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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Looks like I am going to "jail" Thursday at 11:00! No getting out of it unless I can raise more "bail" money for Jerry's Kids! Sleeperhawk still hasn't gotten his pie so I guess I better start baking some pies! Cherry and blueberry come to mind! All you have to do is click hereto make a secure, online donation before 06/19/08 to keep me out of jail. And I thank all of you who have contributed. I know times are hard and all of you are so appreciated!
  2. When we replaced the ignition on Sleeperhawk's First Pony, (second gen), we had to have a separate key for the ignition and one for the saddlebags and trunk. That was the only way we could do it. Now we have the key code on a card that we keep with us so in the event we lose the key, we can have another one made at a locksmith So sorry to hear about losing your house. If there is anything that we can do, please let us know.
  3. Nice pictures - love the sun pics!
  4. I have used Freebird's method of resizing before I put the pictures up for Photobucket. I normally have a lot of pictures so this helps save time:
  5. How beautiful!
  6. Happy Father's Day to all dads out there, whether brand new ones or very experienced! Hope you have a day of great weather for riding, going out for an ice cream and having time with your family! Something to share: My Father My Father When I was: Four years old: My daddy can do anything. When I was: Five years old: My daddy knows a whole lot. When I was: Six years old: My dad is smarter than your dad. When I was: Eight years old: My dad doesn't know exactly everything. When I was: 10 years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different. When I was: 12 years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn't know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood. When I was: 14 years old: Don't pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned. When I was: 21 years old: Him? My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date. When I was: 25 years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long. When I was: 30 years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience. When I was: 35 years old: I'm not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad. When I was: 40 years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise. When I was: 50 years old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him. By: Ann Landers
  7. Glad to hear that Dale is home now. The best thing for him right now is just to sleep - it doesn't hurt so much! Oh yes, sponge baths are a must!
  8. Yes, Don, you have a wonderful wife and son and there are not enough words to express our appreciation for all that all of you did to bring together an event as big as Maintenance Day. It was great seeing everyone getting together, visiting, working on bikes, eating, and simply enjoying the time together that would not be possible if you had not opened your home to everyone. Sleeperhawk and I have met some great people and made lifelong friends because of this group and the get togethers we have! Once again, thank you and give Eileen and Dylan hugs for us! Ride safe, Bobbie
  9. A big warm welcome to the "New Bosses" Takes more of you guys to keep us straight, huh?
  10. I am not familiar with the surgery but hope all goes well for Dale. More and more, patients are being discharged quicker than before. As far as having to go to work and coming back home, that has to the company policy. What a waste of money on gas! He will be in our thoughts and prayers. On the lighter side: I guess this means that you will need to wait on him hand and foot. :whistling:I would suggest hand feeding him grapes! That always goes over really well! Also foot massages are nice for him too! They will take his mind off the pain. Be sure to keep him supplied with fresh cups of coffee too while he is relaxing! It will keep his strength up!!! I think I better stop before I get the book thrown at me!!! For really real, hugs to both of you. I hope his recovery is quick.
  11. Sleeperhawk had to get a crowbar!
  12. Me tooo! According to the rep today, after receipt of my camera (sent by Fed Ex for two days), it takes them 3-5 days to open it, determine what is wrong and let me know what the price is for repairs. So hopefully, it won't take long. Now I know what the headless horseman must have felt like. My kids won't recognize me without the camera. I won't know how not to squint with one eye. My index finger will be straight again! So, I guess there are a lot of advantages of not having the camera right now!
  13. There is no place like home and to be with the one you love. Hugs to both of you! :bighug:
  14. Before you know it, you might just be having another Maintenance Day at your place, Don!
  15. That's a neat web site, BuddyRich!
  16. Oh heavens, no!!! That is so sweet of you to think of doing that, but once I get my camera back from Canon, I'll be great to go! I am just so thankful that it lasted throughout Saturday and a little of Sunday! The camera has a lot of good picture-taking left! Venture Riders strike such great poses!
  17. In reference to File Folder Numbers, the manual says "If folder No. 999 is created,[Folder number full] will appear on the LCD monitor. Then if file No. 9999 is created, 'Err CF' will be displayed on the LCD panel and in the viewfinder. Replace the CF card with a new one." That message did not appear on my monitor. Sooo, that does not appear to be my problem with the camera. So off to Canon it goes!
  18. I see what you are saying about the Folder name numbers. I will check that when I get home tonight. It won't hurt to wait one day before sending the camera off! Thanks!
  19. Mine is old too and I have never had any problems with it until now, but apparently it is the mirror inside because it sounds like it is taking the picture. I am not sure how much they will charge to fix it but it has to be better than buying a comparable model. By the way, it was nice meeting you and visiting during lunch!
  20. Nahh, not yet, maybe next spring!
  21. The numbering system is incredible. As the rep told me this morning, my camera is one of the first ones, so it may be a little outdated compared to the rest, but the quality is still the greatest. To reset the numbers, under Menu, third tab over on mine, there is a setting for File numbering with an option for Continuous or Auto Reset. My camera goes up to 9999, with 100 in each folder. Needless to say, I usually have several folders on my chip! Hey, by the way, it was great meeting you and getting to vist with you ever so briefly while you were working on bikes Saturday! Hopefully, we can get together sometime. We are planning on coming into Joshua, Texas (or Granbury depending on where our daughter is at the time), on Saturday, September 27 or Sunday 28 and heading out on Tuesday, September 30. If it works where you are at home, we plan on riding down to Lowake on Monday, September 29. Hope you can join us! Maybe we can talk Wild Hair into joining us?!!!!! Ride safe, Bobbie
  22. Hope to get to meet you one day so I can take Y0UR picture!
  23. You are so funny!!!!!
  24. Thankfully, I have my digital Kodak so my picture taking finger won't get rusty!!!! I may have jinxed my camera since I was bragging on it. I can hear it now "Huh, she is taking me for granted. I'll show her"!
  25. I wore out my camera! We were on the way home Sunday morning from Maintenance Day when I was taking sunrise pictures and all of a sudden, all I was taking was black pictures. Battery was good so I was not sure what was going on? Sooo, I thought, humm, it shows I have 164 pictures left to take, but the chip must be full after taking a 1,000 of them. Got home, took out the chip, put in a new chip. Same result. Took out the battery, put in another one. Same result. Sleeperhawk reset all settings. Same result! Called Canon this morning and it seems it could be the mirror, so I have shipped it off to be repaired. Hopefully, it won't take too long to get it fixed. I have had the camera since December 2005 and have taken over 10,000 pictures if not more. I feel lost without it, but when it comes back, it will be like new! I am so thankful that it lasted as long as it did. That was why I was unable to take pictures of Muffinman and Sleeperhawk trading bikes for the short ride on the way home! At least the camera lasted enough to take pictures of our Venture Family during Maintenance day!
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