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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi marco thanks for the update. try this link for another darksider link has a lot of info. http://mcdarksiders.forumotion.com also motorcycle cruiser has a good article in the tech section by mark zimmerman " mounting c/t's on m/c's- shop talk. as he is not keen on the idea but there is the link for the mcdarksiders. i will listen to all the pro's and con's. best reguards don c.
  2. yes we need the rain. but i'am not scared been thru two super typhoons in the south pacific. 1 over 175 mph, the other 200 mph. rain felt like getting shot with rock salt when we "brrowed" watermelons as a kid. best reguards don c.
  3. hi bill thanks for the video. it rained and was foggy the day i rode it. rained all the way to hot springs. but i was in the cage, sarah would smile & say aren't you glad we didn't ride the bike now. will have to go back. best reguards don c.
  4. hi curtis welcome to the darkside & sharing your observations on your c/t. keep us in formed. i feel a darkersider m & e coming on. best reguards don c.
  5. hi dave i know heatonmt & squidley have a set. i'am starting to look also for my half helment, so much cooler. someone will chime in soon. best reguards don c.
  6. hi marco that slipeness could be be mold release compound that on all tires from the maker. give it about 500 miles to totaly ware off. just as the m/c tire i installed before the c/t. the folks at the shop told me to me to take it easy, & give it a hundred miles to ware off. hope this helps. you may have to play with the air pressure a bit. me i have about 40 psi in mine. started out about 36-38 & settled at 40, just seems to work for me. that remindeds me i need to go out & check the air pressure, have not done that in a few months. by the way i set the cruise control also and let go of one bar or the other. the bike tracks well for miles on end. i have also taken both hands off the bars at times same result, but this is me. keep us informed of your likes or dislikes & concerns. feel free to contact me any time. best reguards don c.
  7. hi marco welcome to the darkside. thanks for your post and your comments. i will state this is not a mode for everyone but it works for me & i now have 30,000 miles on my bfg c/t. the kunmo is the next c/t i will try after the bfg. please keep us in formed on your like or dislikes of the c/t. best reguards don c.
  8. tom & terry it was so good to see ya'll again. glad to hear you made it home safe & sound. best reguards don c.
  9. hi all just to let ya'll know brad & lonna left my house around 6:00 am this morning. all i can say is they are planning to head east, for a while before heading north. the squid & sweetnothing are on the loose. it was good to have them stay with me. looking forward to their return. best reguards don c.
  10. hi gary i am not 100% sure but i don't think a c/t will fit a first gen. i have not read of any one doing it.i think it was something about the rim size, but mybe someone else will chime in on the subject. best reguards don c.
  11. hi clay good to hear from you. the weather link is cool. thanks to you and all the service folks over there who put yourselfs in harms way. home to meet you one day. best reguards don c.
  12. yep, poor brad is all confused with all my short cuts to different roads. even my gps unit i loaned him locked up on him this morning. best reguards don c.
  13. congrats annie, good for you. there is nothing better for the soul of a bike rider than getting back on two wheels and going for a ride. best reguards don c.
  14. thanks don got mine in the mail today. real nice don c.
  15. thanks, but i don't use facebook either. don c.
  16. hi ruffy got them in the mail today, man they are sure nice. thanks to all envolved. best reguards don c.
  17. hi dick glad to hear your likeing the c/t so far. i will try the kumo after my bfg wears out. got around 25,000 trouble free miles on it now plan on another 10,000 miles. best reguards don c.
  18. could not open the page / link. do you have any other info on the tire? i have a bfg c/t on my '99 rsv with almost 25,000 trouble free miles. best reguards don c.
  19. just like jeff did, works good for me. best reguards don c.
  20. best reguards to all, be safe and have fun. was looking forward to hosting the kids activites. thought sarah and i ( with some help of the venture family) had come up with some fun things for the kids. was looking forward to seeing everyone. don c.
  21. hay nate sorry to read about this. i have been there its not easy but you will get over it. be honest and open with the kids, as you know they need your love. remember you don't have to have 2-wheels to get to the m & e's. don't be a stranger, you have family here also. best reguards don c.
  22. hi kreg thanks for the kind words allways glad to help. kenny my son in law was glad to help out, he was ready for the pool when we got back home. as i said my bfg c/t seated around 125 psi but that's as high as my air compressure will go. i don't belive we went more that that with steve's. but i do belive a rabbit could have run under you feet when the bead finaly "poped in place". it's allways good to see you and janet. ride well my friend & be safe. remember i know you have a sawall and that tire will come off that rim. not ask me how i know. best reguards don c.
  23. hi mark welcome to the darkside. keep us informed as how you like or dislike the c/t. this mod is not for every one but it has worked well for me. i have had my bfg on the scoot for over 25,000 trouble free miles. i also use a metzeler mathron 880 130/90-16 on the front. i mounted both tires before going to the '08 international rally last year. i pulled a fully loaded trailer and my daughter sarah with no issuses. i now use 40 psi in the c/t but have had as low as 26 psi in it, didn't check the air pressure for a few months. i will mount a kumho as my next c/t when i finaly wear out my bfg. i'am not a hard driver, most of my riding is stright line. but have rode the 3-sisters (farm to market roads 337,336 & 335) in the texas hill country. some of the best twistees in the state and have no problems keeping up with the other riders in the group. i must tell you to take it easy for the first 100 miles or so to wear off the mold release compound off the tire ( they tell you that for m/c tires also). also you may feel a little "wall" when you lean left or right, at least this is with my bfg. until you round the edges off. may not have this with the kumho. what i mean is you have to lean a little harder lt. or rt. to go over this hump. but after a few hundred miles you won't even notice it any more. if you have any questlons feel free to call. by the way i never balanced my c/t. best reguards don c.
  24. hi all hello boss hoss and welcome to the site. i see you just joined the site on july 25. are you coming to the rally next month? you will meet a lot of nice people who will help ya in anyway they can. yes cindy has done a lot for the rally but so have others. some of the others are behind the scean, doing what needs to be done. all will have their day at the final dinner. some of us have had to drop out for one reason or another. but the rally will go on and be great. my daughter sarah and i drove to the '08 international rally in canada. 4,238 miles round trip for us from houston. it was our frist rally had a great time, meet a whole lot of new ventureriders from both sides of the border. these rally's take a lot of planning and time most of all help from the volunteers. best reguards don c.
  25. goose those foam gaskets on my bike. 1-was oil soaked and tore appart trying to remove it and the other one was ok. but i asked ponch about his and he had left them off. this breather does fit real close in to the air box. but i will take it back apart & use some rtv to seal the box. best reguards don c.
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