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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Charlie, what can I say? We didn't have coke bottles in Texas where I grew up, only beer cans with a pop top!
  2. At least Sleeperhawk came back and got me! I don't feel so bad now!
  3. Just be glad that I edited the amount of pictures! :whistling:I took 1,725 and deleted a lot of them as I went along! As always, it was so much fun taking pictures of such wonderful family members! What a great family reunion!
  4. Glad Hope had a great birthday! She is a trooper for spending her birthday with a bunch of bad biker dudes and dudettes! I really enjoyed visiting with Hope this weekend! She is an awesome young lady and you have every right to be proud, Charlie! Ya did good! Sleeperhawk and I enjoyed our time spent with you too Charlie! We don't get to do that very often so looking forward to next time!
  5. Sleeperhawk and I are about to leave Columbia headed for MD! Plan to stop in West Virginia overnight, so we will see everyone there at Don's! Everyone please ride safe!!!
  6. Eck, what are you really doing in Mississippi?!! [ame=http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=58574492]Flying Lawnmower Video by Rockstar - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/Services/Media/Embed.aspx/m=58574492@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@Services/Media/Embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@58574492[/ame]
  7. When you're riding lead, don't spit. Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul. If you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride. Never sell a motorcycle - it is a part of you. Just buy more. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 120 mph. You start the game of life with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience. The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in my rear view mirror. Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Sometimes it takes a whole tank of fuel before I can think straight. In the time it takes to play 18 holes, I can be 500 miles away. Never hesitate to ride past the last street light at the edge of town. You will always get to keep your motorcycle in a divorce. Never do less than forty miles before breakfast. One bike on the road is worth two in the garage. Young riders pick a destination and go. Old riders pick a direction and go. Whatever it is, it's better to do it in the wind. Two-lane blacktop isn't a highway, it's an attitude. People are like motorcycles; each is customized a bit differently. The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome. A friend is someone who'll get out of bed at 2 am to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere to get you when you're broken down. Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary. There's something ugly about a NEW bike on a trailer. A long ride can clear my mind, restore my faith and use up a lot of fuel. If you can't get it going with bungee cords, wire and electrician's tape, it's serious. Never try to race an old geezer, he may have one more gear than you. God does not subtract from my life the time I spend riding. Gray-haired riders don't get that way from pure luck. Bikes parked out front mean good chicken-fried steak inside. You can forget what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze. Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out the car window. Don't argue with an 18-wheeler (just go faster). Don't lead the pack if you don't know where you're going. I Never ride faster than my guardian angel can fly. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Time for a road trip for Sleeperhawk and me!!!:dancefool:
  8. I know that is what saved us!!!
  9. I am still amazed they didn't throw us out of there! We are planning a reunion there, right?!!!!
  10. We are so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Ruffy.
  11. I made it back home yesterday from Huntsville after getting Jacque moved into her new apartment so now I am able to post some pictures of our meet and eat in Huntsville last Sunday! It was so good to see Eck and Konnie and Blackjack (what a surprise too!). Ben, Jacque and Brock enjoyed the group! The ribs and trimmings were outstanding. :thumbsup2:They use a mop to put the BBQ sauce on the ribs. And everyone enjoyed the banana pudding for dessert! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y26...ntsville%20ME/
  12. I thought I better be consistent and post these pictures from our trip to Virginia for Clare's surprise party here! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y26...y%2022%202010/
  13. We had such a great time! What a fun weekend, getting to ride and be with our friends! So many thanks to Felecia for her wonderful hospitality Friday night! Clare was really surprised and the party was great! You did good, Rob, in keeping it a surprise! It was a treat getting to meet your family and friends, Clare and Rob! By the way, Rob, PM me your address and I'll send you a CD! Here are some pictures of the ride and the party! Oh, and George has some new chrome on his bike! See if you can find it!:whistling: http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20VA%20May%2022%202010/
  14. Aww, we could have met up and had lunch or something. It is good though that bikers still come to Myrtle Beach. I have a feeling there will be more bikes next year, just if the vendors would come!!!
  15. If you are close to Columbia, give us a call! Our door is always open. We are about 120 miles from Myrtle Beach.
  16. Double Dittoo!!!! Can't wait to see you!
  17. We never had any problems there, it was a wonderful weekend!
  18. Missed ya! You guys would have loved it!
  19. George and I, along with a couple of guys George works with (they ride Harleys) went to Myrtle Beach this weekend. What a fun weekend! :happy65: We left out Friday evening after work and had a beautiful ride down there! After hotel hopping for a good deal on rooms, we ended up staying at the Sandy Beach Resort with a suite of three bedrooms, two baths, jazucci, full kitchen, living room and even a washer/dryer. And, an oceanfront view! Wow!!! It is definitely on our list of a place to stay next time we are down there! It was such a treat to wake up to the sound of ocean waves and a beautiful sunrise over the water. After a hunt on the beach for sea shells, it was time to go. George was ready to ride! Saturday morning was late breakfast at Tar Baby's which has a large variety of buffet items. It was a beautiful 30 minute ride from the hotel there. Next was checking out the various vendors. First stop was at the Myrtle Beach Mall (where Bass Pro Shop is). There were not a lot of vendors there. Next we hit Barefoot Landing and had a stroll through the Alligator Farm but no alligators were in sight, just ducks and turtles! Then for a nice ride down Kings Highway to the Harley Store where again, vendors were few. The last stop was at Suck Bang Blow where a band was playing, burn outs (phew!), Wall of Death, and a contest for the loudest pipes! And Chuck and Keith had a chance to drool! After a refreshing stop at the hotel for a swim and a shower, we headed back on the strip for supper, eating at Captain Benjamin's. What a wide variety of food! We left for home this morning, feeling refreshed and having had a great weekend. We got home just in time before the rain! There were quite a few bikers there, more than we anticipated being there, but it was the end of bike week so I am sure a lot had already left to go home. We are ready to go back!!!
  20. Aww, being strapped to my back won't do you any good! I take a lot of pictures behind me!:whistling:
  21. Ahhh, although sometimes it is good being incognito! Almost like being invisible and taking pictures!
  22. How about Tarzan and Jane or... Lucy and Ricky Ricardo Rob and Laura Petry Trixie and Ed Norton Ralph and Alice Kramden Fred and Wilma Flintstone George & Gracie Burns Ozzie & Harriet Archie and Edith Bunker Rob and Laura Petrie George Burns & Gracie Allen Al and Peggy Bundy Archie & Edith Bunker Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler or simply George and Bobbie???? :rotf: (A couple of famous George's up there!)
  23. Our thoughts and prayers for all who have lost life and home. So good to know that our VR family is okay.
  24. Lowell, great to hear from you! You know the way to our house too - got your spot saved!:whistling:
  25. Hey, I was there! And with George! Nice pictures, Margaret!
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