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Everything posted by gunboat

  1. guess that why we missed you guys yesterday (sunday afternoon ) ya'll were playing tour guides for some cajun folks. sorry kenny & beth didnt know you guys were coming into town. but sarah & i loged in over 200 miles sunday. reguards don c.
  2. prayers sent for ray,son & family. don c.
  3. hi bob can't realy say about the pull to the right on secondary roads as of yet. but will keep and eye out. i do have a slight lean to the right on level ground but i need to check the ladder bar's for proper ajustment. don c.
  4. hi larry i have a '99 motor trike w/o the rake kit. i have installed 1" & 1/2 risers on the handle bars. this seams to help with the steering. i have drove it in the texas hill country on the 3-sisters (fm's 337,336,and 335) some of the best twisties in the state. with no big problems. there are post's here about changing the handle bars out to flanders or td's. the rake kit from haggan is $1,000. and rakes the front end out another 6" for a total of 12". carbon one (larry) and other trike riders say this is the best mod to do on the trike to help with steering ( like having power steering ). don c.
  5. best of the day jonas, you birthday boy. don c.
  6. hi jim thanks no i won't be going to leaky in november as i have had to use all of my vacatio, sick time and holidays. but have been riding some, just not long distance. but next year is a new ball game. don c.
  7. that chrome piece at the windshield is a costly little bugger. about $118.00 +/- , i will admit i have bought 2 of them. as the others have stated go slow and easy pulling the chrome off and back on. i have never been lucky as to glue the tabs back on. reguards don c.
  8. gary & mary congrats to the both of you and it's about time. best reguards don c.
  9. gunboat

    LEDs and Strobe

    hi mike thanks for your post. i've just read it and last weekend i installed a 4 led amber strobe light on the lower trunk door of my '99 rsv motor trike. i wired it to come on when i hit the brakes. i got the idea from seeing dump trucks that have amber strobes ( they are lite / strobeing all the time) mounted on the rear. i did not check the laws in texas but i figure if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me. reguards don c.
  10. hi folks,frends and loved ones well it's time for a little update. i meet with my droctor for a check up on the 1'st of july. said everything look good, but need to do a psa check to confirm. well his office called this morning to give the news. the psa level is negitive and no sign of cancer. i wish to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. this was not my 1'st bought with cancer. (had it 17 years ago before sarah was born.) please remember to say a prayer for everyone with cancer, especially the little ones. and prayers for a end to the war and safe return of our loved ones in harms way. best reguards don c.
  11. hi bob i can tell you that my '99 rsv m/t does have the ladder bar suspension without the air ride option. the tech at motor trike's factory at first thought i had the air ride system and was going to show me how to operate it. but once he got it in the shop and pulled the rear wheels off. found out my trike did not have the air ride system. which they started putting the a/r system on all the conversions after 2000. i did find that my coil over shocks were set real soft, so with the help of kregerdoddle we set the shocks a couple of notches tighter. i notice that the rear now rides better / stiffer. my passenger also noticed the difference. i plan on sending the passenger seat off to rick butler so he can make it softer. will try that but i'am still looking some kind of a a/r system that won't cost a bunch. the coil over shocks most likey are installed on yours also, but may be the p/o had the a/r system installed. thanks for the pictures, i have installed a 15" l.e.d. brake/running light bar in the middle of my lower trunk just as yours has a few weeks ago. just this afternoon i installed 2- 6" l.e.d. brake/running bars under the lower trunk hinges just like yours. and i realy like those cat eye tail lights that are on yours. looking forward to hearing more about your m/t. reguards don c. .
  12. hi kenny& beth as always ya'll did a great job of hosting this venturerider day i can now safely let the cat out of the bag. hay brad & lonna i known for a while that brad-t & rhonda were coming to this little get together. would have loved to have seen ya'lls faces. but thanks to ponch & walter for the pictures. it was great to see old friends again and to see the new folks. everyone be safe on the way home, we will meet some where on the road. reguards don c.
  13. hi bob great glad it's going to work out for you. if i can be of any help just call or send me a pm. i guess we are the only two folks here that have the m/t on our rsv's. reguards don c.
  14. when i bought my '99 m/t trike i was using a lot of gas. i thought it was because of it bing a trike. but found a dead left rear (#1 ) coil. replaced the coil and still had the problem. it turned out to be a bad tci unit. reguards don c.
  15. hi bob yep the rsv m/t at dream machines was the one i bought. i thought it was a good deal myself. my old '99 rsv i had for over 5 years and had 21,000 on the clock when i picked it up. i put over 72,000 miles on it in those few years. and i must say 99. 0/0 of those miles were trouble free. so i expect to have the same results with the m/t trike. reguards don c.
  16. wish we could be there to see everyone. reguards don c.
  17. hi bob i have a '99 rsv motortrike that i bought used last november. it only had just over 17,000 miles on it. i payed $15,000 for it. i dissagree with condor about the m/t kit looking like a voyager outrigger kit. i have been to the m/t factory in troup, texas. they are some nice folks up there. the m/t body is the same today as it was back in '99. make sure the m/t your looking at has the air shocks instead of the coil over shock. m/t started this suspension upgrade in 2000. my m/t does not have this. m/t will install it for over $700.00. also i would have a ez-steer kit installed, if it doesn't have one allready. as this makes the bike a whole lot easer to turn in the curves. but it cost over a $1,000.00. i have installed 1 1/2 inch rasiers as a short time fix. i'ts ok for now but i don't have a lot of curves in the houston area to contined with. give me a call to talk more. look at my profile for the #. reguards don c.
  18. wow glad to hear he's ok for the most part. prayers are sent to the old man for your son's fast recovery. reguards don c.
  19. hi jonas very good to see pictures of you and your lovely gretta. hope ya'll are doing ok in this heat thru out the u.s. if ya'll ever get to texas we will take ya over to the blue bell ice cream factory. to try some of the good stuff. reguards don c.
  20. it is a big job alot of stuff has to come off the bike. but it is doable, a long one day. make sure you buy two valve cover gaskets ahead of time. it would help if there are 2 of ya, one on one side of the engine the other on the other side. there are a few who have done this & have shown others. v-goose is the best, ponch and buddy rich ( these guys are in texas ). there are others who have done this. but i'am not for sure in your area. reguards don c.
  21. one thing i would like to add is most of the euro bikes i saw had a side car on them. annie had a sidecar on her venture before going to a voyager/removeable trike kit. reguards don c.
  22. i bought my old '99 rsv in aug. '05 ( 6 y.o. at that time ) bought it used ( and no history of any previous mx being done to the bike) with just over 21,000 miles on the clock. on july'09 with the help of goose, ponch and buddy rich over at tom's in blanco, tex. we had a carb float check and valve adjustment check all in the same day. at that time i had 68,250 miles on the clock. that was 47,250 miles of trouble free riding. i don't remember the valves needing to change but a couple of shims to say they were in specs. now i have a 11 y.o. rsv trike bike that i bought with just over 18,000 miles. again no mx history. i'll just wait till there's another valve check day somewhere or go anouther 40,0000-50,000 miles but this is just me this is just my 2-cents and my experiance. reguards don c.
  23. " CHARISMATIC MAN " happy happy annversary to you both. ya'll will always have a place in my heart and a room in my home. thanks again for letting me break bread with ya both yesterday. best reguards daddy don
  24. hope all goes well, ben reguards don c.
  25. gary i am sorry to hear this sad news. you did have one last special fathers day with him. you said it best that you felt he knew you were there. and by god you were. may you and your family have the lord's blessing and love at this hard time in ya'll life. reguards don c.
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