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Everything posted by Stanman

  1. Just my experience but,I had tried a snowmobile helmet with the double walled visor several years ago when I still drove a sled. It did me absolutely no good because after about a mile my visor was so fogged up I could not see. Had to finish the ride with the visor wide open. The helmet sat on the shelf for several years after that until I finally managed to sell it. Good luck finding a helmet and visor that works for you.
  2. Yup, almost looks like the Harley they were origionally designed after!! :stirthepot:
  3. I have a couple of good locks from a slightly damaged saddle bag. $10.00 each plus $5.00 shipping. Let me know if you're interested.
  4. No problem Sarge46, I'm up to my ears busy at work right now anyway.
  5. Stanman


    Great news!! Glad your home and hope the rest of your recovery goes very well. Thanks to your daughter for keeeping us updated on your progress.
  6. I don't think the speedometer would read slower as they drive off the front wheel, unless your '84 is different.
  7. We have about 4 inches of the white crap. What's the chances of a Canuck getting a permanent job in the USA? Every fall I wish I could move about 1000 - 1200 miles south. I absolutely hate our cold snowy winters.
  8. This is the exact same reason I joined. The people here have to be some of the greatest folks I could wish to meet. Maybe some day I'll meet some of them.
  9. Sure I'll Paypal you right away.
  10. I need the white plastic back cover and the temp guage with nuts on the studs. Removing the temp gauge from the speedo may risk damaging the needle during shipping so if you don't think it can be packed without damage I'll buy the temp/speedo assembly and change it when it gets here. What do you figure you need for it and the back cover?
  11. Actually its the tabs on the side of the instrument cluster that the screws go into that are broke off. Big holes in the side of the white plastic housing. Problem with temp gauge is two of the nuts that hold the wires on are missing and the threads on the studs are damaged to the point where its almost impossible to put the nuts on if I had them. Had to get creative to try to keep the wires in contact with the guage. When I get it to make connection the gauge works fine, but, keeping the connection tight is quite a challenge.
  12. Instrument panel for the '87? This bike had a rough life with one of the PO's, nearly all the mounting tabs for the dash cover are broke off and the temp gauge is difficult to keep working. Got to get it working before I ride today. Anything on Ebay seems to be for an '83 to '85.
  13. OK $30.00 sounds fair. PM me your email address and I'll PayPal it to you.
  14. Will you part out the side cover louvers? If so, how much are you asking for them. I have an '86.
  15. Kitesquid; just a friendly reminder, please see post #41. I don't know where I fit in line as long as I can view it and send it to the next on the list. Thanks.
  16. I would take the side cover louvers. How much do you need for them? The louvers on the right side of my '86 are broken.
  17. Stanman

    Sig too large?

    If you hadn't said anything we wouldn't be any wiser. On my monitor it looks like a "mother of pearl" finish customized plate.
  18. Very well stated, Freebird. I could see this going the wrong direction in a hurry.
  19. Put me on the list for Canada. I promise to abide by all the preset terms.
  20. I wear mine 99.5% of the time. The .5% I don't is going across town to my current employment, less than a minute at 15 mph. The helmet is in the trunk in case I decide to go for a ride after work. I don't do this very often as I usually walk it.
  21. I try to play a guitar mostly for my own pleasure. I'm definately not very good, but, I enjoy it just the same. I own an Artist series Alvarez cedar top 6 string.
  22. I have a set of carbs off an '86, but, they need the main diaphrams replaced. If you are interested let me know.
  23. I've been watching these mufflers on and off all winter. They usually sell for between $230 and $280. I'm waiting for them to go for less than that as the stock mufflers are working fine. I'm also curious how loud they are because I have always prefered my bikes to run quiet.
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