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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. A great time was held by all too! Thank you for your concerns for George. He has had it really rough since yesterday, last night and today. Will know more tomorrow!
  2. Thank you for your concerns and we too hope this will go away with the doctor's plans. The gauges do look great and a lot of people helped too, a lot of moral support as well! Looking forward to seeing everyone again. That is such beautiful riding country! Can't wait until we can come back to that neck of the woods! Ride safe Bobbie
  3. Thank you, I do too. He has been in constant pain since yesterday morning. We just need to find out what kind of kidney stones he has. He is going to be at the doctor's first thing in the morning. Thank you for your concern.
  4. Now I see why George prefers riding the bike versus fishing! :rotf: These are Bill Dance's classic bloopers! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_BLggf-mqs]YouTube- The best bloopers ever[/ame]
  5. Here are the pictures, I hope! Sleeperhawk has been unable to post these or me as he normally does. George has been in a lot of pain today and off to the doctor again tomorrow! It was fun seeing everyone there and I had such great subjects! Ride safe, Bobbie http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanics%20April%202010%20North%20GA%20ME/
  6. He he he! Do you really think I would omit any pictures of you? I am working on the pictures now! I hope to post them soon. I was great seeing you again and look forward to you coming down for a session of installing your gauges! Ride safe, Bobbie
  7. Thank you, Steve and Gloria, for hosting such a wonderful Maintenance Day! Thank you, Blackjack, for getting this set up! How did you order up such a beautiful day?!!! You need to let us know your secret! It was great seeing everyone there! It is so good to see so many people helping each other, sharing tools and knowledge! That is what Venture Rider family is all about! I took over 400 pictures and after editing, came up with 380 to post. Sleeperhawk is recooperating and I may try to put the pictures up later myself this afternoon. He normally does it himself. Keep your fingers crossed I can do it! Once again, we had a great time and thanks to everythong for a very special day! Ride safe, Bobbie
  8. I have to put in my two cents worth here. Riding with Sleeperhawk is one of the best times I have, had and will ever have. The time we share together on the bike is the best quality time a couple can have. There are no phones, no computers, no interruptions from work, just the two of us riding through God's beautiful country. It is a time we have together to share our past and present experiences and our hopes and dreams for the future. It is a bonding time like I have never experienced. It is so wonderful to be able to see and share the beautiful countryside together. I cannot imagine not being able to have this with Sleeperhawk. The bike has also brought us so close to so many wonderful Venture Riders. The time we share with our great friends and the new friends we meet is priceless. Without the bike, we would not have the privilege of meeting you all and it is something we both cherish and treasure. Even the times we have with perfect strangers when we stop for gas or a bite to eat would not have happened otherwise. As a matter of fact, on our way back from Alabama each trip, we stop at a Georgia diner for lunch on Sunday and the same man has been there every time and asks how we are doing on the motorcycle! There are always elements of dangers riding on a bike, but the same dangers exist in a car, plane, walking, and just daily activities. As some of you know, there has been only one time during one of our bike trips, we had a breakdown and I would not ride with Sleeperhawk for a short distance and that was because I did not want to put him into danger. Sleeperhawk is a very defensible driver and rider and I trust him explicitly with my life. I have even told Ben and Jacque that should something happen to me, to never blame George that it happened because he takes all precautions possible to keep us safe. They both know how safe he is. I keep an eye out too for any potential dangers and without trying to be an annoying "backseat rider", I let him know what I see could be a potential hazard, but most of the time, he has already factored that it and is ready to react. What I really and truly do recommend for all passengers is to take a basic beginners motorcycle course. I took one last year and it really made me so aware of what George goes through. I had taught myself how to ride a motorcycle years ago but it never went further. I just enjoyed being a passenger! With this course, however, I became so aware of George has to do every second he is on the bike and then add to that, the weight, no matter how big or how small you are, effects a bike. With that knowledge, I really realized how important it was for me back there, riding with George, to be still, not to lean or "counter-lean" with him, to let him know when I had to shift to get a little more comfortable. I take a few pictures when we ride and he is always ready to compensate for that back and forth movement. If a passenger ever doubts what effect you have when you are on the back of a bike, and believe me, I tried this and I was sooo amazed what I could do with the handling of the bike. The next time you are on the bike with your man and you are at a complete stop and standstill and he is aware what you are going to do, just sit back there, hold on to your rails and wiggle your butt. See what happens to the front end of the bike. Just make sure your man is holding on tight. Then imagine going down the road and doing that, what could happen. So just sit back there, relax and let him know when you are going to make any adjustments. The love of riding is in both of us, and whatever happens will happen, we just know that we love being together on the bike and having that special time. What beautiful memories we have and will have on the bike! Ride safe, Bobbie
  9. I have to make sure Sleeperhawk doesn't see this post! I am going to hide all the measuring tapes right now!:cool10:
  10. Prayers sent for Jameson and his family from both of us. Bobbie and George
  11. I have told Sleeperhawk that he could bring the bike into the house. But I don't think it will fit through the front door though! (Whew!)
  12. If this has been posted before, I do apologize. I thought this was a pretty cool video but think it would be better if a Second Gen did it!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8NzQXS0D1U]YouTube- Oldest Trick Of The World - New -- BMW[/ame]
  13. Believe it or not, the area where George's parents live is a lot like West Texas! I do get homesick when we are out there!
  14. That is an awesome picture! I am going to have get a subscription for Sleeperhawk (good excuse for me) so that he can admire the great state of Texas!
  15. So glad to hear you are doing better! I know physical therapy is down the road for you and it will help you so much to get your mobility and strength back up (been there, done that!). Looking forward to seeing ya in Virginia!
  16. Ben, I think your Guardian Angel was right there on the bike with you! We wish you a very speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you soon!
  17. You are tooo funny!
  18. You can always ride with us to Alabama!!! We are good company, I think!
  19. Looking forward to seeing ya, Ruffy!!
  20. I will be sure to try to get a picture of Beverly with the bikes and hopefully some of the Venture Riders too!
  21. Yes we are! I really hope you can make it, it has been too long since we have seen ya!
  22. A lot of the time I am just an observant bystander, Brad, but I have put in my two cents worth (Wow, I finally get to use that smiley!) and George has been appreciative of my observations! The more eyes, the better and merrier!
  23. You must know that we would love to have you come down here! Just let us know when the two of you can make it down and we'll be ready! It will be great seeing you again!
  24. Nooooooooooo! Now my skin feels like little bitty critters are crawling all over it! That did it, I'm bringing our own bedding every where we go!
  25. It is amazing what a difference new tires make! Sleeperhawk replaced both front and rear tires this last week with a LOT of pure maintenance work. We had not had a chance to take the bike out for a longer ride until Saturday afternoon with Riderduke to check his bike out after the work the guys did! Wow, it felt like the bike was adhered to the road with no "slipping feeling" and the threads were not all that worn on the old tires! We are ready to ride now!!!:cool10:
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