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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi folks my e-mail addy was hijacked yesterday so don't open anything from me as of yesterday. i will still use dcumps1950@yahoo.com. it's my understanding that all i had to do was use a different and stronger password. sorry for any problems it may have caused you. regards don c.
  2. hi folks hope all is well in everyones neck of the woods. just to let everyone in on one of the plan's for annie's and alen's trailer. brad and i will be doing some stuff to the trailer. before it starts it's trip north west. i want to envolve all the venture riders from everywhere in this project. on the front of the trailer is a "wall and is the perfect spot" to mount state or a country emblem's. i will start with a TEXAS emblem. they should not be any bigger than 3"x3". they can be sent to me or installed on the trailer when annie & alan come thru your state. bongbobob suggested putting on a PGR emblem on the trailer, i like that and it will be added. also it will have a couple of venturerider.org stickers/emblems installed. don't worry annie, ther's plenty of room for the "aussie down under touch". best regards don c.
  3. no none so far on either of the '99's i have owned. but when ponch replaced his fuel pump a couple of years ago. i did buy the same pump he did and have it as a spare. regards don c.
  4. hi annie now you go and get this little operation over with. so you can get here, and not have to worry about anything. prayers and best wishs for a fast recovery. regards don c.
  5. thanks for posting this, good reading and from a tire company. regards don c.
  6. good morning annie & alan sorry i though i sent these to ya, but with the fun i had with the pictures. ok the overall length with the tounge is: 89" front of body to back of bumper---41" long body is---------------------------40" long body is---------------------------40" wide body is --------------------------18" tall cooler rack is-----------------------------------22" wide " " " -----------------------------------13" long " " " -----------------------------------1.1/5" tall, i have a board that fits this rack & will go with the trailer. it will be inside the trailer. now as in the pictures the trailer has a roof rack, it is 30" wide x 32" long and 2" tall. the rack is 2" tall from the back to the front where it starts to taper off towards the front of the body. now over the years i have loaded the top rack with the over flow from the inside. such as folding camp chairs, tents, sleeping bags,etc. the rack with it's 2" of space makes it easy to strap everything down with bungee cords. best regards don c.
  7. annie you will just have to wait till you open the cover on the trailer. best regards don c.
  8. ok thanks for the update of annie's bear. i've got it covered. i got two bears for the trailer. one for annie & 1 for alan. TEXAS BEARS. best regards don c.
  9. hay that's an idea! why don't we have annie's mascot round up with the trailer. hitch a ride and end up at portland,oragan together. i better open up a jar of honey for a hungry bear. update: i feel ya'll will like some of the stuff brad & i came up with, for annie's & alan trailer. best regards don c.
  10. hi dave i would be glad to ride up to the 4-corners with the trailer. i've been wanting to ride up pikes peak on the trike anyway. so this would be a good time to do it. i most likey will have my co-rider with me, she can't take the cold as i can. but i do have heated gloves and a heated jacket she can wear. funny i've owned the heated clothing for some time now but have never used them. let me know when the weather starts to get better up ya'lls way. best regards don c.
  11. pktexas perry had one of those hanging gas gizmos that was real sharp. maybe he will chime in soon. don c.
  12. thanks annie for ok'ing the personal touch to the trailer. i will be mounting some TEXAS stuff on it. any of the houston bunch or for that matter any v/r member in texas wants to add anything before it starts it's way to to utah, let me know. i also can take a few days of vacation time off to help start geting the trailet on it's way to utah when the weather gets a little better. regards don c.
  13. hi friends annie & alan bought my tow-behind trailer. as you know annie & alan are coming back to the good old U.S.A. they will need to have a trailer relay from my house to utadventure home where alan's bike is stored. they will then need the trailer to be in portland, oregon by july. i know this is a little early BUT i would like to add a bit more of a welcome back to our homes and lives. so i would like suggest when the trailer is in your neck of the woods. add something to it of yours, like a pin, decals, bumper stickers, patches, (now be nice), etc. i think there was a trailer relay for them last year. i'am open to any ideas. regards don c.
  14. hi folks i may have posted too soon about selling the trike. my better half has advise me that we can keep the trike. i was only selling it because of my daughter sarah has come back to live with us and she needs a car. so i'll be keping the trike and other things except the trailer. another v/r member has made an offer on the trailer, so it will go. sorry to have got things stired up. regards don c.
  15. hi all hope the new year is a better one for all. it has come time for me to sell my '99 rsv motor trike. it has just over 31,000 miles on it. squidly ( brad ) will help me this weekend to post pictures on the site. also for sell is a m/c jack lift, a lift adapter, a carbtune, a front fork air pressure pump, and a progressive rear shock pump, which can also be used to top off air pressure in the tires. the price of the trike is $10,250.00 which is the pay off on the trike. i have a clear title to the trike as i found a independet finance source. i also have two color matched helments that will go with the trike. the pull behind trailer that i have had for a few years will also be for sell. i will still be a part of this site but will be just bike less for some time. best reguards don c. my e-mail addie is dcumps1950@yahoo.com phone # is 832-265-6236
  16. i will agree with what everyone has said. in my case since i live around the houston area. i have un-pluged the carb heaters on both of my rsv's. in doing that i gained the 60 watts of usable power. i do have heated gloves & jacket but hardley ever use them. don c.
  17. gunboat


  18. hi folks merry christmas to all the vr family i have meet & those i hope too someday. you never know when or where one of the HOUSTON BUNCH will show up. i wish ya'll a very good new year. may all your troubles be small & your smiles & laugher reach the heavens. remember it's ok to cry, but don't forget to say I LOVE YOU. to those near & far i will keep ya'll in my prayers. best reguards don c.
  19. were is wrong way hal when you need him?
  20. thank you annie and allen. merry christmas to ya'll also. best reguards don c.
  21. spray can's work well too.
  22. old is good
  23. thanks for the info and the updates. i'am so glad ya'll are ok. better to be in the hospital for observations. but nothing beats being at home. best reguards you two. don c.
  24. hi henry i have done both of the clutch upgrades. the barnett on my old two wheel '99 rsv. i no longer have that bike. i installed earl's kit on my '99 rsv trike. i honsetly could not tell the difference between the two as performance goes. the purple plate sure is pretty but as it's been said, you'll never that color again for a long time. so i would just go with earl's (skydoc) plate. then go for a long ride with the money you'll save. reguards don c.
  25. hi joe can't tell you about it. but i sent you a pm with a name of someone for you to contact. reguards don c.
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