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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Well, Sleeperhawk totally surprised me today with my Christmas present, which I never dreamed I would get to do! He got me the Nascar Racing Experience! I will get to drive an original Nascar driven by a Nascar driver of my choice, Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, etc. on a race track, the two closest to us being Darlington and Charlotte. Any recommendations on which track to do this? Sounds like a meet and eat time too when I schedule a date! I have several dates to pick from in 2012 so I will post when we go up there! Thank you, Sleeperhawk, for an incredible gift. I love you!!!
  2. Lewis, I highly recommend Canon. I have used Canon cameras for a long time and have been so pleased with them. George got me a Canon EOS 60D for my birthday this year which is absolutely fantastic! The lens range is from 18mm to 135mm and is perfect for my normal picture taking needs. However, for the price, the Canon EOS Rebel XS is one that is in the cost range you are looking for and has great high quality pictures. The lens that comes with it is 18mm to 55mm. You can always get more lenses such as wide angle, telephoto, etc. The beauty of the Canon Rebel is that you can shoot pictures automatically or go into manual focus. With the Ventureriders, I use auto and sports mode so I can catch all of the fun shots! I hope this helps you and have fun camera shopping!!!
  3. Happy Birthday Lonna! Hope your day is as great as you are!!!
  4. Happy belated birthday, Charlie! I owe you a !
  5. Happy Belated Birthday wishes, Craig! What a great birthday month November is!!! Hope you had a great day!!!
  6. That is so funny, Don! George said he missed your thread otherwise he would not have started one!
  7. Thank you David! It was a fabulous birthday!!!
  8. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes! And yes, Joe, I had a birthday, not giving up on those yet!!!
  9. Thank you everyone for all of the birthday wishes! It is so awesome to have friends like you! Today has been incredibly great, and I am thankful for all my blessings, which includes all of my family and friends! :bighug:
  10. Thank you everyone for the great birthday wishes! I am having a wonderful day; I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends as you all! I am blessed indeed. Hugs to all of you!!!
  11. Aww, thank you for the birthday wishes, Sleeperhawk! You are my true love and make every day a special one!!!:bighug: Dan, thank you!!! And I am making sure he stays my true love and not leave me behind. I was looking into one of those tethers but decided just to stand in front of the bike before he takes off! And Lewis, thank God I am still having birthdays! I kinda like them! Thank you for the wishes! Many thanks for the birthday wishes, Kreg! All of you are so special!
  12. Thank you Don for the birthday wishes! It is going to be a great day, I am alive and well and kicking!:cool10: Be safe, Bobbie
  13. Happy Birthday Thom! Hope you have a great day!
  14. Thank you so much for the update! It is wonderful to hear how well David is coming along! Prayers still continuing for David and Kathy.
  15. Oh my word, you just gave George an idea of what to do when I go. But then, he would have so much fun!
  16. Poor George, I don't think he will ever live that one down!
  17. George won't even know what hit him! :cool10:
  18. After being married for twenty five years, a wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her slowly... then said, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K." She asks, "What does that mean?" He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot.” She smiled happily and said, "Oh, that's so lovely. .. What about I, J, K?" He said, "I'm Just Kidding!" His eye is still swollen but it will get better.
  19. Happy Birthday David! Hope your day is going great!
  20. Happy Birthday Mark! I hope you are having a great day! Hope you get to go for a bike ride and have ice cream and cake!!!
  21. Great pics! I love the one of Jacque!
  22. Be safe and have fun!!! We will know if you stop in Blairsville!!
  23. Great ride around Texas! Glad you made your goal! Texas is a beautiful trip and this is one neat way to see it!
  24. Update on Ben and Jacque's dad. He was released from the hospital yesterday evening and Jacque took him home with her since she lives in Huntsville and wants to be close to the hospital if need be. He still has short term memory, but she says it seems to be improving. Both of his hands are bandaged up and along with 2 broken ribs, he has bumps and bruises. After a few days, Ben will take him to his home in Athens. Ben went to retrieve his dad's belongings from the bike. Ben said the right side of the bike was the worse part. The saddlebag and crash bars were pretty scraped up but he said the rest of the bike looks fine. Not sure what the plans are for the bike at this point. Thank you all once again for all of your thoughts and prayers. It warms my heart to know that we have such a family as this to be here for us in good times and in bad times.
  25. As long as Sleeperhawk and I are there!!!
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