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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. for ice cream, oops, I meant Dairy Queen!!!! Do you recognize our two lovely dudes? Me thinks they had too many sweets this afternoon!
  2. There is plenty here for everyone - get your tickets or get on the bike or in the car and come join us!!!
  3. Sleeperhawk wanted me to post pictures of the desserts I have made so far, so here they are! Still not finished in the kitchen though! Attached Thumbnails
  4. Congratulations!!! It is good to hear that you have decided to quit smoking. You will only reap benefits from it! Keep up the good work! Ride safe, Bobbie
  5. Happy Anniversary you two!!! With wishes for many, many more wonderful years together! Ride safe, Bobbie
  6. We are getting rain, the good slow, soaking kind! What a welcome relief! Just want it to clear up for everyone who is coming tomorrow and Saturday for our Meet and Eat!!!! Ride safe, Bobbie
  7. Have fun and take lots of pictures! Watch out for horned toads and rattlesnakes! Ride safe!!! Bobbie
  8. Gary and Leslie with group at Savanah Meet and Eat on 2-10-07
  9. What a horrible tragedy and for his family to witness this. I cannot imagine something like this happening. My heart goes out to his family.
  10. Hey!!!!! But you are right - I cannot tell a lie!!!
  11. I have been saying for years that when I turn 60 I want an army tank! Pink and purple so everyone can see me coming down the road, no camoflauge for me!
  12. Yes, it is and you can only hope that you have done your best to teach them. The first time that my son drove to school after getting his license, I waited about 15 minutes after he had left and then drove the route that he would take to school, just to make sure that he made it safely! Good luck on your upcoming endeavors as a teacher! Ride safe, Bobbie P.S. Sleeperhawk and I are looking foward to seeing you this Saturday, by the way!!!! You are in for a treat getting to meet more Venture members as they are in getting to meet you!!!
  13. The day had come to teach my two children how to drive, both within two years of each other so they both got the same lessons at the same time. A new Wal-Mart Supercenter was being built in our town and there was a whole large parking lot for them to learn how to drive before it opened. They learned how to parallel park, pull into a parking spot. One of the lessons there too was they had to watch out for children or people coming out of nowhere suddenly and being able to stop in time. But I do believe that the best lesson I could have taught them, which I know saved my daughter's life, was "Pay attention to everything. Know who is in front of you, who is beside you on either side, and who is behind you. But most of all, think of the most craziest action and worst thing that anyone can do that you need to be prepared for". My daugher was driving a 5 speed 1980 Toyota pickup on Highway 72 from Athens to Florence (Alabama). She was in the left hand lane, going just below the speed limit and she had cars in front of her, behind her and beside her. As she was coming up to an intersection about 50 yards ahead, she spotted a big GMC pickup coming up the stop sign. She immediately thought that he could run that stop sign and come across traffic. At that point, she started slowing down, downshifting and putting on her brakes. And he did come across Highway 72 and stopped in the crossover just enough that the back end of the truck was sticking out in the lane that my daughter was in!!!!! At this point, there was no one in front of her, but she still knew she had someone beside her on the right and someone behind her. There was also a 5 foot drop off on her left so she held on tight to the steering wheel, and started slamming on her brakes, knowing that she did not want to end up in the 5 foot ditch, and did not want to run into the car beside her. In other words, she held on for dear life. She told her passenger girlfriend "Hold on." The Toyota hit the back bed of the GMC pickup and the Toyota was totaled. Because she was wearing her seat belt, the only injuries she suffered was a seat belt bruise across her body, broken collarbone, bruised nose (from hitting the steering wheel), bruised and swollen knees from hitting the dashboard and very stiff arms from controlling the truck. The trooper told me that her skid marks were straight and true and that her actions saved her life. The man in the GMC was cited for the accident. Apparently, that particular crossover had had several fatal accidents evidenced by three crosses in the ditch. I thank God that there is not a cross there for my daughter. By the way, my daughter was 17 when this accident happened. There needs to be an awareness of what is going on around you when you are on the road, regardless of what you are driving. A few seconds may mean life or death. Ride safe, Bobbie
  14. Amen, Tim. Ride safe, Bobbie
  15. Freebird, you have every right to be scared! We scare ourselves! By the way, come on down for our SC meet and eat next weekend - nice weather in store - low 70's upper 60's! I might even have a dessert you might like!
  16. Yeeeee HAWWWWW!!!!! Yippey ki yah!
  17. Thank you for the update, Jeff. Just know that you and Matt and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. At a time like this, it is hard to be strong, but you are there for your dad in his time of need. May God bless you all. Bobbie and George
  18. Haley is a beautiful little baby girl! Thanks for sharing the video! Can't believe she is already 5 weeks old!
  19. That was a very nice article. Has anyone heard how Gary is doing?
  20. How could I not vote for such a cutie!!!! You must be one proud grandpa! Hope she wins! Keep us posted on the results! Ride safe, Bobbie
  21. Not only does Riderduke love pink on Muffinman, he wants to wear it too!! Very becoming on you, Riderduke!:rotf::rotf:
  22. Sleeperhawk and I had the opportunity to meet and visit with Gary and Leslie in Savanaha, Georgia early in February of this year.
  23. Welcome to the site, Dwight! You will find a whole new "family" here who love to ride and love to ride to meet and eats! Oh, and we all love ice cream too!!! I wanted to invite you to the South Carolina Meet and Eat here in Columbia, on Saturday, October 27. The link to the thread is: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14407 This thread is listed under the Meet and Eats for the South Caorlina Meet and Eat. We would love to have you and your wife join us. It would be a great opportunity to meet some more Venture Riders! Ride safe, Bobbie
  24. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gary; it is so hard to learn that we have lost one of our family members. Bobbie and George
  25. Our thoughts and prayers go out to David's famiy. It is so sad to lose one of our members. George and Bobbie
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