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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Just wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for your support and donations! I did not reach my personal goal of $1,500, but was able to raise $378. Our team at work raised over $7,890! We will have our walk tomorrow night in Columbia. Once again, thank you everyone! I greatly appreciate you!
  2. The time is drawing near to close out donations for this so worthy cause! If you can find it in your heart to contribute any amount for LLS, even $5.00, it will make a difference in someone's life. Thank you all for your support. I so appreciate all of you! Bobbie
  3. Thank you so much, Todd! I've had a couple of ideas of what I would have done but am open to suggestions....
  4. Thank you so much!!! Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
  5. Thank you! I have until the end of the month...
  6. We had a blast, as always, when we hang out with you guys! The meet and eat was a great success and I loved being able to ride! Thank you for having us!!
  7. What an awesome fun filled weekend! Thank you Riderduke for an awesome meet & eat! It was so good to see a great turnout and to get to visit with our friends! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10201057127925053.1073741830.1073678188&type=1&l=8ea7112e78
  8. Thank you! We are looking forward to seeing you guys!
  9. Don't put it that way! :stickinouttounge:That sounds so doable!
  10. Great pictures! Good to see everyone having a good time!
  11. A great day to fall in love, right Eck?! The stars were just right for us all!!:cool10:
  12. Lewis, thank you so much! We missed not being there, Vogel has been such a part of our VR events, but hopefully next time we will be there!
  13. Happy 10th Anniversary to my dear love and very best friend, Sleeperhawk! 10 years of togetherness, 10 years of happiness, 10 years of making dreams come true, 10 years of sharing, 10 years of trust, 10 beautiful years! My love, my life, my heart...they all belong to you. You have made me a better person by loving me for who I am. You have pampered me with your love and care and our love has grown together. When I think of our life together over the years, all of the special times and treasured memories, I know I am so lucky to have you for my husband. You bring me joy always. I love you, George, forever and ever and ever more, with all of my heart and soul. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo:bighug:
  14. So glad you two were not more seriously injured. Thoughts and prayers for quick healing and fast resolution of having to deal with the insurance company.
  15. I have raised $302.00 so far! Not close to my goal of $1,500 yet. I think I may be safe from getting a tattoo! September 22 is closing in on me!
  16. Hmmm, I think I agree with your wife! Nice try!
  17. There are a lot of "charities" out there that are not valid and the money does not go to the intended. That is why I only have a very few organized charities that I support, St. Jude's Children's Hospital and The Leukemia & Lumphoma Society being the main ones. I don't get a tattoo for just any charity! The best charity is when we can give food, money and gifts directly to the needy, without the middle man!
  18. Thank you DragonRider! :bighug:I appreciate your donation! Well.... what did you have in mind for a second one?!!
  19. Nice try, Riderduke!
  20. 51 days until my goal date! :cool10: Safe so far from getting a tattoo!:rasberry:
  21. Happy Birthday Patti! Wishing you a super day!
  22. Happy Birthday, Dano! Have a super day!
  23. You spoil me so much, my Sleeperhawk! You are an excellent doctor, you do everything so well!
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