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  • Name
    Eric Holifield


  • Location
    Little Rock, AR, United States


  • City
    Little Rock, AR


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    The RSV of course, but also wood working
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 MM

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  1. First thing I would do is to pull the seat. There is a fuse block tucked in beside the battery. Check it fir a blown fuse. Second place to look is to find the relay. Make sure all of those wires are plugged in. Next check where the wires exit the light bar and make sure the wires havn't gotten pinched at the frame fork stop ( happened once before) causing it to short out. I still think the driving lights are wired into the headlight circuit and should go off and on when changing from bright to dim. As far at the turn signals go you will have to replace the blinker relay with the OEM unit. I think I still have the original I'll send it to you if I can find it. If you change to the original relay the turn signals will blink at a faster rate. This can be over come with a resister of some sort, If I remember correctly. Do a search on this site to find out how to do it.
  2. To cancel the turn signals press directly in on the turn signal switch. This will cancel the turn signals. Check to see if the driving lights will come on if the high beams are on.
  3. Ok, I stand corrected. Will three holes made with a punch about 1/8 inch in diameter be enough for ya? I did this back in 2000. An idea, along with many others, that I got from the Venturers website. Maybe you were the one who first posted the suggestion there. Never-the-less the tank will equalize if you keep putting the fuel in. That was my point. It's only a matter of how quickly you want to put it in. I still have to dribble it in in order to get it to the top.
  4. I punched a hole in mine back in 2000 when I bought it. But on retrospect I don't think it is necessary. The vent tube is at the highest point on the tank Carefully putting fuel in the filler hole will force air out of the vent tube, as it equilibrilizes the fuel in the filler tube will drop. It just takes a little more time to squeeze that last drop in. So in the long run you wont get any more in with the filler neck swiss cheezed. It seems to me that as long as there is a way for the air in the top of the tank to escape you can keep filling it up. Just sayin'.
  5. 5.9 gal just like the manual say's. See link: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=58407#post58407
  6. MMMM! My favorite color!
  7. Been there. I just bought screws and washers and replaced mine after breaking. Nudged then up real tight with locktite. Now use lock washers and wing nuts to hold it down.
  8. Ever dumped the bike while in motion? If so it might not be a warranty item depending on where the crack is located. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8054 Here is what to do about preventing future cracks. Patching buying paint from Colorite is about as expensive as buying the lower from Yamaha. But if you are like me and a lot of others on this site then do it yourself. Thats how I have learned a lot.
  9. Me too. But I see we both did open it. What does that say about us? Hey, arn't you the guy that wears a skirt?
  10. Thanks for the links. I had my fairing off Saturday then discovered that the Mike wasn't working yesterday. I didn't want to remove the fairing check it out put it back on remove the fairing and reinstall when I got the cable. Just lazy I guess.
  11. One other question, is that cord a female/male or a female/female cord. I could pull the fairing off to look but its easier to ask someone here that might already know the answer. How about this one from Sierra Electronics? http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DUE%2D15
  12. The microphone socket on the drivers conector/cable from the tank to the radio isn't working. The other aspects of the cable work fine. That is I have sound from the radio I just can't communicate out. However, when I plug into the passenger plug the my microphone works. The driver's connector just doesn't work. I also found that one of sockets for a pin is loose. So I suspect that it is broken inside the plug. The cable is $50 from Yamaha, does anyone know of an inexpensive alternative to Yamaha?
  13. Giving up on the vacation to Alabama. Plan on trying again in October. That is if the gulf beaches don't get washed away.
  14. Wouldn't you know it. My wife, daughter and I were going to drive down to Gulf Shores for a few days. This storm has gone out of its way to ruin our vacation.
  15. Seems to me there are two or three problems: 1. The seat doesn't fit your butt. Solution: Modify your seat or get a different seat. 2. Back pain. Solution: Utopia or Diamond R back rests. The Utopia is adjustable up and down and forward and back. I would assume the Diamond R is as well. The Diamond R guy is a Venture rider. So I would support him. 3. Heat issues. Solution: Powder, underwear, pants, sheepskin, beads....you figure it out.
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