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Everything posted by ACE50

  1. Just got a quote to adjust my valves (I'm gonna do it, just wondering what they would do it for) from Honda/Kaw dealer. $200 just to check them and upwards ($450) if needed to adjust as they would have to pull the cams! Still trying to get ahold of Yamaha dealer. Maybe pull the engine?!!!
  2. Actually don't have that last one. A Triumph Tiger 1050. Thinking about selling the RSTD to get it.
  3. After that fix and greasing the clutch lever, it should work like butter! Love hyd. clutches!
  4. Sounds like you might have a VMAX shaft drive installed. Look to see if the stud in top of pic or if removed has a hole there. That's the shock mount on a VMAX. A Venture one should just have a un-used boss there. Either that or you have the dreaded clutch wine, not use to the V4 engine or clutch is slipping.
  5. I like it, cause it is different. I've been toying with the idea of floorboard's that's also the shifter and brake. Also integrating switches into the grips. I've done that before and it worked great. And a few other things. Now to just build a bike with all of it!
  6. Harmless..........your wearing out the sparkplug twice as fast!!!!
  7. I agree that 'best practice' is to replace them, but I never have. On my 99 or 06. Never had a leak........so far!
  8. Man, I wish I had seen this thread before I ordered a colortune. Same issues as Goose had. Seems a waste on these bikes. I'm thinking I just need to do the valve adjustment (27K) as it seems a little rough at times and a carb sych doesn't help it.
  9. Got to agree with all that!
  10. Man, he has lights clamped to the lower crash bar. I'd rip those off in the first corner I'd take!
  11. I asked my friend with the VMAX if he had a dyna 3000 in it, as I was sure I had hit the rev limiter. He said no, what the hell did I do when I rode it? Crap, he my never let me ride it again......
  12. If you move it around with the engine cover off, it will leak, as it isn't supported on the end as with the cover on.
  13. I replaced that seal on my 99. Turns out that wasn't it, it was leaking on the case split line an inch over. Had to seal up with some JB Weld. Hope that's not your problem. I just poked a hole in it and grabbed with a hook. Installed with a wood bushing I made so I could install it straight. No sealant on seal or case cover. Where did you get the rubber booties for shift rod at?
  14. That makes me wonder if my friend's VMAX has a DYNA 3000 in it, cause it's just like hitting the RS limiter. I'm gonna find out.
  15. Well known fault of 83-85 bikes. Will have to split engine open to fix it. Good write-up procedure in tech section to fix it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=508&highlight=gear
  16. I haven't ridden a bike without a rev limiter. RS set at 6500. Much more and you'll float the valves. Would need Vmax springs. Vmax is set at 9500 limit. I've hit it plenty of times on both bikes. RS carbs are 32mm. Largest they used I think.
  17. Triumph Tiger 1050. I'd trade the RSTD in for one. Just getting a little tired of all the weight it has.
  18. The lead plane is watching where he's going, all the rest are watching him. That's why 5 Thunderbirds drove right into the ground some years ago. The lead plane had trouble or something, the rest of them followed him into the ground. Tragic.
  19. Where do I send my money!!! :cool10:
  20. CARBTUNE! Without a exhaust gas analyzer, kinda hard to know how pilots need to be set exactly, though you can get close.
  21. 919 Hornets are another great reliable bike from Honda. I would get one but my ZRX1100 is a little faster!
  22. My shock only squeaks when it's 40° or below. I rarely ride when it's that cold anyway.
  23. I think they are. Wondering why this only list 1st gen models? http://www.ebay.com/itm/K-L-Motorcycle-Valve-Adjustment-Shim-25mm-2-70mm-Vintage-Honda-Yamaha-/171282157657?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27e1365059&vxp=mtr
  24. Wow, that's a lot of bikes. I want a list to compare to.
  25. I just looked at my bike. I see nothing wrong with those pics. The right side of the S.A. just slides over axle, no steps, then clamps
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