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Everything posted by tz89

  1. I'm going to build a couple complete boards with my new black label boards. If anyone wants one of them, either as a 4 or 6 cylinder setup, PM me.
  2. In his early posts and his ad I get credit. In that post it sounds like his design. “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.” Attributed to Ronald Reagan, and others in various forms back to 1863. http://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/12/21/doing-good-selfless/ As long as he is buying the boards from me, and doesn't deliberately mislead, I can roll with it. But thanks for asking. I do appreciate that greatly.
  3. The Valkyrie guy attached an oscilloscope and has a go at vacuum science http://www.valkyrieforum.com/bbs/index.php/topic,77183.msg755990.html#msg755990
  4. Here's a photo of my new black label boards. A little more expensive for me, but lead-free (can export anywhere) and with some minor text improvements. Most important, fast and reliable supply.
  5. When ice cream is outlawed only outlaws will have ice cream.
  6. Most of the discussion I've seen puts the color tune in the category of sounds good but wish it worked or worked better. Someone usually points out that without a gas analyzer you aren't doing much of anything real. Then the shade tree anecdotes start so here's mine. I think if your bike is running well including a good sync you can use the method described in another post. For one cylinder at a time set your mix screw out from bottom a bit then out a bit more until RPM picks up then back off. But that assumes your bike is running well, is in good sync, no air leaks, etc.
  7. Here's what his box looks like. He seems busy...... For Sale: Digi Sync Carburetor Synchronizer(s)
  8. The Comprehensive Vintage Motorcycle Price Guide lists it at about double for good condition. Perfect condition is listed at $7800. No sane person would pay that much imho but it makes me feel good to see it in print. I sometimes list mine, though haven't sold it, and get lookers at $3000 who all ask what is the bottom line. For me, it's "I don't need to sell it."
  9. Who would have guessed? The happy Valkyrie guy I posted above bought a dozen boards because he has a new idea for a cool box. I would do the same here if someone has those skills. PM me.
  10. I'm glad to help. Feel free to PM, too. I use the feedback to improve the instructions. Basically: 1. Mount the sensors. 2. Mount the 2 switches and resistor. 3. Put header pins into the arduino, sync board on top of that and solder. The sync board plugs/unplugs. 4. Solder pins to the LCD and then solder that to the sync board. 5. Solder either header pins or a jump wire to the power selector.
  11. My brother is trying to resist the Indian Roadmaster. I think he is losing.
  12. What's that sound? Black helicopters circling?
  13. A pretty happy report from a Valkyrie guy. I'm glad I designed for 6. Digital Carb Sync
  14. Parked on the side or center stand? Just asking. With a gallon gone before you parked it, so the top overflow empty, I don't expect it flowed through the engine from tank, pump and float chamber. I would suspect the tank float, cold weather and maybe a little accumulated moisture combining to cause the mystery.
  15. I'm making something for my Venture at the same time!
  16. Please enforce the rules without apology. I'm on another bike forum where everything gets dumped into one, including ads and political rants, and it sucks. Feel free to add something tougher like suspending accounts until some $$ paid.
  17. I would replace the original headlight bulb with a bright modern real motorcycle bulb. They are expensive but you can just swap and you will be much safer and happy at night. Replace the battery or at least load test it so you don't get stranded. Yes to tires. Yes to fluids. Yes to sync and plugs. Consider new plug caps and wires. But yes get out and ride it - it needs you! And congrats on having the fastest most handsome bike ever made!
  18. Warning - math nerd alert. To keep the display compact it uses whole integers not floating point numbers with a decimal point. If all sensors are displaying the same that means there are no rounding adjustments in the math (and someone did a really good job soldering it all together). The sensors return a voltage from about 0.5 to 4.5 volts. The Arduino translates that voltage range into a digital value 0-1023. The software I wrote maps that range into a different range for convenience - in the current version that is 1-337. There might be a round off depending on where it maps and whether the returned values are evenly divisible during calibation. During start up the board displays the calibration adjustments. On the board I just built those are now showing all zeros, so I know there is just a round off in the display. But at first it showed some calibration happening to a couple of the sensors which I was able to correct with a little adjustment to the soldering. For the hardcore the software is posted on GitHub, so you can turn off calibration and make other adjustments pretty easily. But for most everyone, including me with my own bike, I keep it simple. The sensors are more accurate than needed, and way more accurate than the manual screw adjustments on most bikes. So...... it is normal for them to display within a point of each other with the bike off (or hooked up to the same vacuum source). Hope that covers it. Let me know. PS When I saw the numbers from the Valkyrie photo I contacted him to see if he needed help. He replied: These vary depending on whether it's a cold start up or if the unit has been sitting powered up for a while. The resulting pressure values are: 27 27 27 26 26 26 These values may drift by a digit or two after a while but a reset brings them back together again. I figured that's what the reset button is for. The picture in my post was after a cold start and it sat for a while without a reset. I didn't notice that it had drifted until I looked at my post a bit later. Those numbers are fine. Drifting could mean something is effecting the pressure in the tubes (maybe in the carb bodies as they sit). He is up in northern Wisconsin or Michigan - so everything may be warming up or cooling off as he works on it. But, it is important not to calibrate while the bike is running or you will get numbers that are off. If you trigger the reset or flash the power you will be off.
  19. Speaking of looking great, here's a home built enclosure project from someone using my board as the starting point. Those Valkyrie guys are getting after this! There is something good about building your own tools. I got that from my dad I guess. He was partner and mechanic in an International tractor dealership. Here's a link to that thread... Digital sync tool
  20. Elementary, Watson. Bent upon removal. Mechanic 54 years old, faded tattoo, using a tall socket from Harbor Freight.
  21. Got a nice build out of my new batch of boards.
  22. Thanks. This is good feedback. I send a cd with all the instructions etc. There is a bill of materials that can just be uploaded to digikey. I include other good sources as I find them. I especially encourage buying a clone Arduino - that will save a bunch. I recently posted another source for the sensors. You can find the LCD cheaper but not by enough to wonder if it will fit and work the same, imho. I use 1/8" vinyl tubing to connect to the sensors. It's cheap and easy to find at any hardware store. I use a longer piece of 3/16" tubing to connect to the bike. And I use a reducing connector between the tubes. Some hardware, some aquarium, and some gardening/irrigation carry them. I'm still looking for the perfect online cheap source, but have decided I should just offer what I have on hand as an option to board buyers from this forum. It adds a few bucks but saves driving around and/or shipping costs.
  23. I got a new batch of boards in the mail today. I'll be doing a build this weekend. If you want a board PM me.
  24. I'm a firm believer in taking a skills course at least every other year, and I try to do it every year. Here in Oregon they offer a skills refresher which is cheap, and an advanced rider course which is not cheap (full day at a go cart track with banked curves in this part of the state).
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