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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. thanks bigboy for the fast reply. dick looks like you have a tire. i pick up the tires tonight when i go to work. i'am flying up to pa friday morning for a wedding sat i won't get back to houston till monday. pm me with your contact info. thanks to all don c.
  2. hi dick i'am not trying to make any money on this. so shipping will be a the lowest coast i can get. the tire is $50.00 plus what ever the shipping is to your door. don c.
  3. hi all does anyone know if the rim size for a 1998 rstd is the same as the 1999-2009 rsv? i have picked up 4-kumho 165/ 80-15 tires. i only need one and adventure1943 (dick), wants a least one of them but we need to make sure it will fit the rstd. i think it will but need some input for you folks. thanks in advance don c.
  4. lowell now you take it easy, get to the doc and have that leg looked at. we can't have you laying around all summer. we have riding to do, places to go & people to see. take care my friend see ya on the road some where don c.
  5. hi dick i think so but let's ask the group if they will. if they do i can ship them to you for my cost, i get a fedex discount. don c.
  6. hi all i have a co-worker who has 4 new kumho 165/80r-15 tires for sale. had bought them for vw but decided not to install them. so i get a deal on all 4 but i only need 1. i can buy them for $200.00 thats $50.00 each. so if any one wants one let me know i will have 3 for sale. if your with in 600 miles of houston i would be willing to bring to you. best reguards don c.
  7. i have been using a bias on the front and a radial c/t on the rear of my scoot, for over a year now. have been thru two realy bad rain storms. once pulling a trailer, another with out. never did i feel anything like loss of control, or anything else to make me feel nervious about riding with this combo on my bike. don c.
  8. hi raymond thanks a lot, i belive the guide has some nice rides. and out of 7 rides truley anyone can find something. see ya at the hub. best reguards don c.
  9. hi all some different ride info around the hub for the '09 international rally. don c.
  10. hi all also forgot to add mystic caverns is just across the road from the hub. if i remember right you can walk to the cave from the hub. they are open mon-sat, march1-dec1. www.MysticCaverns.com best reguards don c.
  11. hi all while we were at the hub last month. found this guide at the hub put out by the harrison convention & vistors bureau. you can download it www.MotorcycleArkansas.com. it has 7 different rides in & around the harrison,ark area. 1. the ozarkmoonshine run 110 miles with 662 curves about 3 hrs & 45 minutes. 2. bull shoals dam route 100 miles with 326 curves about 3 hours. 3. peel's ferry 110 miles with 378 curves about 3 hours & 30 minutes. 4. mountain view run 168 miles with 602 curves about 4 hours & 30 minutes. 5. jasper disaster 56 miles with 316 curves about 2 hours 6. eureka springs backroads route 132 miles with 571 curves about 4hours & 50 minutes. 7. push mountain 146 miles and 342 curves dosn't say how long a ride but i would say aleast 3-4 hours. all of these routs have gas stops stated for each ride. i see the eureka springs backroad route goes thru huntsville, ark so i will ride that route one day. ( i was born in huntsville, texas ) and am trying to go thru every huntsville in the united states. sorry i have not posted anyting about this guide,i had it mixed up with other state maps. if you do not want to download it you can request it to be mailed to you. but ya better hurry time is running out. best reguards don c.
  12. hi some have said they do a carb tune when they notice a viberation in the floor boards of the bike. some do it one a year, some do it twice a year. i my self bought the morgan carb tune also the clamp on tack. did my own about a year ago, had v7goose check it again with his home made system( he swares by his rig) at rick's gigawiskey texas mx day, but said mine were to close to mess with. best reguards don c.
  13. hi don thanks for your post on your observation on the c/t. as i have stated and you this mod is not for everyone. but it works for me and i am very pleased with the c/t. i now have over 26,000 miles on mine. again thanks for shareing your thoughts. best reguards don c.
  14. hi ed it's kinda like sleeperhawk said. when i changed out my filter i had the seat off, and all 3 covers. i did not loosen the fuel pump or remove the battery. it is a tight fit the fuel filter sets in a rubber o-ring /groment. i belive i pulled the filter stright up to remove it from the rubber o-ring /groment. but i took the hose clamps off both ends of the filter. when i replaced the filter i used a 1/4" brass nipple extension, a couple of inches long ( i could be wrong on the fuel line size). this brass nipple is what sets down into the o-ring /groment holder to relocate the filter up higher towards the seat. i did not replace the filter into the rubber o-ring /groment. now i can replace the filter with out goimg thru all that monkyee motion. don c.
  15. you got it deb. don c.
  16. hi paul looks like the offical count was just 2 pond monsters. don c.
  17. thanks gary about the plugs behind the fined cylinder covers. i had forgotten about them. don c.
  18. i myself just opened up the drain plug on the radiator. then used a wet/dry vacume to suck out the coolent in the reserve tank. i also removed the gas tank to unscrew the cap on the radiator to refill. put everting back together, started up the bike to heat the fuild up. took off the rt. side cover to check the fuild level after a couple of days. don c.
  19. mini i didn't see any pond monsters this year. if annie comes over we got to have pond monsters. maybe we should throw bubba in the pond to stir them up from the bottom. don c.
  20. i missed the shots of black death, dang it. i heard heather's ( daddy brads girl ) lips were numb after 4 shots of the stuff, even at 10:00 am sunday morning. so i guess if i can't find some of this here state side. i'll have to make a road trip to iceland. don c.
  21. hi dave the part # for the vacum port ( plug's 2 of them) is 16g-13569-00. ponch was the one who drove over to the dealer and bought some for everyone . don c.
  22. hi annie the link to the darksiders that i ahve is http://mcdarksiders.forumotion.com but i belive you could just type in mcdarksiders.com and it will work too. don c.
  23. looks like jonas ( starfan) from reykjavik, iceland. don c.
  24. i thought i remember reading it was a 40 or 50 amp switch but i can be wrong. my be someone else will chime in. don c.
  25. i belive it's a big sidecar ( two people can set side by side ). don c.
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