorry i can't remember his name but remember his profile picture. don c.
  18. best of the day to ya bob and many more. don c.
  19. i could not have agreed more. should have been here a couple years ago when we were talking about cornbread around 11:00pm one night. reguards don c.
  20. best reguards on your special day. don c,
  21. i would check www.granger.com or even home depot & or lowes. $600.00 is a lot of money. should only be a couple 100.00 or so. don c.
  22. i too remember her dad at the hub with pattie. i will keep their family in my prayers. reguards don c.
  23. i kinda like the look of longer stacks myself, so i'll go along with blubber on this one. great job everyone looks great, too bad i'll have to wait till next year to help try it out. reguards don c.
  24. best of the day to ya gil. :Happy Birthday: reguards don c.
  25. hi folks made it home at 10:30 pm cst. we got caught up in that rain storm around columbus, ohio also. pulled under a underpass as the lighting was blasting all around us. soaked to the bone. friday we made it to about 129 miles from memphis, tenn. man it was warm when we got up and left the hotel. temps got up 105 across arkansas. also ran into road construction before little rock, went down to one lane, and had to turn off the motor several times. and just sat and waite took about an hour to get thru this mess. had a great time at the wny rally everything was top notch. great to see old friends and meet a bunch more. best reguards to all don c.
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