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Everything posted by SamB

  1. The IC should not have any effect on your Speaker volume, Three seperate voluime settings , IC, audio, CB.
  2. Got the same unit as you and have had good luck wth it
  3. Kevin Sounds like you got it down to the front fairing. I have the same question...
  4. I have gone on reserve as low as 130 and as much as 170 , but then go to a gas station ASAP as I don't want no trouble.
  5. I just changed my Iriduim plugs out at 14K .Just because.. They had alot of life left in them.
  6. Have just put my new Widder Electric gloves through thier paces on 5 or 6 cold rides .. I am a very happy camper now. I suffer from a chronic finger freezing problem and these gloves have made me a new man.
  7. Has anyone tried the 1157 HID (super white ) bulb as a replacement?
  8. had the same problem i have taped up the area near the headset and made it more rigid. I think all the bending helps to break up the wires there.
  9. I have just removed my left rear fins to get to the clutch bleed valve. I noticed while the cover was off the plug started leaking. I took the advice to add a shim and tightened the fins back on and solved the problem.
  10. Green Valley Arizona ,just South of Tucson. Great riding
  11. Start with the LD Comfort riding shorts.. ..
  12. Just finished adding the extra stock spring and went for a test ride. Works like a champ. The job was not as difficult as I thought . I do notice more tension on the clutch when shifting and it engages a bit sooner , but I will get over that. Thanks for the help guys.
  13. Gearhead So am I to understand that ALL oils under 30 weight have the modifiers wether they are Motorcycle oils , diesel oils etc.?
  14. Just ordered the parts from the stealer. Will try just adding the extra spring first and see what happens. Thanks for the info. .
  15. So it sounds like if I get the new bolts, a gasket and the spring , I am in business?
  16. It did not run long , maybe 4 minutes . It still had a bit of oil in it ( filter was not changed. It should be clean alright!! .. As to the extra spring, what kind of job is that? Would the exhaust have to come off? Thanks Sam
  17. This brings me to another question. I have heard that once you go to syn oil , going back to dino oil was not a good thing. Whats up with that?
  18. Well, after putting in an oil with FM , I changed oil 3 times. Then I dropped the oil and put in a gallon of Sea Foam and ran it about 5 minutes( it was hard to keep running as it had no oil pressure) I have improved on the clutch slipping to the point that it will only slip now when everything is cold. Once it heats up good there is no problem. Still .. I am paying dearly for putting Non MC oil in my RSV.
  19. SamB

    carburetor heater

    Where did you find the fuse .which one one is it?
  20. I feel like a very lucky man . Started at age 21 just out of the service and served 20 years with the State and retired at 41. It was an ugly and intense 20 but I am now almost 61. I bend over every morning and kiss myself.
  21. I am thinking I will go back to the Castrol and try to find a big supply to hold onto. I used it in my V Star and this bike and had no problems. My problems started when I started changing oils. Its like a self inflicted gunshot wound.
  22. Its not real bad , I notice it when the revs are up in say 3rd and I shift up and crank it on , the RPM goes up higher that the speed increase . You can definetly hear and feel it. If I apply power easy its not noticable.
  23. Condor Thanks for the reply. I am assuming that Rotell T syn does not have the modifiers. I was advised early on that it was a good MC oil. I orginaly used Castrol GPS syn and had no problem . I just could not find it readily.
  24. Just had a bad thought, after viewing some of these posts .. At 45.000 miles , it might be my clutch and not the oil.. Grim..
  25. It was slipping becase I put in Mobil 1 auto syn auto oil. I drained and flushed it and went to the Rotella .. still there.
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