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Everything posted by Stanman

  1. I also very rarely exceed the legal speed limit as I'm more interested in getting good fuel mileage than setting land speed records. For me speeds above 65 mph does not make for a relaxing ride. Stuff happens way too fast if something goes wrong. I also think pulling over and letting them by is probably the safest thing to do. Getting into a confrontation with a cage while on a bike is like signing a death wish.
  2. WTF you talkin' 'bout???????? You must have a back pocket full of sugar when you ride.
  3. I am currently using NGK, but when I need to change plugs I will probably go to Champion or some other brand as I'm finding NGK's are giving lots of problems in snowmobiles. NGK are not anywhere near as good as they once were. Unfortunately I have several NGK snowmobile plugs in stock I may have trouble selling.
  4. You obviously have more cahonies than I do. I could have rode in Nov. but work kept me too busy, but the bike was parked from then till early May (snow prevented me from getting to it any earlier) and I still haven't rode the thing. It's been so darn wet... I don't find much enjoyment riding in the rain.
  5. My bolt is still tight but that is almost exactly the same fix I had in mind, except I was thinking about using a 1/2 inch, grade 8 fine thread bolt instead.
  6. I tried a 100/60 H4 in mine the other day while it was sitting in the shop. The headlight warning on the CMS stayed on, both for high and low beam. I decided to put the original bulb back in and noticed the wires to the bulb were quite warm. The new bulb must draw more power than the wires can safely handle.
  7. You can flatfoot wit a 30" inseam? I have the same length of inseam and cannot sit flatfooted. I only run about 22 - 24 lb in the suspension. If I have to creep behind a vehicle pulling up to a red light it can be quite a challenge to stay straight.
  8. I was looking on eBrandon.ca and noticed 3 Ventures listed. If anybody is interested, I hope these links work. http://www.ebrandon.ca/ItemView.aspx?item_id=215818 http://www.ebrandon.ca/ItemView.aspx?item_id=223533 http://www.ebrandon.ca/ItemView.aspx?item_id=217433
  9. Fantabulous!!! I wish we could legally treat our thugs with the same respect.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by YYZ [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=413542#post413542][/ame] Careful what you wish for. I can understand the fasination if you are not used to it but when you have to deal with it for 5 or more months a year along with freezing temperatures, snow looses it's appeal. Of course the worst part is you can't ride for those 5 or more months. That's why I want to move south! About 10 inches of the white crap here, -25C (-13F) this morning.:cold:
  11. I would hope he enjoys riding the girlfriend more than the bike. Forgive me folks, but it's a play on words I couldn't leave alone. Probably should have added is going to to the end of the sentence.
  12. I have heard that unfortunately in some areas the donation boxes set out by Legion members for the sale of poppies are being stolen. SHAME on the individuals responsible for these acts. They obviously have no respect for the great people that gave up their lives so we all have the freedom they take for granted!!
  13. I'm 50 y.o. and thoroughly enjoy riding my '86 1st Gen. I started riding when I was about 16 on a Honda 250 dirt bike. I went from that to a Kawi 400 twin before I traded it on a new 1980 440 LTD. After a couple of years on the 440 I traded up to a new '82 Yamaha 550 Maxim. I loved that bike and at times wish I still had it, but I was young and had the need for more power so it was traded on a very good used 750 Maxim. I sold this machine in the spring of '87 because I thought the insurance was much too expensive for the small amount I was able to ride. I was without a bike until 2003 when I bought an '84 1000 Virago, then in the fall of 2006 I obtained the '86 VR I have now. I just realized the vintage of my bikes hasn't changed much, I simply took an 18 year break from riding.
  14. Agreed, its a big machine, I guess that's why its a trike. Yes fabulous paint job.
  15. I have seen starters (not motorcycle) give the grief you are talking about and found the dragging was caused by the bushings at either end getting worn and letting the armature contact the fields. The starter then draws mega power to turn it over under load. I would suspect the bushing next the drive gear is the culprit. It doesn't take much wear if the clearance between the armature and fields are very close. Good luck.
  16. I don't even use IE, always found it less user friendly than Firefox. Firefox has had tab browsing and a shortcut bar for quite some time now.
  17. Probably because its the only way of being able to ride the bike when they get to their destination instead of spending time fixing it.... Or to prevent from being broke down on the road there.
  18. I didn't wash the wheel when the tire was changed, unless the dealership that installed the tire did.
  19. :sign yeah that:I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER!!
  20. While out for a ride yesterday, I thought I heard a rhythmic squeak at low speed once in a while. I was 50 miles from home so I decided to run it home. Everything seemed fine at highway speeds, so I wasn't overly concerned. I thought it was the splines in the drive hub dry so I ran it in the shop to grease it. As I was removing the wheel I found it strange that the castle nut on the axle was barely finger tight. When I pulled the axle out I was very surprised as it was only 7 inches long with a nicely rounded end. The other end was still sticking out of the hub! I had to remove the final drive from the swing arm to get the wheel off the bike. Apparently the bearing was jamming at times and started rotating the end of the axle shaft. When I drove the axle out the inner race is still stuck on the shaft. Darn good thing the pinch bolt on the right side was tight so that end of the axle could not fall out. I don't even want to think of the concequences of something like that happening at highway speed. Now it looks like I'm going to have a fun time getting the outer race removed from the wheel. The right hand bearing came out reasonably easy. I just bought an axle from Pinwall Cycle and will have to order the bearings and seals from Yamaha Monday. By the way the splines have plenty of grease on them.
  21. In this province, any time a motorcycle changes ownership (even from husband to wife) the VIN must be checked by the RCMP before SGI (government insurance) will register/insure it. I would think any discrepancies would create a problem.
  22. From my standpoint UPS is a bunch of crooks that should be put out of business. Any shipments from USA to Canada they bleed the crap out of us with a bunch of additional charges. I have canceled orders because the intended carrier was UPS. As I have said before they should be boycotted and I definitely practice just that!
  23. VERY well done!!! I'm not a fan of the 2nd gens, but, that looks great. You can be proud of your scoot. The seat covers DO make it worth an extra look.
  24. Many years ago when I used to ride while I lived in Manitoba it was the same, but, I turned the plates in for a refund when it got too cold to ride.
  25. They're not alone... I'm sure Quebec sides with Ontario and feels the same way. :stirthepot: We should keep in mind not to let this get political!!
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