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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi dick glade you finaly got the c/t mounted and putting a few miles on it. it will only get better as it wears in. best reguards don c.
  2. hi dick easy guy, easy. be carefull don't push your self. especialy don't hurt that knee or anyother body parts. don c.
  3. hi herb no they don't. sarah had to set right next to the office in order to axcess the internet. it is wireless but only close to the office. don c.
  4. thanks goose great write up, looks like you covered it all. i feel a whole lot better about doing the valve adjustment now. but i sure could use a little more ojt (on the job traning). like one or two more times. the only thing i would add to you post is to have a very strong / bright flashlight maybe even one of those led head lamps. so your hands will still be free to do all the wrenchen. thanks again to all who were there. best reguards don c.
  5. yep we did 4 bikes in one day. i even got a late start, i got to sleep in til 8:00 am. thanks to all for the help & friendship. especilay buddy rich who stayed late to help me fix my oil leak. (valve cover had a leak) lucky it was easy to get at. ponch & goose were right in there also. now let me tell you this is not a job for the weak harted. once you start tearing your bike apart, holly moley you have a lot of parts piled up. we did the valve adjustment & set the carb float levels & rechecked the carb synch. a lot of stuff going on at one time. i would have not atempted all of this on my own. now i have done the carb synch before on my bike & a few others & it's not so bad. this was a venture family effort. but not last was tom and debbie who put up with all of this. thanks so much. debbie i sware tom gave me that "bucket" to use to clean my carbs with. it was nice to see larry again & to meet bob from utah who had the bad shock. best reguards to all don c.
  6. now guys this is a muti-venturerider rescue repair party. the call has gone out to all who are with in a days ride. to help a brother in need. the woman folk are welcome but the temp's are above 100 degrees. we are just thiking about your wellfare, in that old texas sun. besides my wife & sarah left for mother / grandmaw's house this morning in tenn. but a few cold ones are a reward for coming to the rescue. best reguards:thumbsup: don c. by the way a little bacardie 151 goes a long way
  7. annie i have a trailer i bought two years ago, and have only used once. so we will figure something out. best reguards don c.
  8. hi annie hope you win the trailer with your ticket numbers. but if i win with mine you will still get the trailer. i work for continental airlines & i'll get the trailer to you. like i said before i have a few tricks up my sleeve to help out. better find my passport may have to make a road trip, but i'am not swimming. best reguards don c.
  9. dear cindy and family best reguards to you all. thanks for keeping us informed. soon this will be all behind ya'll. sorry i won't be at the hub to tip a cold one in you, dale & halie's honor. don c.
  10. bub's were on my '99 when i bought it 4 years ago, great sound. a few months ago i developed a rattle noise in my right bub. it would go away after the bike warmed up. i ended up pulling the tip & baffel out. boy what a battle that turned out to be, but got it out. could not find anything loose to cause the rattle. so i put it back in and now the rattle is gone, go figure. i also use the k&n air filters, don't know if the carbs were rejeted or not. the used bike shop didn't know. but it runs great. best reguards don c.
  11. hi cindy just sent paypal for $150.00 for 6-more sets of trailer raffel tickets. hopes this helps the sales. lets see now that gives me a total of 21 numbers. annie don't worry if i win the trailer its yours & i'll ship it to you some how. if you win with your numbers i'll still ship it to you. i do have a few tricks up my sleeve. best reguards don c.
  12. hi all thanks for all the good words and vibes, all are much apprecated right now. everything will work out one way or another. cindy the kids stuff sarah & i were working on was. 1. bowling lane w/plastic pins. drive up to a line & passenger releases a ball at the pins. best score after 3 passes. 2. set up safety cones (large/tall ones) about 10- 5 left and 5 right zig-zag course. passenger has to take off all of the balls (tennis) going thru and on the return pass put them back on top of the safety cones. most balls off/on wins. 3. balloon toss. have a horizonal bar on two up rights. like police yellow (do not cross tape). but not too high up & as they ride under it , have the passenger toss a water filled balloon up & over the tape and catch the balloon without it busting. 3 passes most caught balloons with out busting wins. the safety cones can be rented in harrison. the up rights can be made from pvc pipe bought from a hardware store. the plastic boweling pins can be bought at wall-mart & there is one in harrison (north side of town). best reguards don c.
  13. hi annie you are great. looking forward to meeting you & alan in person one day. you are a true freind. best reguards don c.
  14. hi all i have to inform you all. that with much regret. sarah & i will not be attending this years '09 international rally at the hub. i had pm snarley bill a few days ago to let him know. sarah & i had been working on some m/c games for the kids. thanks to all who had sent me suggestions for different bike games. we had picked out a couple & were looking forward to puting them into use. again sorry but some personal issuses have come up that will keep us from attending. best reguards don c. & sarah
  15. hi annie this is so true, thanks for sharing. i needed a hoot about now. don c.
  16. hi dick have you tryed a honda car dealership parts department? don c.
  17. thanks annie for shareing the pictures you have from down under. wow 5 to 6 thousand bikes, holey moley. best reguards don c.
  18. hi jonas i came to my first md at the last minute. i had to fly up to don's from houston. but i feel blessed to have meet you in person, to have talked to you & to have shook your hand. your are family my brother, a part of this big venture family. peace to you & yours. hope to see you again some day. best reguards don c.
  19. hi don put my name on the the list for 4, thanks don c.
  20. hi may i advise to go head an order a new seal now. you will be lucky if the dealer has one in stock. awhile back i pulled my pumpkin and shaft out. just nicked the seal but wanted to replace it anyway. went to 4 area dealers no one had any in stock. ponch said he checked with 13 dealers and no one had any in stock. i have read on here that the seal should come out with out tearing but i have not had that luck. also inside the pumpkin were the seal goes in threr are 2 holes for the lube to "splash" up on to the rear spline's of thr drive shaft. best reguards don c.
  21. hi dick thanks for the reply, got you covered on the two tires. send me a pm on delivery info. thanks again don c.
  22. ok folks as of now all the tires are spoken for. thanks to all don c.
  23. hi stoutman you got one just pm me with info to hook up with. thanks don c.
  24. hi dan feel free ran across a good deal i think just trying to help and pass it on. i have the bfg on my scoot now. and have been wanting to try a 165 tire. i do have a spare rear rim that i may install the kumho on, and give it a try. i have had the bfg on for over 26,000 miles, and still rides and handles great. i've got to learn how to post pictures. best reguards to all don c.
  25. hi dick bigboy answered the question, yes it will fit the rstd rim. pm your info and i'll grt it to you monday. best reguards don c.
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