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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. don maybe i should have yanked harder on the shaft like bigboy. but the seal seamed stucked inside just iked it was the first time i pulled it. i guess i'll have to be easy on the seal. don c.
  2. part # is 93108-23007-00 this is for a 2 second gen. it may fit a 1 gen not sure. don c.
  3. great job ponch. the photos look good, i have my bike up on the lift with the back end tore out. i agree with you about not using moly 60 on the rear splines as it is lubed in final drive oil. if you look down in to the pumpkin you will see the two holes that let final drive oil splash up there. i also had to destroy the drive shaft oil seal to remove it from the pumpkin. this is the 2'nd one i've torn up. maybe i'am not using kid gloves, cause i've pinched the seal both times trying to remove them. so i'am off the the stealer to buy another seal. best reguards don c.
  4. got my '99 rsv used, with just over 21,000 miles. that was aug. of '06, now have almost 65,000 miles. that's about 14,000 almost trouble free miles a year. don c.
  5. i went a different route, took out the cassette. installed a peace of alumin sheet into the hole. fits tight at the top, used the two small screws holes on the front w/bolts to secure it. mounted at kuryakyn chrome led battery gauge. will look at installing a 1 1/2" ammeter gauge later. the first green led light stays on and the second green led flikers on and off at different speeds. thanks don c.
  6. i went a different route, took out the cassette. installed a peace of alumin sheet into the hole. fits tight at the top, used the two small screws holes on the front w/bolts to secure it. mounted at kuryakyn chrome led battery gauge. will look at installing a 1 1/2" ammeter gauge later. the first green led light stays on and the second green led flikers on and off at different speeds. thanks don c.
  7. good for them, small town's protect their own. great job. don c.
  8. is that close to being in the family of ( go get me a yard of water line? ) ha ha ha don c.
  9. is that close to being in the family of ( go get me a yard of water line? ) ha ha ha don c.
  10. rick butler had posted so advice about the rsv shock groan. i belive you neede a 1/2 oz 20wt shock oil and 1/2 oz syn. transmission fluid. take out the schater valve and then inject this mixture into the schater valve fitting. replace the schater valve air up the shock and go for a good ride. this should help get rid of that groan. i belive i had to add this mixture twice to stop the squeek/groan on my bike. don c.
  11. hi lutz i should have known it would be something like that. boy did i ever get excited for a moment. best reguards don c.
  12. hi midnight read your post & the link for the fjr1300 spline lube. now what i thought was interesting is the fact they can pull the u-joint off the bike by just slideing it off by hand. everyting else in the pitchures looks a lot like the rsv rear end. now our u-joint is held on by a big nut. does anyone know why our u-joint has to have the nut on it? sure would be nice to be able to just slide it off by hand also to lube it. looks like i'll be pulling my rear end & shaft to do the lube been almost a year since i've done it. thanks don c.
  13. hi reany didn't know the gears were just being swaped. my understanding is the whole diff. / pumpkin is being used / swaped out. i belive the vmax rear does not have the speed sensor plug, but does have a shock mount point there. so i really guess you could just remove & replace the gears from one housing to the other. i would like to know too? best reguards don c.
  14. hi troy welcome to the darkside. glad to hear you and wife are well after the m/c tire going south on ya'll. bad enought experance with just you, but two up is realy a pucker factor. keep ous informed on how you like or don't like the c/t. best reguards don c.
  15. hi steve looks like we had the same proublem. best reguards don c.
  16. hi james just a wild guess, i had some antifreese puddle under stator cover. found one of my rubber plugs under the fake cylinder fins was leaking. you have to use a spark plug, unscrew the top of the plug off and insert the spark into this rubber plug. it will come out. i just cleaned the gunk off the rubber plug a put it back in with some lube. now doin't start the engine up with out the fake fin back on and bolted down. took me about 15 minutes to find that plug when it blow out of the hole with out the cylinder fin bolted down. this may not be your problem but a place to start. also with the bike parked over night had some coolent on top of the stator cover. good luck hope it's simple don c.
  17. Starter motor, for condensor. hi brad haven't worked on appliances since the mid 1960's. i remember a cooling fan for the condensor, tied into the compressor start relay. boy have i been gone a long time. may be i should be back in the appliance repair business instead of the aircraft repair business. it was close to 80 degress here in houston today went on a 200 mile ride in short sleves and blue jeans. best reguards don c.
  18. wow i am sorry to hear this. may his family be at peace. best reguards don c.
  19. kreg sorry to hear this, they become family. we had promised sarah a dog after we put a fence up around the house in ohio. hartley become my dog after a while, when we moved back to texas. she would be baking at the door when i rode the rsv home from work. the wife had told me when i was gone on the m/c for a ride. every time hartley heard a m/c come by the house she would get excited and start barking. thinking i was coming home. had to put her down a couple of years ago, but i still remember her looking into my eyes with trust as she passed. best reguards don c.
  20. hay bradt you got an appliance repair man/person to come out on a sunday? wow i never heard of that before. they must of been hungry. what did they replace a cooling fan or relay or defrost control ? don c.
  21. gunboat

    big bob

    hi bigbob glad to hear from you. ya have been in my thoughts & pryers as well as others. god bless you & your family. best reguards don c.
  22. jt i agree with peg just use any staples you have. may just have to use a few more of them. don c.
  23. i have unpluged mine a year ago. see no reason for them down south texas. i use the extra watts to run my grip heaters when i need too, and thats not very often. just my 2-cents don c.
  24. gunboat

    big bob

    hi all was just wandering how big bob is doing. hope all is well with you & you are recovering well. looking to see you again. peace to you & yours. best reguards don c.
  25. hi brad do you have a part # handy for the piaa xenon bulb? best reguards don c.
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