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Everything posted by ACE50

  1. I'm guessing you mean aftermarket? cause the stock ones mount in each quadrant.
  2. To check oil, I get on it , center it up and use a mirror to see site glass. Easy peasy.
  3. ACE50


    Do the first gen's have point contacts like the 2nd gen on the pump? That's an easy fix.
  4. Best two mods I've done are VMAX shaft drive and Stratoliner front wheel. Then might be, next larger slow jets with K&N filters and getting rid of AIS system so I don't have to work around that crap.....
  5. "Have a carburetor sync gage on order so that will be next." Let us know if that one helps, it just might do the trick.
  6. I have had a plug pop out on me at 70 mph. It was my first plug on a bike and was prob my fault. It does make a difference on how you put it in. Cleaning Ride-on out is no problem as it mostly stays in the tire. Slime is a different matter and you shouldn't use it on a bike anyway.
  7. I made one like that for my first Honda chain driven bike. It doesn't work on every bike cause the engine sticks down on many. I can only use it now on My Kaw ZRX.
  8. To get an idea on a RSV what this is like, get a mirrored ball like the ones used in disco clubs, mount it just above the gas tank cap and go for a ride on a sunny day. That's the midnight RSTD! Kinda ironic!
  9. This is not a RSV problem. The RSTD has a hell of a lot more chrome up front to reflect, then the addition of driving lights adds to it and the Midnight models are even worse. I have all three. Gotta get me some Plasti-dip!
  10. I was wearing sunglasses on this ride! If you don't think a stock RSTD is reflective on a sunny day..............you must be blind!
  11. I have a few thousand miles on a plugged E3. I also put in Ride-On as a back-up.
  12. It has to be fit, (shimmed in properly) It was easier for me to mill the speedo hole.
  13. Although I'd love to take my bike apart and send all the nice chrome parts to who ever wanted them, I think I'll just spray a little of this around to cut the glare down. AND it will peel off when I want to! Should match my midnight!
  14. Cause I saved $150 bucks doing it myself! AND gained the experience of doing it! I'm not a 'buy it and just bolt it on' kinda guy!
  15. Last weekend we had some great weather (no clouds) so I popped down to NC and rode all day Sat in the mountains with my best friend. The sun was reflecting off all the damn chrome on my RSTD which is everywhere on these things! Headlight, driving lights, speedo cover, gas tank cover.................. It's much better since I have black-out the windshield on the lower 2/3 rds of it, but there are still plenty of it to reflect. I never have this problem on my sport bike. They typically don't have any chrome. Heck, even my friends VTX1800 had chrome that was reflecting back at me when he was in front. Even though I have a 'midnight' model, I'm gonna have to find a way to de-glare this thing! Don't think I'll ever get a chromed out bike again
  16. Why do you mess with the lowers when doing this? I saw no reason for this.
  17. I do all the time now. Just make it a habit. At least my other bikes have vacuum petcocks so you don't have to on them.
  18. And remember, if you have the leveling links in (raise rear 1") oil in the window will be 1/4 higher than stock. I keep mine at the top of window now.
  19. And darkside too!
  20. Yes and I was only referring to the ones that ARE motorcycle compatible. wet and all......
  21. "according to David Canitz, technical services manager at Royal Purple." Now that's an oil I would never use in a bike. Friend used it in his VMAX, didn't get 2 miles from home, developed a terrible howl. He changed oil back to what he was using before and it still took a few miles to get rid of the noise. Also seen a Goldwing clutch destroyed using it. Bad shear properties.
  22. Which reminds me, a friend found the first attempt by Harley to make an electric motorcycle. (70's) It's in their museum. Notice under the bike........on a electric bike no-less!
  23. Time to get a 2nd Gen! :rotf:Or call it a Harley..............
  24. Yes I have 'heard' that before, but I have never seen that to be the case myself. This has got to be a 1st Gen issue!
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