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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Here is the link to the pics. We had a great time and even ChickenHawk found a live snake to play with http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20Jacksonville%20ME%2020100508/
  2. Noooo! I think you guys are doing an excellent job, well, maybe TOO excellent sometimes!!!
  3. I promised I would not rat on anyone! :no-no-no:Everyone has been behaving themselves while you have been gone!:rotf:
  4. You gotta have a sense of humor around here! What would you do without us, Squidley, except to have a sane mind!:rotf:
  5. Ah no, that name is just not right!!! I want my Sleeperhawk back!!!
  6. No, my name did not get changed, I am still ole sweet innocent me!
  7. With this in mind, all I can envision now is Beer30 and ????????
  8. Motorcyclist’s Prayer Lord, thank you for the open air, The feel of wind blowing through my hair; Just me alone upon my bike, The thrill of freedom’s what I like. To wind through country unexplored, Not knowing what I’ll see next, Lord; That’s what I seek when off I ride, I’m thankful that you’re by my side. If I should ride ‘til morning’s light, Please keep me safe throughout the night; And when I’ve come to journey’s end, It’s you I’ll thank – Protector, Friend. T.H.S.
  9. You can only get the spiked tires if you get the spiked hair to go with it!:cool10::rotf:
  10. Duly noted! I love shopping at Harbor Freight. George has to get me out of there! I find too many goodies for him!
  11. Yeah, I won't mention how nice and warm it is down here, Ted! It really looks wintery there! Great picture, Ted! You look like you are ready for a road trip!
  12. Yesterday our Yamaha dealer in Sumter had his annual open house. In spite of the slight rain, Pecker joined us for the ride over. We ran into Mike G while we were there!. The first picture shows Sleeperhawk and Pecker wiping down their bikes (both bikes were immaculate when we left the house!) The second one is Sleeperhawk trying out the seat Mike G has on his bike! Because of the threat of rain, a lot of people did not ride their bikes, but it was a great turn out! They had a live band with food vendors and prizes. The dealer was offering free dyno runs so both guys had their bikes tested. Sleeperhawk's Venture reached 71.2 HP at 99 mph and Peckers' Royal Star Tour Deluxe made it at 72.6 HP at 111 mph. :thumbsup2:There was a great difference between the sound of their bikes and some Road Stars that were being tested. The Road Stars sounded anemic! The last picture is of a flashlight that Jacque got for George to use for the bike and it came in handy today when George was checking the wiring on the bike (I did not have to hold a flashlight all that time!)
  13. This was way after the drinks; those two must have already started to hit the harder stuff (look behind Felicia on the counter in that picture!) :rotf:
  14. Ben, that is the best news! :happy65: Physical therapy will be hard but worth every second! It was so good to see you last weekend and to also meet your wife. She is truly your nuturing angel and is taking great care of you! It won't be long before you are back in the saddle!
  15. Thank you for posting the pictures! That is really innovative and looks very professional! What fun the pups must have on the rides! :cool10:
  16. We made it home Sunday night, safe and sound! What a great trip! Thank you Riderduke for hosting such a grand event!!! Pictures are finally up in the Picture Folder! All 745 of them...
  17. We are ready to do it again, but the whole length of it this time! Very breathtaking views!
  18. Here are the pictures from the Virginia M&E last weekend! We all had such a great time and the weather was absolutely beautiful! We filled up the big parking lot at the BBQ place with bikes! That place will never be the same again! It was great seeing old friends and making new ones! Riding the Skyline for the first time was such a thrill for us and we are ready to finish seeing the rest of it. Sounds like another road trip to me! We rode to Sledgehammer's house Friday night and thank Tim and Renee for putting us up for the night. George and Tim played a little foosball that night even though they both were so tired! And so many very special thanks to Riderduke's Felicia and Courtney for the warm hospitality of their home. Felicia, we looked at the Bahama Mama maker yesterday. It is on my Christmas list! But only if Courtney can come down and show me how to make them! It is always so much fun being around the girls!:bighug:I see a Sunday morning tradition of a run to Krispy Kreme!!! Spring fever is in the air and being out on the bike with friends was just perfect! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawk%20Mechanics%20April%2017%202010%20ME/
  19. We need a magic carpet ride on the bike so we can make it there and back in one weekend!!!! Hey, you can come up and see us here in Columbia!
  20. Would love to make your open house, but it is just a little too far away from us! Congratulations on your new home! Texas is a great place to live and there is plenty to see and do once you get all settled in now. Hope to see you soon!
  21. Hey Stranger! Good to see you on here! Glad to hear you and Konnie are settling in your new home! Sounds like you are staying busy with the job and getting nestled in! Watch out for low flying birds - they may not know what a Goldwing is! Miss ya and look forward to seeing you one of these days. Give Konnie a hug from us and Jacque and Brock! Ride safe, Bobbie
  22. That is what I am hoping they will do tomorrow. It is way too much pain that George is going through right now. The gauge looks great, works great, the only glitch was no brackets were with the gauges. The guys had to fabricate them.
  23. Can I come along and take pictures? Please, please please? :bowdown::bowdown:
  24. This is the best Sleeperhawk has felt all day! YEAH!!!!! Only Boo's hairdresser knows for sure how old he is, so there!
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