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Everything posted by hog

  1. My plan is power steering,power disc brakes,air conditioning,302 engine,I also am doing a frame off restoration.My last car I did I put the majority of money building the motor up.This one I am rebuilding the motor basically stock except for headers and some chrome on it and put the money in suspension ,paint and interior instead.
  2. I got a 302 I am putting in it.
  3. Thanks,it will be fun.
  4. 3 on the tree with overdrive.
  5. Got it home here are pics.
  6. Absolutely,a few years back my son and I restored a 77 Mustang Cobra and built up a 302 Mexican block with a 4 speed behind it and we did it all the body and paint etc. and then traded it off a couple years later and he keeps bugging me come on Dad we need another project so now we got it.
  7. Well I went to a bike show yesterday and ended up buying a new project for my son and I to work on before I got home.Not a bike though.I ended up getting a 58 Ford F100 Custom Cab pickup with a really straight rust free body.Go pick it up Monday and will put some pics up,can't wait to start on it.
  8. hog

    Tough Call

    Wow ,now this is a coincidence.I been with the same company 15 years now and up untill recently I loved my job,even though I too ask myself how much longer can I do this work.I got fantastic benefits and pay for this area,it is just putting up with the politics at work that was hard.Our plant manager retired and that meant people moving up the ladder and my take on it was let the ass kissing begin.So now we have 3 new people in the 3 top positions in the plant,none of them being qualified for those positions I might add.My immediate supervisor stabbed me in the back before he got the job at a bar one night because he thought I was going for the supervisor of maintenance job,which I wasn't because I knew he would get it since he golfs with the new plant manager and drinks with him,even though I been there 10 more years than he did and been there since before we got up and running.So I been struggling with what to do.55 year old maintenance mechanics are not to much in demand,too many employers do descriminate because of age.But the stress of working for a guy with so little knowledge and who after only being in this position 2 weeks has already threw two of us maintenance mechanics under the bus so to speak to save his butt from being ripped.I just keep telling myself only 10 more years of this and I am done.So I too am faced with a decision,how much more can I take before I make the decision to move on or stick it out in hopes that eventually he falls on his face bad enough for corporate to step in and get rid of him.(His supervisor who used to be my supervisor already came to me and said my God I thought he knew more than that) So as it stands for me and the rest of us mechanics in the plant we have decided we have to cross our T's and dot our I's and cover our own backs cause no one else will be there in our defense.Thank God I get 225 hours of paid time of besides holidays this year.I will be doing a lot more riding this year I believe.That is my therapy,my stress reliever so to speek but with 4 inches of fresh snow on the ground it is out of the question.When I get on my bike I am not a 55 year old man anymore and my problems from the day or whatever go on the back burner so come on good weather.Sorry to have rambled on guys.
  9. hog

    No Mo Ammo

    Getting real hard here to get ammo too even 22 long rifle,I heard Hornaday in Grand Island,Nebraska.Bullet manufacture plant is 8 months behind schedule.
  10. I am a Vet and I go on as many missions as possible even though the funerals are really hard on me emotionally,I go because I know how much it means to the families and it is a way to say thank you to our men and women who risk all to protect the rights of us all and sadly even the rights of those no good ones from westborough baptist church.Just as in Nam I may not agree with why we are there but thank the ones who are and their families.
  11. The wife son and I went in 06.Son and I rode up wife followed in the Jeep.We stayed in Gilette,Wyoming about 95 miles from Sturgis and rode over to Sturgis area everyday.Motel room was 125.00 a night during Sturgis.About a 59.95 room any other time.If you don't like crowds,drunks,watching boobies,etc. do not go during bike week.It was fun to see but I won't go back during bike week.
  12. Will be praying for him and your family.
  13. Some ABATE groups may be good ones but the district I am in they are all just a bunch of drunks.I went on one poker run they sponsored and every stop at a bar to draw a card was taking longer and longer.I am riding about half way back in a group of maybe 50 bikes and suddenly all I see are brake lights everywhere and bikes swerving all over the road,someones ball cap had blown off their bike and some dumb ass decided to stop and pick it up.Next turn off I left the group and ended my run for the day.Lucky no one went down. I do belong to a local motorcycle club called the Chapparalls,a really good bunch of guys and gals in the club.We put on two large poker runs a year and donate a lot to different charities and one run is solely to raise money for juvenile diabetes research.Our club tries to change the publics view of what a biker is.Very few of our stops on a run are at a bar.We have a weekly supper run every Wednesday night that we ride to towns close by and eat a different resturants.Plus we have contests each year.It is only 14.00 a year for a family membership.
  14. Glad to hear your injuries were not more serious.I hit a deer with a car once but not the bike.That is one of my biggest fears riding at night.
  15. Pretty much sums it up.Except the part where I try like hell to get the wife to come in and wash my back and maybe a couple other places.
  16. Need to replace mine on the 01 i have.45,000 miles on the stock shock.Looking for a cheaper alternative over the overpriced stock replacement.
  17. Had a Poulan Wild Thing also,sold it for 50.00 cause I was done messing with it.But they did name it right at least.Chain tensioner kept working loose and chain would fly off,(poulan now makes a kit to put on a better tensioner).Pull rope broke many times,fuel line was too long and when it got warmed up the line would soften up and get pinched off.Got to where it would not idle.Don't know if anyone knows this but Poulan chainsaws are made by a company who makes sewing machines.Should have stuck with sewing machines I think.I bought an 18" Stihl and love it except for it is a bit heavy.But having gotten rid of the wood stove and getting a pellet stove I don't cut near as much wood as I used to and my back feels much better now in the winter time than it used to.
  18. Haven't been out yet ,still trying to decide is it worth it really.The game and parks here in good ole Nebraska is slowly making hunting a rich mans sport and so much land is leased to rich hunters that finding a spot to hunt is getting harder to find.A real shame cause I raised my son getting him interested in hunting and fishing so that he would have more things to do other than sit around playing video games or going out drinking and drugging as a lot of kids do.It worked as we have hunted together since he was 12 years old.It is like a ritual for him and I to go out to the timber every year and hunt deer.Game and parks has added more to the price of hunting you have to pay 30.00 for a permit then another 20.00 for a habitat stamp.I don't get a firearm permit because of too many idiots out there shooting everywhere,(just about got shot a few years back,bullet hit the tree a foot above my head) plus having two tree stands stolen from the timber a few years back.Black powder season is coming up and I really hate to not get permits to go cause it would be the first time in 12 years that the son and I do not go.I am sure I will go cause when I think about it 50.00 for a permit is worth it for the time we spend together just him and I.Plus it is a lot cheaper than all the bikes we have owned through the years so that him and I would have some common interests.It is just frustrating to see what good ole uncle sam is doing to make it more difficult to lifelong traditions such as hunting and fishing.So thanks for letting me vent and I will put up pics if we happen to be lucky enough to get deer this year.Population is down due to some disease the deer got.
  19. I just got done putting a set of Cooper touring 80,000 mile tires on our 2004 Impala and so far I love them ,nice and quiet on the road and great handleing,plus they only cost me $475.00 for 16 inch tires and got a $50.00 rebate on them.
  20. That time of year and next weekend rifle season opens and the bucks are in rut and being shot at and will be moving a lot especially at night.One of my biggest fears is hitting a deer on my bike.Plus yes I have those feelings but just not about whether to ride or not.Some days I get the feeling something bad is going to happen at work etc. Too bad I can't just call the boss and say hey I am scared to come to work today cause I got a bad feeling about it.I don't think that would be classified as an excuseable absence.
  21. Age is only a number.There are days I feel 20 again then days I feel 80.But what is most amazing to me is when I get to go have my therapy by throwing my leg over my bike and starting it up I am not an old man anymore.But also at age 55 my riding style has changed drastically from my young and dumb and bulletproof days.My son is 22 and first thing he said after riding my RSV is Wow that will be my next bike ,so he now owns a 03 Midnite Venture and loves it.I have been asked when will you give up riding and the answer is when I cannot get on it and feel safe holding it up,then I will trade it for a trike.
  22. I also used the upgrade kit from SkyDoc and wow did it ever make a difference.My first ride out afterwaeds I was doing about 5 mph and cracked the throttle wide open and the rear tire broke loose and started spinning.Yee Haaww.
  23. The wife had both done at the same time.Still has a few problems but not near as bad as she did.P.T. is a major thing ,getting strenth back etc.
  24. I used to own a 88 Kawasaki Voyager 1200 which most of the Voyagers was known to have a low speed wobble,parking lot speeds etc. that was easily cured by installing a front fork brace called the super brace which replaced the weak factory one.Well my bike did not have one and the low speed wobble was bearable no big problem.But once I had it up to 110 MPH I started to feel a slight wobble in the front so I backed off the throttle.But one afternoon I was coming home from work and it started raining and I knew that the one road was being resurfaced and that what they were doing was putting down oil after they had milled the surface then would asphalt over it and from riding to work that morning and seeing them oiling I knew that somewhere I was going to hit a spot where there was oil with the rain on top of it but did not know where.Suddenly it opened up and started pouring rain my visibility was terrible I had to lean out around the windshield to see where I was then I saw a sign and so I slowed to 30mph and then felt the drop off from the fresh asphalt to the oiled road and instantly my handlebars started to wobble and shake back and forth so hard it took all my strength to just hang on to them it was bad so I slowly applied my back brake till I got down to about 10 mph and it finally went away,but then I notice with the oil and water it literally felt as if I was on ice I had a hill about a half mile long to go up and was only doing about 5 mph up this hill with both feet down and rear tire spinning all the way up the hill.How I kept from going down I will never know.But that wobble scared the living crap out of me.So I guess what I am getting to here is even though I am not a Harley fan,they are way overrated and way overpriced but they are not the only manufacturer of motorcycles that know they have a problem because Kawasaki knew of this problem on the Voyagers for years and never did a thing to correct it.
  25. I was told Harley's had the oil leak problems fixed,so I went out and bought my son a 2001 883 sportster a few years back just so he could say he has a Harley.He rode it 200 miles and had oil all over the side coming out of the air cleaner so when I went to the dealer to get oil and a filter for it I asked about it and the guy say's yes they screwed up and put the breather tube in the bottom of the air cleaner when they should have put it in the top.He told me how to fix it plug the hole in the bottom and drill a hole in the top and insert the tube or do like most people do and everytime you change oil put a kotex or sanitary napkin in the bottom of the aircleaner to soak up the oil.I did then I sold it. Imagine the crap I hear from Harley riders when I talk to them and they find out my name is Harley and they say Cool what do you ride and I PROUDLY say a 2001 Royal Star Venture.
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