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Personal Information

  • Name
    sidney mcwhorter


  • Location
    rochelle ga, United States


  • City
    rochelle ga


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 royalstar midnight venture

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  1. Got 128000 on my 2002 rsv. Been running rotella T6 since 09 and 40k miles. Using a little oil now. Thought about using lucas like I use in my diesel and gas trucks. Has anybody used lucas, if so your thoughts. Thank you in advance.
  2. Need a seat to start with. Do not have one. thank you
  3. what is watering hole??? thank you
  4. Need a driver seat for my 2002 royal star midnight venture. Prefer stock black seat or one that will fit.. If anybody has one or knows where one. Can not ride until I get one. Please let me know if you know where I can find one2002 rsv middnight, 104k miles Thank you. maddog2498
  5. get another spring, if it still slips, put both springs on, that helped mine.
  6. Need a driver seat for my 2002 royal star midnight venture. Prefer stock black seat or one that will fit.. If anybody has one or knows where one. Can not ride until I get one. Please let me know if you know where I can find one2002 rsv middnight, 104k miles Thank you. maddog2498
  7. Great bike. I have had 4 gold wings and a memeber of GWRRA for over 27 years. Rides better than any GW that I have every had. I have 104k on mine and my longest run was 1240 miles in 20 hr, the next day 600 miles and the next day 600 miles. Just got back from the smokie mts on 1400 mile trip. Was hauling my bike on a trailer and lost my seat. If any one knows where there is a factory seat for my 2002, please let me know. Ride safe, bike is top heavy especially when doing dead stick turns such as in middle of road. But when you get your feet up and roll the throttle, it is a great ride. Ran mine 90 to 110 all day long across the desert out west, not recommended but was riding hard.
  8. that is what mine is, but that one is in rough shape. I was of hopes someone on this site has up graded to an after market seat and would have one they would sell or let go. thank you for your response. I'm sure someone on here has one or know someone who does. How could I get more members on here to see my post.
  9. Want to buy a driver seat for my 2002 royal star midnight venture. Prefer stock black seat or one that will fit.. Please let me know if you know where I can find one Thank you. maddog2498
  10. thanks, found this on ebay [h=4]EXHAUST MUFFLER DONUT GASKET Fits YAMAHA 36Y-14714-00-00, 3XW-14714-00-00[/h] [TABLE=class: tableItemDetails table-condensed] [TR] [TD=class: ng-binding]Item price[/TD] [TD=class: ng-binding]$10.00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: ng-binding]Quantity[/TD] [TD=class: ng-binding]1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: ng-binding]Item number[/TD] [TD=class: ng-binding]272744213944[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: ng-scope] [TD=class: ng-binding]Shipping service[/TD] [TD] USPS First Class Package [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  11. THANKS WILL TRY THIS SITE. wHAT IS BEST SPARK PLUGS. i PUT NEW IN APP 14K AGO(CHAMPIONS I THINK), now it is skipping when I it is cold, not as bad as when warms up but still not right. I may have gotten some water in gas on a trip. any suggestions as how to clear it up?? thanks
  12. PLEASE NEED HELP ON MUFFLER LEAK. The power sports motorcycle shop in ocla fl changed my tire when I had a blow out on a trip. they messed up the wrap that goes around my pipe to makes muffler fit tight. I never had a problem taking off and putting back on but they crammed it back up in pipe and messed it up, and now I have a leak on right side. What and where can I get some more wrap to put back? Can not stand the sound only from one side.
  13. The power sports motorcycle shop in ocla fl changed my tire when I had a blow out on a trip. they messed up the wrap that goes around my pipe to makes muffler fit tight. I never had a problem taking off and putting back on but they crammed it back up in pipe and messed it up, and now I have a leak on right side. What and where can I get some more wrap to put back? Can not stand the sound only from one side.
  14. I use floor jack from Harbor Freight. My m/c man charges $7 to change and mount tire. The power sports motorcycle shop in ocla fl changed my tire when I have bloe out on trip. they messed up the wrap that goes around my pipe to make muffler fit tight. What and where can I get some more wrap to put back. Can not stand the sound only from one side.
  15. I have 2002 rsv with 90k miles. rear schock blew and is leaking. I saw on here somewhere that a guy had mastered the task of rebuilding a rear schock. Please if you know where I can find this post or how to get in touch with the guy, let me know. thank you maddog, (gwmonkey2000@yahoo.com)
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