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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. That's a thought! I cannot really complain about the old Canon camera because it has taken over 20,000 pictures. That in itself says a lot for the quality of the camera!
  2. We did it! And over the goal too! What a wonderful family! Hope to see a lot of you in Memphis!!!!:cool10:
  3. That was the most incredible trip I have ever had! :thumbsup:The weather was great (a little cold a couple of mornings - 36 degrees) but we stayed warm in our Tourmaster suits. We even got to see snow in the Rockies! Have pictures to prove that too! Got a few more states filled in too! I took over 5,000 pictures (and I deleted the bad ones as we went along!). However, my camera died again! We were in Oklahoma at the time so we stopped and got another camera, so we will see how long this one lasts! I am not sure when I will be able to post pictures because when we got home Sunday night, my computer would not boot up and ended up being a Code Purple (whatever that means), so off to HP the hard drive is going. So, as soon as we can get the rest of the pictures uploaded to the laptop, Sleeperhawk will help me post the pictures! Back at work so back to the normal routine! Ride safe, Bobbie
  4. What if I had not dropped the filter? What if we had not hugged our family one more time before leaving? What if Sleeperhawk had not pulled over for me to take that special picture? What if I had not run back for that one more camera shot? The list can go on and on for yesterday. We had just left Snake River Canyon on Arizona 77 and as we are apporaching a bend, cars coming towards us kept flashing their lights so we thought a bad wreck was ahead. No, instead a boulder the size of a small car was sitting dead center in the road. It, by the grace of God, did not hit any cars or trucks. It had just come out of the mountain because it had been raining and got dislodged! So yes, I believe our friendship guardian bells do work! Then on I-40 east of the Petrified Forest, we finally saw some elk! We have been seeing signs for elk, deer and animals the whole trip! Well, time to get on all this cold weather gear we have been hauling around all week. It is now 36 degrees here in Gallup, New Mexico! Off to Four Corners we go! Ride safe, Bobbie
  5. All I can say is that it is BEAUTIFUL AND EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL OUT HERE! We rode through a mini Grand Canyon today, which is Snake River Canyon, from Oracle, AZ and the road switchbacked and then again and again and again until we were almost at the bottom and then we started back up the mountain again. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! :dancefool: George said to tell you that he is checking the tires every day and he had put on a new set of Elite 3's before the trip so we feel good about that. We are downloading pictures to the laptop and as soon as that is done, I will put up a new post with a couple of pictures. Just suffice it to say that our guardian angel bells are really taking care of us! Ride safe, Bobbie
  6. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and well and that this trip has far exceeded my expectations! Wow, wow, wow is what Sleeperhawk has been hearing! We left Columbia, South Carolina Friday morning after the rain delay, getting into Prattville, Alabama that afternoon. Visited with my "mom and dad" for a few hours (he had surgery Monday and is doing great!). We got into Meridian, Mississippi late that night, riding under the stars and Milky Way! Left Meridian and met Wild Hair 39 for lunch in Shreveport. Got into Joshua, Texas and visited with George's daughter and granddaughter, leaving Monday afternoon into Ballinger. While in Ballinger on the way to my uncle's place, saw a 2006 Venture sitting by a house so had to go and find the owner! We talked to the father of the owner of the bike and learned he knew my uncle and cousin! On Tuesday, met cousins and brother at Lowake Inn. If you ever go there and order KC for two, expect to feed five people (normal people, Sleeperhawk says!) Onion rings were soooo good too! From Lowake on Tuesday, we rode to Albuquerque, New Mexico, getting there late that night, then waking up to beautiful hot air balloons in the sky and breathtaking mountains. On Wednesday, we rode through the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. We then got to the Grand Canyon late, just at sunset as you can see by the pictures, and left in the dark, with signs for us to watch out for deer, elk, mountain lion or cougars and other "wild" animals! All we saw was a coyote! We spent the night in Flagstaff. Then Thursday, we headed to Needles, California and by golly, I can now put it on my map (to be updated when we return home). From there, we rode the hot, desert roads into Las Vegas, via Laughlin. Took a break in Las Vegas. Left Vegas on Friday, spent about an hour around Hoover Dam which is incredible! We went from Hoover Dam down to Gila Bend, Arizona and took I-8, bypassing Phoenix, getting into Tucson, Friday evening. Spent Saturday with George's brother and family. Now we are on our way to Four Corners and Cortez, Colorado! We always do not have Internet but just wanted to drop in and say hi and let you know where we are at! I have used three chips of pictures already! Ride safe, Bobbie
  7. Just had to take a little time out after making an apple pie for George's daughter to see what is going on! And boy am I ever impressed! What a wonderful generous family we have! I never ever thought I would get a tattoo but I truly cannot think of a better cause than for the children.
  8. After a delay due to rain, we are heading west! YEE HAW! Sleeperhawk got his Zumo installed last night and by the way, Buddy Rich, thanks for getting the cable to us so quickly! Here are pictures of the bike LOADED to the Pony's rear! I tried putting the kitchen sink on, but there Sleeperhawk drew the line! We will keep you posted! Ride safe, Bobbie P.S. The first of many pictures to come!
  9. Hey, I was gonna say that we gotta quit meeting like this!!! People might start talking!
  10. Sounds like a great plan! Looking forward to seeing you again! We will be leaving Meridan, Mississippi Saturday morning, so that should put us into Shreveport aruond noon, I think. My cell is 256-874-3616 and we'll call you close to time! Ride safe, Bobbie
  11. Don't worry, we don't claim the rest of California! We will take Snoopy's relatives any day! Seriously, I wish you had been with us when we were in DC earlier this year with the Venture Riders! In order for me to color in Maryland, the guys took their lives in their hands to ride through Maryland from northeast DC, including potholes big enough for a couple of bikes to fall through! I have been through the width of California, just not on the bike! Ride safe, Bobbie
  12. What a beautiful world we live in where so many great people gather to give support to a little one. Isn't that what this is all about anyway?!!! How wonderful to see the smile on Kitten-N's face! You all are in our thoughts and prayers and so glad that you are having rays of sunshine back in your lives. Ride safe, Bobbie
  13. Hi John! We are leaving Columbia this Friday and spending the night in Meridian, Mississippi. Saturday, we will be getting into Joshua, Texas where George's daughter lives and spending a couple of days with her. We will leave there and head to Ballinger, Texas on Monday afternoon. Tuesday at noon (September 30), we will be riding to Lowake Inn Steakhouse (ummm, steaks and onion rings). I grew up not far from there and the quality of food has always been the best! From Lowake, we will be riding to Albuquerque, New Mexico and spending the night. I am not sure which way George plans on getting to Albuquerque. Leaving Albuquerque, we are headed to Needles, California so I can get California on my map! From there, we are headed to Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon and then by Friday, October 3, we will be in Tucson. George's brother turns 50 on Saturday so we will be spending Friday and Saturday with them! Early Sunday morning, we will be heading out towards Colorado. And from there, weather will be our decision maker, but we will be going to Kansas to see George's parents! After reciting all of this, I am ready to leave now!!!!! Just a small issue of having to be at work! I have sent you a PM with my email address, thank you for your offer! If we don't get to see you this trip, we will be back in the future! Ride safe, Bobbie
  14. Three more days before we leave (that does not include today!) :dancefool: Packing a little bit more wintergear! Sleeperhawk informs me that we will probably be running into cooler weather - as low as 29 degrees in the mornings the second week of our trip around Colorado! What a change from what we have had here in South Carolina. But we'll take it!
  15. Also, that weekend in Athens, Alabama is the annual HUGH yard sales in the Vestavia Hills subdivision. You can park alongside the street and walk through the two adjoining neighborhoods. The location of the neighborhoods are on Highway 72 headed west to Florence, on the left after you pass Collins Supply. The main street is Kings Drive. Just Google "Kings Drive, Athens, Alabama."
  16. "Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of sh**." (Just ask Sleeperhawk!!!)
  17. Lewis, what time are you looking to get to St. Jude's on Saturday?
  18. Yeah, it kinda looks like it, doesn't it?!!! I have had my tattoo design picked out since this started and I haven't changed my mind yet about it, sooooo time will only tell if I get it! And... time is running out fast!
  19. Nahh, not enough!
  20. We will be getting into the Tucson area on Friday, October 3 - George's brother is turning 50 on the 4th so we will be spending time with the family. Wish we could take you up on the offer - can't beat a personal tour guide. As I stated above, we will have return trips to the area, I know we will not get to see all that we want to in the short time we are on this trip! Maybe we will be able to meet up one day! Ride safe, Bobbie
  21. So much to see and do and just not enough time! I know we will have to make return trips to the area. It sounds like my kind of country! Thank you for the offer - may have to meet up for a mini Meet and Eat! Ride safe, Bobbie
  22. Thankfully, I get to select the tattoo which I have already AND I will pick where to put it! Hummm, maybe it would look better on Sleeperhawk!:rotf: Thank you for your support! Look forward to seeing you! Ride safe, Bobbie
  23. BRING IT ON!!!! I ain't afraid of no needles!:crying: Seriously! This is absolutely fabulous! We are sooooo close!!!! Way to go, our Venture Family!!!!
  24. 7 more days to our trip!:dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: Sleeperhawk has the rack on the bike, and it is all wired up and very bright in the back! (Got to have some place to put my camera batteries and chips!) Camera is sitting on top of the pile, wintergear is packed, clothes are almost packed, Sleeperhawk's laptop is ready, along with the maps! NOW WHAT?!!!!! A painfully long and agonizing wait until Friday, September 26, at noon when we will be WEST BOUND!!!
  25. Sounds like determination for me to get that tattoo!!!!
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