I appreciate your attempt to mend fences and will let this drop also. But ... I also would like to hand you some stern and friendly advice:
The line between being called "stupid" and being told that, in your opinion, they are "making a stupid decision" is a mighty fine line. Either way it adds up to being called stupid by almost anyone's measure.
But putting that aside, the word "stupid" is the result of a judgement that you have made. When you choose to use judgemental words like "stupid", you are clearly implying you are confident in your superior understanding of the subject matter. Otherwise how could you be qualified to make that judgment? I would suggest that unless you have a clear understanding of the entirety of a person's circumstances (i.e. age, riding history and skills, conditions including traffic, weather, etc. in which they normally ride, etc., etc.) you have no basis upon which to judge anything.
I was very pleased to read this. It indicates integrity on your part.
Ever hear that "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? Throwing out agressive and judgemental slams under the guise of "giving friendly advice" usually does far more harm than good. I would suspect that you are actually getting more reaction like mine than your recipients take the time to post. It's just that I'm too old and cranky to put up with it.
I wish you well, Bud. Ride safe.
+end of discussion+