I just purchased a 2005 RTSD with a little over 7,000 miles for $6,000 which I am hoping was a decent deal. But any ways I test drove it and it never showed the first sign of a problem. But on my way home it started cutting out when accelerating and popping on deceleration. Well at the end of my 200 mile trip home the bike was cutting out pretty bad pretty much through about 70% of the rev band and popping any time I stared to decelerate. I know the bike has been siting for about 7-8 weeks and not sure if that would have anything to do with it or at least to that extent. (Oh, and the bike has a pair of BUB's on it if that may be contibuting to the problem). My last bike was fuel inj. so I never had any of these problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks: Tim