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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. :bawling:During a heartwrenching and suspenseful ceremony conducted in the tranquil setting at the KOA campground Saturday morning, Sledgehammer officially became crowned "Bad Biker Dude" by Riderduke with a Hot Red Pepper Doo Rag!!! Sledgehammer was speechless throughout the entire ceremony attended by the Venture Rally Family. After the ceremony, a tribute ride was led by Sleeperhawk followed by several members of the Venture Rider Family to Cherokee, North Carolina. (That's Tim up front - everyone else is going the wrong way!) The group had to indoctrinate Sledeghammer with the meaning of the Blueridge Parkway Sign by means of riding through heavy slow tourist traffic on the Parkway. The ride was highlighted with a downtown parade through Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The group was to pull over according to the City of Gatlinburg Police Department due to the overwhelming response to the parade of the Venture bikers downtown. Sledgehammer was overcome with emotion and had to be consoled. But as you can see by the final picture, Sledgehammer has emerged into his new role effortlessly! Congratulations, Sledgehammer! Your loving family friends!
  2. I hope our bike problem didn't rub off on your bike!!!!!
  3. We had the same issues with our 05 when we were in Georgia. We ran into a big rain storm. Within thirty mintures of the rain storm, the bike died while going down the road. We let it sit for a while, then it started up. Then it died again. We got to a service station, drained the whole tank, put in fresh gas, ran for a while, then died again. Finally, after the bike dying again on a country road, one of our friends rode to a store and got the WD40. Sleeperhawk sprayed WD40 around the ignition and it started right up. We made it home (being accompanied by WildHair) all the way to Columbia, South Carolina without any problems. The dealership replaced the ignition switch (under warratny) and we never had it happen again! By the way, it was silver too! Good luck! Bobbie
  4. I would love to see the rally being held in Colorado again in 2009. It seems to be a location closest to the center for everyone with a lot of different things to see and do. Even though Sleeperhawk and I did not make it last year, many of our members have said how much they enjoyed the area and the riding. Second vote goes to Texas! Anywhere!!!!
  5. I know, so sorry, but as damp as it was, I could not take pictures up there - I was trying though! It was a great ride and I was so glad to be able to be there! Great seeing you guys too!!! Ready for another ride!
  6. I just got off the phone with my daughter, Jacque, who informed me that a friend of hers had tickets for them for the VIP seating for the Blue Angels Air Show yesterday in Huntsville, but because she had to work, she nor her friend could not make it. Jacque said their seats were to have been right next to where the little boy was killed. She tells me that a 12 year old is in critical condition from the incident as well. Our thoughts and prayers go to all families there.
  7. I vote for October too!
  8. So was I, Don, but it is still a great place to be anytime of the year!
  9. I VOTE YES!!!! But as hot as it gets there, it needs to be held as late in the season as possible!
  10. Great pics!!!!
  11. Take it easy, sending prayers and more prayers.
  12. I am homesick now! Great video! It was neat seeing a lot of the towns that I have been in - but of course, he did miss a few cities and towns and armadillos! Can't wait until we get back to Texas, even so briefly, in October! YEE HAWW!
  13. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I don't black and white stripes and black handcuffs are my style! I'm changing my ways! Once again, thank you everyone for your support!
  14. Well, Sleeperhawk, you weren't there with me on the bike, what else could I do but walk?
  15. Oh no! I hear the sirens now ....
  16. But Sleeperhawk honey, the dungeon is always open to you. Just enter if you dare!!!!
  17. Thank you, Peggy, for your donation! That is so sweet of you and I greatly appreciate your help for what I believe to be a very worthy cause!
  18. Aww, Sleeperhawk Honey, you are the greatest! THANK YOU!!! AND KISSES!!!!!
  19. Thank goodness ny Canon is in the shop!!!
  20. Me thinks you were thinnking you were in your work truck! Glad to hear you are okay, bikes can be repaired and replaced but never YOU! Please ride safe!
  21. Thank you, Tim, so mcuh for your contribution to get me out of jail! Sleeperhawk thanks you too!!!! Tomorrow is the day of reckoning so we shall see what happens! Once again, Tim and everyone, thank you for helping fight muscular dystrophy by your generous contributions! :bighug:
  22. Thanks for letting me know - let me see what I can do!!!! See if the above works now!
  23. You will never look at a shooting star the same again. After viewing this you may understand why some of your wishes do not turn out like you thought they would. P.S. Hope the clip plays! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn_u1Ebasek]YouTube - Where shooting stars come from....[/ame] or http://1stinfoproducts.com/jokes/shootingstar.wmv
  24. Just got an email from Canon! The camera is repairable! Apparently the Shutter Blade was damaged. How that happened I have no idea, but apparently somebody:whistling: took a lot of pictures and that part just couldn't handle it anymore! So, now just waiting on getting it repaired and returned and back to business!
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