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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. annie's is the only venture that i know of that has the leading link setup. there my be some bike in the u.k. and pionts east. i seen a lot of different type bikes over there with this kind of front end. i would love to take annie's bike around the block to see how it handles. also would like to find how much this kind of front would cost here in the u.s. best reguards don c.
  2. thanks to the doodles and hal & val had a great time, first long, short ride since the operation did well but by 7:00pm i was ready for a cool shower and bed by 9:00 pm. that pounch is the man. i only had a little work on the trike to do. it was still a :225:103 at 5:00pm. but was good to be out in the sun and with good friends. best reguards to all don c.
  3. dave ya'll can still come to the doodles function. jellystone rv and camp grounds is just down the road. reguards don c.
  4. hi jerry good to see you posting. if rick want's to host this at you place i'll come. but then i'll come anyway, would pefere it to be cooler myself reguards don c.
  5. well i've made a lot of improvements to my old '99 rsv. but the best thing for me was to have ponch install one of his guage sets and got rid of that stupid cassett player. and now i get to start all over on my '99 rsv trike. reguards don c.
  6. we can take them on a good old snipe hunting trip. reguards don c.
  7. man thats a lot of schitts
  8. blessings to you and family will say prayers. best reguards don c.
  9. hay i'am just saying, i know it could not keep up with two 2'nd gens. also it been on a trailer more that a few times, i'am just saying. it would be a perfact match for those model A's reguards don c.
  10. o'boy thanks for posting that picture. i now have a winter time project. no wait i can do one fin a night when i go back to work. reguards don c.
  11. owen maybe you better ask thom's 440 to use his i'st gen it will go slow enought and won't hurt it any. reguards don c.
  12. looks like about 14 folks so far for this little meet saturday. hal your pork tacos were great last time. reguards don c.
  13. hi annie and quickstep any chance of swing thru south texas on ya'lls way to the international in cody? reguards don c.
  14. best reguards and wishes to matthew. as i tell sarah, you can lose everything. but educiation is something that you never lose. reguards don c.
  15. mike i can't help you with any info on this. but i wish you all the best and a fast recovery time. i just had prostate cancer done on the 9'th of may, and haven't rode the scoot any since then. reguards don c.
  16. ok it will be good to see ya'll again. count cathie & i in, don't need any wrenchin done at this time.( ? ) will be riding the trike haven't drove it anywhere in a while. cathie said someting about some banna pudding but i can't find that container she used last time. kreg ask janet if i left it there last time. reguards don c.
  17. hi kenny & beth wish we could be there but with the days off i've had to take from the pronstate cancer operation. i've have had to use all my spare/extra days off to keep a pay check coming in. would love to see you all again but maybe next year. best reguards don c.
  18. hi jim as i see this is a couple year old tread, i was not aware of there being any enothol free gas in the u.s. any more. i have used 44k and seafoam with great results. but this is just my 2 cents and experiance. reguards don c.
  19. no rain in the forcast is there? reguards don c.
  20. hi buddy hope brad doesn't me saying this but, the m/c trailer is over at my house. i can meet you some where. if you need to use it before the weekend. i still have two weeks off, before going back to work. talk to brad and we can work something. reguards don c. QUOTE=Squidley;594107] Buddy, I can meet you between Houston and San Antonio and you can use my trailer. Tires are new and it will work exactly as you need it to, let me know and it's yours for the use
  21. hi jonas man glad to hear your ok. just take it easy ay don's and remember to keerp that bucket of ice water close. 'cause you know it will be hot there. wish i could be there to see you and meet greta. god bless, till we meet again. reguards don c.
  22. gunboat


    i don't care about the cup. i want to know why rhonda is wearing a jacket? i'ts almost a 100' degres down here south of ya'll. reguards don c.
  23. i have not heard of a steering dampner on a trike, with a sidecar yes. but i not saying it can't be done. i have a '99 rsv motor trike converson, bought it used and only have had it a few months. my understanding the only option i have to inprove the steering is to rake the front end. with a kit from hangann that cost $1,000.00. i have installed 1&1/2 " risers from barons but have not noticed that munch inprovement. reguards don c.
  24. sorry i'am late kathy best reguards on your birthday. don c.
  25. the best of the day to ya jb reguards don c.
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