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Everything posted by kingbird

  1. Thanks Cougar. That's kinda what I was wanting to know when I first posted this thread. I figure most guys here are smart enough to know when and how to exercise common sense and good judgement. Heck, we can't be completely dumb ... look what we're riding! Happy trails! Kingbird
  2. I appreciate your attempt to mend fences and will let this drop also. But ... I also would like to hand you some stern and friendly advice: The line between being called "stupid" and being told that, in your opinion, they are "making a stupid decision" is a mighty fine line. Either way it adds up to being called stupid by almost anyone's measure. But putting that aside, the word "stupid" is the result of a judgement that you have made. When you choose to use judgemental words like "stupid", you are clearly implying you are confident in your superior understanding of the subject matter. Otherwise how could you be qualified to make that judgment? I would suggest that unless you have a clear understanding of the entirety of a person's circumstances (i.e. age, riding history and skills, conditions including traffic, weather, etc. in which they normally ride, etc., etc.) you have no basis upon which to judge anything. I was very pleased to read this. It indicates integrity on your part. Ever hear that "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? Throwing out agressive and judgemental slams under the guise of "giving friendly advice" usually does far more harm than good. I would suspect that you are actually getting more reaction like mine than your recipients take the time to post. It's just that I'm too old and cranky to put up with it. I wish you well, Bud. Ride safe. +end of discussion+
  3. Doesn't sound much different from chatting with someone on the back over the intercom. Thanks!
  4. I posted here to get some info about a Zumo, and I sincerely appreciate those who replied and offered their input. What I wasn't looking for was someone preaching to me that I am stupid for not subscribing to their particular concept of "safe" riding practices. I am certain that almost anyone on this forum who rides an RSV has used the CB to chat with their buddies and/or help keep a group ride organized. Perhaps some may feel that is "safer" but it requires talking, listening and depressing the talk-switch. Receiving a call and talking to someone while riding is little different that chatting with your passenger on the intercom ... or perhaps the preachers on this thread don't do that either. We have too many people making rules that everyone else is supposed to follow because, for some reason, those people think they know far better than you. These same smug people seem convinced that they understand what your circumstances are and they are thoroughly capable and informed enough to instruct you as to how to conduct your affairs in a way that they approve of. To those who were respectful and thoughtful enough to reply to my questions, thank you. To those who want to tell others how to live, I'd suggest you find another country komrade. This is still America. At least for some of us! Kingbird
  5. Thanks for the input guys. That's a big help. If I can receive calls on the bike I can write it off as a business expense. That helps make the decision for me Happy trails! Kingbird
  6. I'm considering buying a Zumo but that's a lot of loot and I really only half-understand what all this thing will do. I would appreciate some input from those who have them and have used them. Any input would be appreciated. Does the Zumo plug into the bike's existing sound system? If so, how does it connect? If so does it then play through the AUX function? I understand the Zumo is Bluetooth compatible. Is that correct? Can you receive calls through your helmet headset? From reading the various threads about the Zumo it sounds as though the newer version may be significantly improved over the 550. Any thoughts on that? As far as playing the MP3 music, do you load the Zumo from your computer at home or does it have a jack to plug an iPod into? Thanks in advance for any information you might have to share. Kingbird '05 Venture (Liquid Silver)
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