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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. hi kenny if you have a spot in the camper not spoken for. i could use one spot if its ok. reguards don c.
  2. wes it will be good to see you again and meet the mrs. brad and i lowered the front of my scoot also. i have not had any serious saddle time on the scoot since thom440's south tx mx day. so i plan on riding the scoot. reguards don c.
  3. i bought my '99 over 4 years ago. it had the bub's all ready installed on the scoot. it had just over 21,000 miles. i now have over 76,000 miles on it. i like the sound not loud but a throatee/roar sound going down the road at speed. my bub tips are a brown color. last year i was going to repack them but i ended up scratching up the right tip trying to pull it out. finaly got it out and there was no packing inside. i just shoved it back in and left it the way it was. reguards don c.
  4. hi kenny i did not ask for friday off as brad says we can leave here from houston saturday morning early and still get there around noon or so. say's we should not miss much of the opening cermonies for your mx day. i work tuesday thru friday nights, will be getting off saturday morning maybe a couple hrs early. reguards don c.
  5. hi redrider sorry i just sent in a stock seat to rick today so he can do his mod on the seat. it was a spare one brad ( squidley ) had. reguards don c.
  6. hi kenny i will find out tuesday night if i can have friday off. i will be riding over friday morning after i get off work. most likey will be riding over with squidly & sweetnothing. but as of right now count me in. i need some riding time in the saddle. reguards don c.
  7. the picture of my house is within 6 months old, but its shows the side of my house. but not the front, it's ok though as i live on a conner lot. don c.
  8. wes squid installed mine last week look great. but have not rode in the dark to check them out. i liked them so much i bought 5 sets, so if any of the local bunch wants a set let me know. we'll figure out when we can install them on your scoot. reguards don c.
  9. hi rick you and the mrs. post a date and some of us houston bunch will be there. and i betcha this one will be a hit also. reguards don c.
  10. got mine yesterday also gary thanks for all the hard work. now i'll have to have mine powder coated like you did freebird's. sure looks nice. reguards don c.
  11. now just a minute i'am not complaing about the snow. we have not had any in my neck of the woods ( houston ). but some folks in the out lying counties have had a dusting of the white stuff. but i also have two yankees staying with me who do not what any snow. so their karma is working so far. don c. p.s think i'll go for a ride today:nanner:
  12. hi gary sent you a paypal for for the wrench, thanks again for doing this. reguards don c.
  13. dear dck i am so sorry to hear of you son's passing. peace and love to you and his family. i can not expressive my love or feelings for your lose. reguards don c.
  14. well i guess i have to have one also. add me to the list. thanks reguards don c.
  15. ok i've seen what margret can do with a bucket of ice cold water. and it won't do the ice cream any good. don c.
  16. glad to hear your dad is doing good. brad sarah left you some blue bell ice cream. but don't worry the plant is close to the house. lonna the birds are missing you, buster squaks every morning when he hears me making coffee, thinks its you. but when i throw the cover up and it's not you, he really starts to squak. ya'll be carefull on the road see ya soon. reguards don c.
  17. as with others here i have many sea stories too. but i was lucky to be sparied a lot of the "games " that are played on new boots coming into the fleet. i had a master chief who liked me, but then again i was a few years older than the regular boot. but i remember the deck apes coming down in engine room asking for a cup of relative bearing grease, or fire men recruits looking for 100 foot of water line. gunboat who rembembers his service with great pride. who would do it again in a heart beat. reguards don c.
  18. hi chris i guess i was number 4 or 5 to go to the darkside, i went right after forrest( flab78 ) did. i have had the dreaded wobble twice. 1'st time with the m/c tires but i was rolling over a 100 mph when it happened. i know of a 1'st gener who had this happened to him with only about 300 miles on new m/c tires. he went back home after the weekend and rebuilt the front end of his bike. the 2'nd time the wobble happened was with a bfg 155 on the rear and a me880 130 on the front. i guess i was close to 100 mph again. i have had the steering head bearings tighten but i never ride above 85-90 mph anymore, no reason to ride faster. i have pulled a fully loaded trailer to canada and back with my daughter with no issues. that was over 4,000 mile round trip. i put over 31,000 miles on the bfg. i now run the avon corba on the front and the kumho 165 on the rear. i maybe have a couple thousand miles on the bike with this combo. but i realy like the set up on the bike now smooth as glass. i have been up to 95mph with no wobble. i plan on doing a ride out to new mexico, colorado and wyoming this summer with my daughter and the fully loaded trailer again. so i'll be reporting back in with more info. i have not tried the dayna beads yet but will look more to it. thanks for your intrest into the darkside, as i have stated in my post this is not a mod for everyone but it's working for me. if i can be of any help please feel free to contact me i not far from you. reguards don c.
  19. thanks for sharing this with us. annie has be come so much of the site, in a short time. god's speed and heal fast. i miss her. best reguards don c.
  20. buddy tell your son thanks for his service. ya'll be carefull on the road. sorry i can't help you on info on the area. i haven't been there since the late 60's best reguards don c.
  21. that's more info than i needed to know but then again. don c.
  22. jb sorry to hear about gary's death. prayers for you and his family. reguards don c.
  23. you can buy soms abs plistic cement, make sure it's for abs will say so on the can. and apply the glue to the broken tabs. let them set up for 24 hrs to clure. i fixed two of mine this way. you can nuy this cement at any hardware store or the big home centers. don c.
  24. way to go, best reguards and good luck. don c.
  25. I never knew they even tried to put together a steam powered airplane. me too i have never heard of this and have been in the airline industry 20 years. but then i'am just a young pup 'cause this thing flew in 1933. thanks for sharing. reguards don c.
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