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Everything posted by dacheedah

  1. With three wheels it's a motorcycle, soooo no compliance with crash safety standards required to have breaks required to have lights now I know he said he wanted to comply with them anyways. . .
  2. I like using a waterproof bag that Walmart sells in the camping section. I toss my ipass in it and attach it to my jacket or vest. Those things get stolen all the time and if it's on me it's ez
  3. I suggest against it and the antennas can be pricey, antenna holders are not that much
  4. Deer numbers are way down here, still see some sleeping on the roadside and many with spots
  5. Good bet on ground loop http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062214. You can try a ferrite beads on the supply and ground http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3012599 also make sure your spark plugs are resistor plugs.
  6. were building an arc here, river is flooded and rising
  7. Youngest is moving toSan Antonio first week in June. It looks like a quick roadtrip and he wants to trailer his car down.
  8. I suggest to everyone to get some tennis balls, cut them in half and use them as cones. Practice your evasive maneuvers. When I thought emergency vehicle operator driving we always taught that on most occasions you are better to steer around than break and hit the object in your path. Practice threshold braking, if you lock a wheel practice a technique to let off a little pressure without letting off the brake. That means curling your toes on the back of tense your fingers open a bit with your hand. You want the wheels to turn without locking and thats the fastest you will ever stop and will still allow you to maneuver. Overcorrection is a fatal error that causes most fatalities while driving (Car, truck, bike) the ohhhh shi . . . factor causes over correction. Practicing will build muscle memory and will help you in your travels. Good driving techniques, looking left right left again before entering intersections, make eye contact with drivers, watch the front wheels on vehicles you are passing and look for escape routes. If you get cut off look where you want to go and focus on that. The human brain will take your full field of vision away when stressed. I also put HID's and led driving lights on the bike to be seen but someone with their nose in their phone can't see that either. Last of all ride safe after 38 years in public safety I have seen people die from any number of accidents, not all vehicle related. Take your time in life and enjoy and be safe.
  9. rear wheel and a venture like kit, so 4 wheels
  10. I like the blue
  11. check connections for corrosion, noise filter and a cheap fix could try to put a ferrite bead on the power wire and ground wire feeding the audio.
  12. tune your own, go to a gig truck stop and see what they have.
  13. Replace them! 5 years from the manufacture date and pull them off. The tires break down and on the road is not the place to find out. Put som E3 or commanders on her
  14. Joe, have you replaced the stator, battery and regulator at the same time?
  15. see if theirs a dot , like a yellow or white dot by the valve stem. If you have a dot and it's not on it I agree you should have it rotated.
  16. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8p_qtltTFzIA2EaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIycTN2ZDMxBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkMWExMmIyZWU0NzM2MjY2N2JmZGFjZjU2MjgzNjRmNgRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dyamaha%2Bventure%2Bisimple%26fr%3Dmcafee%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=500&h=500&imgurl=cdn1.vnexttech.com%2Fcatalogs%2Fstar_accessories%2Flg%2F1bm-h81c0-t0-00.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polarispartshouse.com%2Foemcatalogs%2Fp%2Fyamaha_motorcycle_cruiser_2006_royal_star_venture%2Fstar_accessories-electrical%2F4ff76d37f870020f741519ea%2Fisimple-gateway-ipod-adaptor&size=30.2KB&name=iSimple%C2%AE+GateWay%E2%84%A2+iPod%C2%AE+Adaptor&p=yamaha+venture+isimple&oid=d1a12b2ee47362667bfdacf5628364f6&fr2=piv-web&fr=mcafee&tt=iSimple%C2%AE+GateWay%E2%84%A2+iPod%C2%AE+Adaptor&b=0&ni=200&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=15i09ge8q&sigb=13cue2c8h&sigi=1238plv2o&sigt=113knr3jb&sign=113knr3jb&.crumb=vTdmyhjisn3&fr=mcafeeMy dealer didn't know about it and had mine for sale until I inquired about it. Yamaha shipped it separately to his parts dept. It comes with an yamaha engraved ipod touch , a small box mounted in the left side bag with an ipod cord. Now we ran a cord out and to my back seat passenger and hook my wife's iphone 5 to it and it works awesome. If you leave the ipod on it will kill your battery so remove , turn off or unplug when not in use for several days.
  17. These are sweet to watch, anyone know what color Carl's hair was before he went grey??
  19. and who thought this would be a great idea said me never
  20. Must b south of the equator with the upside down picture. . .enjoy
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