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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. wow glade you made it home. as you i would hate to think of what could have happened. best reguards don c.
  2. hi buddy all right brother i already feel bad, especally when kenny said he drove thru the rain to meet. that's was the reason (rain) to cancel the meet at 6:00 am and the fact 3 other people had droped out. but it was a 1 for 1 day, i let one brother down but helped another brother work on his bike. but from now on if i plan a ride i'll be there. if i'am the only one to show up. best reguards don c.
  3. hi earl thanks for your reply and pictures. you do have a point, three years ago i finally figured out my rear shock was bad. i bought it bike used it's a 99 rsv had just over 21,000 miles on it. while i was waiting for the shock to arrive from japan. i decided to remove the swing arm to lube everything. not a bad job just an all dayer, now i am on my seconed c/t put over 31,000 miles on the first one. i have not had a issue with a "clunk" as kbay has heard/felt. but we did not pull the swing arm off the bike or do the cheater bar check. maybe this is something we should do in the next week or two. i do have a spare swing arm i bought off ebay a couple years ago. some shop up in n.y. was doing a trike converson and i got the swing arm with pumpkin but no drive shaft,for a good price for the set up (was going to do the vmax mod but never did). thanks again don c.
  4. now i did push my bike thru the gears at 4'th i was doing over a 100 and just started getting a little wobble. but shifted to 5 and started to slow down and the little wobble went away. i normaly ride 5 to 10 over the speed limit. i told kreg i'am using 36 psi in the rear c/t and am happy with it. i think he's up around 40 psi. just my trying to help my brother out. i have been well pleased with going to the darkside, but i do know some folks are not. as i have said this is not a mode for everyone. but its working for me, and my style of riding. don c.
  5. hi dave kbay pulled the rear wheel off to check the swing arm. no side to side play. but kreg did notice when he unbolted the rear axle pinch bolt that the right side swing arm sort of "twisted/ sprung" a little? now we did noticed that the rear brake pads were loose in the caliper, we checked mine and they were tight. we swaped bikes for a few miles, the first thing i noticed was his rear brake pedal goes futher down than mine. now he has installed new rear brake shoes on his bike, well in the last 9 mos or so. my rear pads are around 2 years old. we checked the pistons in the caliper to see how much they moved by not being bolted in. i saw the rear pistons move futher than the front pistons. the bike has got over 20,000 miles on it, but it did set idel for a while before he bought it. the rear shock had no signs of ever leaking. i tried to make his bike do the pig slaping / side to side shake (wobble) that a few of us have had / experiance. but i never pushed his bike pased 70 mph. so this is still an unsolved issue. we will see how it goes next week. don c.
  6. thanks kenny for the kind words. but i still feel bad, i was just trying to do the right thing of keeping people out of the rain. great pictures of the louisiana chapter. dang all those cushmans, brings back memories. had a eagle and a husky as a kid. my church pastor helped me mod. the husky. took a foot out of the frame. did not have the saddle seat any more, just had a chair chusion on the tube rack for a seat. moded a bsa 650 carb on it that sucker would fly. kenny again i am sorry i didn't show. best reguards don c.
  7. hi folks i feel so bad about canceling the avery island ride at 6:00 am this morning. but weather for lafayetta was 40% chance of rain and 50% rain for avery island area. but i must say I'AM SO SORRY to kenny (kbran) he called me at about noon from avery island he never got the word. three other folks had already canceled. but he road 3 hours one way just to find out no one was coming. after i canceled the ride, i went out to kbay's to help him work on his bike. again i'am sorry that you wasted your day off. best reguards don c.
  8. dear brad & lonna thanks for the call. i am sorry for the loss of your close friend. may he rest in peace. best reguards to his family, but rest assured we will again see our loved ones on the other side. peace and love don c.
  9. dave it sure confeses me also. kreg has complaned about the clunk for a while now ( before the c/t). we thought it may have been the drive shaft with dry splines, lubed them and no help. lubed the rear hub fingers, no help. i have a "clunk" on mine but it's when i shift in 1'st gear. and a lot of folks have that. he thought it might have been the rear brake shoes but that wasn't it. so i guess that only leaves tearing the swingarm out and doing a inspection & lube. would realy not like to see kreg sell the bike. hopefully we can find the problem. don c.
  10. hi folks well the rain has stoped in texas, but is still forcasting 40% in lafayetta, la & 50% for new ibera, la. so as not to have anyone having a possiblity of riding in the rain. i will have to CALL THIS RIDE OFF. sorry as not giving any better advance notice (just checked the weather channel at 5:45 am) but you can't always trust mother nature. or for that fact the weather people. if anyone wants to try for a rain out date of october 3ed just let me know. don c.
  11. have i missed something here, this is the first i've heard of a tech day in north west texas? come on forret you holding out on the south texas bunch? don c.
  12. hi i would say look at the clutch res. and see what color the fluid is. but it sounds like you really need to change the fluids out. its not hard. 1'st look on left side faceing forward, and at the bottom of the the aft cylinder fin. you will see a square rubber pulg / plate. pull this off and you will be able to acess the clutch bleed valve. it sounds like you already know the drill as to bleed hyd. fluids on your bike. the speed bleeders are a wise investment. i would try this first before up dateing the clutch. i installed the barret's clutch plate and springs at about 45,000 miles. oyhers have installed the pcw kit. it is cheaper than the barret's kit. i have heard of some folks using a second spring plate to incress the clutch pressure. don c.
  13. thanks for the update joe. hope you get to feeling better soon. will be looking rorward to seeing ya'll in october's meet in miss. don c.
  14. ok folks the rain is out of here the texas area. but the weather channel shows a 40% chance of rain from lafayetta to new orleans. unless someone local to this area tells me other wise, i'll be rolling to avery island in the morning. don c.
  15. well you could start the bike up , let it run for a few minutes. then do the old way of touchee feelee on each exchaust pipe next to the head. your finger is a great indicator of weather or not the coil is sending juice to the spark piug. don't ask me how i know this. but kbay sure got a big chuckle, watching me don c.
  16. i have used it once, got it at my local dealer. can't say anything good or bad about it, only stayed in the bike one oil change. i still use the royal purple 75-90 in the rear end. don c.
  17. thanks for the update on janet my friend. hope she's feeling better soon. don c.
  18. the front me880 got just over 22,000 miles and still could have gone a few more. but canged it to a avon cobra radial to match the new kumho c/t on the fear. the old bfg c/t was down to the wear bars with over 31,000 miles on it. don c.
  19. ponch hopefully we will meet ya'll between 8:30 and 9:00 am at the china boder restaurant. don c.
  20. kreg give my reguards to janet, sorry to hear she's sick. stay home and take care of janet,if you want. i have said before family got to take care of family first. we can always make another run later, when she's feeling better. the flying j truck stop is at (exit 789 / thompson road) a ways past the betway 8 and i-10 intersection. it took me just over an hour to arrive in beaumont,tx. then just over an hour to lake charles,la. then just over another hour to arrive in lafayetta,la. but we will need to stop and gas up some were between exits 43 or 64 on the louisianna side of i-10. this will put us about 150 miles from the flying j truck stop. it's about 3 &1/2 hours to lafayetta. then about another 30 minutes to avery island. so around 4 hours one way. don c.
  21. hi kenny thanks for the update. we were suppose to have 60% rain yesterday never got any, as least my area. same thing for last night, still no rain. unless it's raining cats and dogs here saturday morning i'll be heading that way. don c.
  22. hi tracy sorry it's taken a while to answer your question about 44k. some napa auto parts stores carry it. but just do a web serch for it, but i have seen it on ebay. it dos not stay on the shelf long around here. don c.
  23. bump
  24. all you darksiders the other darkside site http://mcdarksiders.forumotion.com is having a DARKSIDE RIDE-IN april 23,24.& 25, 2010 robbinsville, n.c. if you go to their site scroll down to topic page. you will find the info. i have asked for more info on the motel they will be staying at. don c.
  25. i vote for BUBBA don c.
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