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Everything posted by tz89

  1. PM sent. I'm still working on the next version. I hope to have something to post with pictures soon. I lent my first version to my brother and it worked fine for him. Please continue to post your ideas and your own attempts to build. I looked up some info on Goldwings. It seems they have an intake manifold on each side and so only have two carbs. That's easy. Honda Valkyries have six carbs, and my next version may help with that.
  2. Too, too, bored, for sure. I'll look forward to hearing how this goes. I can't begin to guess what you might run into. But.... It seems to me that better than having both bikes apart, you would be better off stripping the new one for body work and a great paint job (or find a cute back seat rider whose eyes match the bike and leave it blue!). Better to ride than wrench.
  3. Spotted about an 87 1st gen today out at Silver Falls. Looked for a likely owner but didn't spot any. Nice day for a hike in one of Oregon's most beautiful locations. Didn't have my camera.
  4. The digital carb sync I built out of old MAP sensors is working great. My bike is running sweeet. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73158 Although I am not ready to post an update, I am working on the next version.
  5. Listen to what Goose says, I sure do. I think we are saying similar things from different angles. The AIS adds air to aid burn off of un-ignited fuel which helps a bike meet tail pipe emissions regs. This should not be an issue on a mechanically sound bike being operated in an optimal way under optimal conditions. What I am suggesting is that many of us often do not ride optimally in optimal conditions, including sub-optimal fuel, climate, altitude and in the most EPA and DOT pleasing manner. Somethings that's the point. AIS lets us know with noise and hot pipes that things are, well, sub-optimal. It is a good thing to know when there is a mechanical problem. Maybe the bike needs to be tuned to actual conditions. Electronic ignition mapping is a factor. Cars and bikes are designed to meet regs as they are tested, and perhaps less so the way they are really driven and ridden. And it is a good thing to have a forum to find out which is which. Best $12 ever!
  6. The issue is the manufacturer trying to comply with EPA regs. Once your warranty period is over, or as you see fit, you can make the change. We don't have to worry about ending up with blue exhaust pipes but other bikes do. They are supposed to be INTERNAL combustion engines, not external, after all.
  7. tz89

    New SC law

    In Oregon you pay $179 for a 15-hour course for novice riders. The course takes place over three days and provides seven hours of classroom instruction and eight hours of range. At the end you have a skills eval and written test and you get a card you take to DMV to get the license. Pretty easy and worthwhile.
  8. tz89

    New SC law

    Oregon is phasing in mandatory skills training for new motorcycle endorsements. Not sure how this will affect those moving in from other states with a license already. Now, if we could mandate a civics, democracy and fiscal prudence skills training for legislators we would have something.
  9. Yes my voltage drops a lot when brakes are applied.
  10. [ATTACH]78256[/ATTACH]
  11. Yes you may have an air leak.... or What happens when you leave a little choke on? Could it just be set a bit lean?
  12. A forum for people with old bikes, and new bikes that still have carbs and cassette decks. I wonder what the result will be!
  13. I always select new posts and then mark all read.... so I haven't noticed a difference since the first OMG.
  14. My mechanic filled oil above the sight glass, so today I used a plastic tube to siphon about a good half a pint out more or less to get it between the marks. That would probably have been okay left in there, but I couldn't tell how much over it was. Is there any way to have estimated the overage? I have a spin on filter, and even though I think the manual calls for 4 qts I use about 3 1/2 when I do it myself..
  15. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Lisle-19380-Spark-Tester/dp/B0002STS3U]Lisle 19380 Spark Tester : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31iDgca-27L.@@AMEPARAM@@31iDgca-27L[/ame] [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Calterm-E66331-Tru-Spark-Ignition-Indicator/dp/B000JFHMPC]Amazon.com: Calterm E66331 Tru-Spark Ignition Firing Indicator: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41AJx8SvLiL.@@AMEPARAM@@41AJx8SvLiL[/ame]
  16. On a comfortable day here, my temp gauge will be about halfway for moderate stop and go city traffic. On a hot day, like today, it's gonna hit the red or close to, but for me, no worries. On an extremely hot day, at highway speed, it's gonna be above half but not red. I don't know what to expect on an extremely hot day of stop and go city traffic. That's what air conditioned taverns are for.
  17. Whining from the front of the bike = speedo. Lube it. Whining from the engine is usually from the DOHC. It is a design feature although keeping my bike in sync seems to have a positive effect. Whining from the back of the bike, well, most riders report that divorce solves this problem.
  18. Interesting. Keep us posted on that dashboard project. I've wondered about it, specifically if one could find technical data sheets or somehow figure out the the incoming signals. I imagine one could build a TCI, too.
  19. Thanks for posting this. My project is coming along, but more slowly than I want. I have the graphic display on a computer or cell phone working. Bluetooth is looking like more trouble/expense than benefit, so a cable connection. I am wondering about the practical vs geeky value of on-board vs off-board display. I'm leaning on-board this week. My main push right now is to re-think the MAP sensor solution. The article you posted showed a custom board with 4 surface mount sensors. I have those, but they are about $15 a piece unless you buy a large quantity. The board mount arrangement looks fragile but if done well would hold. My guess is that people working on their bikes want simple, reliable and lower cost, rather than geeky neato. It's gotta be tough. Go ahead and use the latest code version I posted on your own projects. This is so easy to do there is no use copywriting and sinking money into it. I want this to be a low cost do-it-yourself project for bikers so inclined. I'll have updates and photos soon, or at least intend to. Tom
  20. Oregon offers an Advance Rider Training class as part of the push to train all riders. They have it on a go cart track so you end up practicing lots of tight turns at speeds of 20-30 mph depending on the exercise. I took it yesterday. Definitely worthwhile. I scraped my pegs a few times. The instructors said if you are scraping that's your bike telling you something, mostly that you set up and executed the turn sub-optimally. A few bikes were scraping constantly. The Harleys, especially the beautiful brand new Road King, had it tough. The guy riding the new Street Glide said he was having a better day than when he tried the class on his previous Road King. One of the most interesting exercises was quick stopping on command in the midst of tight turns at speed. A nice lady dropped her softtail, but it seemed only pride was damaged. We had about 2 hours of class time, mostly review, and then 4 hours on the track.
  21. "I don't think Yamaha intends to redesign the Venture. I think this is a declining cash cow for them. As soon as it's not profitable to sell fewer and fewer it will be gone. I think they are positioning the road liner/strat platform for a variety of option packages including a bagger and lux touring. When they change the transmission to include a highway gear it'll be done - probably the same time they kill the venture, the vmax and the v4" http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=715774#post715774 This is still my opinion!
  22. Pledge and seafoam. Only things the bike needs besides gas and oil. Only vertical strokes on the windshield. Never heard of the talcum powder trick. Anyone able to confirm?
  23. Do you park it on the center stand or side stand? In this theory something about the lean affects one or more float bowls full of gas. Maybe a gasket leak. Maybe a little gas flowing into the carb. Who knows. Try it the other way.
  24. After Santa Fe, head toward Chama, NM. Ride the train. Camp among the mountains.
  25. The 89s are the best of all. Check the plastic for breaks and cracks, check whether the air ride system works (key on acc). Check the cassette deck - can't have a Venture without cassette music. If the plastic is good, $500 is well spent. Be sure about the mileage and if really that low find out why. Buy a case of Seafoam. Use it in the gas, the carbs direct, even in the crankcase oil. Lots of threads here tell how. You will probably want new plug wires and plugs. Hopefully the coils are good. If the air ride shows E4 it can be an easy fix. Mine was. Have fun. Keep us posted with PICTURES!
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