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bill in mn

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Everything posted by bill in mn

  1. $12.00 was worth the price of admission alone. And the first thing I fixed with the help of this site (battery warning light fix) and it worked perfect. I even made one for my friend that has the same issue. Worth twice the $12.00 , thanks .
  2. Thanks Gary , your right I should have started a new thread . I thought since it was brake related I might get an reply . Bill
  3. !985 Venture Royal Bought it with 25,300 and now have 25,490 but I just bought it a week ago
  4. You guys sure seem to know your way around these big bikes.I'm having a time getting the brakes to work on my 1985 venture royal.I have front hand brake but no rear or left front.I was at a friends place trying to bleed the front but couldn't get more than a tea spoon or so out with a mighty vac and then trying the conventional way same thing. I have read just about every post on bleeding brakes on the sight but I'm not sure what I should try next .Thanks in advance , Bill
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