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bill in mn

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Everything posted by bill in mn

  1. how exciting to be pain free again. I'm wearing out myself had knee surgery done in Dec. for a torn meniscus and carpel tunnel surgery this coming Thursday . My left hand has been going numb and feels like needles in it all the time now.My wife's tolerance to MY pain is very high but she has reached her limit and I also need to pull the clutch in. Best of everything and it's amazing what they do these days.
  2. Very Nice .
  3. I have had a hot tub for 5years and a spa for 15 and we decided it would be our family fun and that it has been. Kids learned to hold their breath in the hot tub I would bring my scuba cyclinder and two regulators and they would be under for 20 minutes at a time. Hot tubs are deeper and more of a bigger vessel spas are where you lay down more and get under the water that way. Jets 20 ,30, 40 it dose'nt much mater if they are not pointed at you. We have a foot well a big plus for just a big jet on your feet or anywhere else. ours is a great lakes brand and has run well for 15 years , not flawlessly but well. Inside I would think about that, a friend rented one for a party put in the garage thinking it would be cold other wise the sheet rock fell off the ceiling with all the moisture (there is a lot of moisture )and you can't see the stars. We are in ours just about nightly and last night it was -22 ° and with a hat on perfect. With young kids under 100 lbs keep the water around 98 ° 99 ° any hotter you cook them like a hot dog , not enough mass .Ours runs about $75.00 a month to heat and run I keep the pump on all the time to prevent freezing and we don't run it in the summer. They are a bit of work to maintain but I think it's worth it they are fun.
  4. The 500 Kawasaki does it for me. Wow that rings home I looked at them in 74 they were green that year. I had just turned 16 and my folks said if I took a motorcycle safety class they would co-sign for a road bike. I was talked out of the Kawasaki and went with the TX 500 by Yamaha. My Dad didn't think the 2 smoke was a good idea for a road bike I guess manufactures didn't either. Put what I thought was a lot of miles on that Yamaha and I didn't have to hitch hike for 10 months of the year.
  5. Very impressive , And keep the faith you and the lord can beet this again .all the best ,Bill
  6. Candy or protein bars , yes the rest wouldn't fit on the bike.
  7. Happy birthday Larry , you are a great asset to this site. Glad your here.
  8. Saddened to hear about your Mom , We'll keep her and your family in our prayers. Bill & Crew
  9. I have a smile too. Just sent in my $10.00 to renew my license . So the 8" of snow we got here Saturday doesn't seem so bad . There is a silver lining to this winter s*it. I sure like your Wing and have been looking at them myself but I don't think I could take the ribbing that Freebird got for buying a H D . Maybe Goldwings are ok, I would like to be an owner of one and find out. {$17.00 didn't see the state fees }
  10. Nice work . I'm not very mechanically inclined , simple stuff yes but to pull and engine and split the case I don't think so. I envy the folks that can do stuff like that. I'm just learning on how carburetors work not to take them apart but just what they do . amazing who ever designed that. Congratulations on a successful job. Bill
  11. Will Do .
  12. About 3,000 is a good season for me I just get so many things going that ridding has to take a back seat . I just took the battery out today at -21° I have thrown in the towel and will set my sights on next season. I will try to better every year.
  13. I have always said " What ever blows your skirt up , have at it " at least your doing something that interests you.
  14. you are blessed Puc. HNY2U
  15. bill in mn


    you lucky duck (YLD ) that is the best news ever (TBNE ) Your going to have the best Christmas ever (YGHBCE )
  16. welcome home and a wish for a great recovery.
  17. bill in mn


    Ouch ... -4 here and there are no bugs either
  18. To cool . Makes me smile too.
  19. very nice and you did it on your own, nice indeed young man.
  20. Wow sorry to hear about your friend. Don't know what to say that might make things easier. I know that I make sure there is nothing I wish I had said , or something I wish I haden't said to the people close to me. Sounds like you have that covered . I have faith he'll be fine and we will all be together again.
  21. I Care ! What a mile stone and a testament to your love .Congratulation .
  22. I think the opposing cylinders is the best so far. BMW has had that in their line up for years. Subaru cars have the same design with opposing cylinders and they go for years to. Subaru engines are a Fuji motor the same ones the use in small aircraft. I don't know much about engines but if it says Yamaha I have just had to put gas and oil in and that's about it.I wonder about the Wankel rotary how that does.
  23. I just had surgery yesterday on my knee for a torn meniscus they go in and clip out the bad part and then your off to the races. I did something back in July and after it not getting any better it was time to get it fix. The surgeon said the bad news is these don't fix them self's.The quality of your life depends on ones health . If getting a joint replaced was necessary I would do anything to keep on moving.
  24. Nice ,very nice
  25. Sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like the family and he made a lasting impression on you and help make you the man you are today. I have a few friends that are in the last stages of their life's and it's hard to watch. You sound like a good friend and when you boil it away that's what counts. Hang in there and we'll all meet again. Bill & Crew
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