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Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Everything posted by Sleeperhawks Mechanic

  1. Happy Birthday Rogerlee, TomCat, bryan52577!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  2. Happy Birthday Blackjack! Hope you have a great day with a bike ride and lots of cake and ice cream! Hope to see you Saturday!!
  3. How soon you forget us!:crying:
  4. Wishing you a great birthday, Riderduke! Hope you take the bike out this weekend for a nice long ride down here!!!
  5. Tom, we enjoying having you here. Sleeperhawk loves getting the bikes running to their best performance! And by the way, Sunday afternoon was spent the best way possible, with our VR family! Glad to hear the bike ran good! Let us know on the mileage! Ride safe and we will see you next weekend!
  6. Sling and Peggy rode over from Augusta this afternoon and the guys played the dulcimer! And Tom rode down from Charlotte! Sleeperhawk and Rick did a carb tune on Tom's bike - the guys just can't keep their hands off the bike! It was great to meet Tom and look forward to meeting his wife Amy next weekend in Greenville! Just a few pictures!!! Trying not to wear you guys out with a lot of pictures this year! Can't guarantee what will happen next weekend though!
  7. It was such a beautiful day for bike riding so we headed to Charleston to see Eck and Konnie! Eck met us outside of Charleston and along the way we spotted several fighter jets! After a great Chinese lunch (not withstanding the rice paper talk:no-no-no:!), we headed to their club house and the guys had several games of pool while Konnie and I visited! We had to head home and Eck rode out with us for a while. It was so good to see Eck and Konnie and it is a delight to have them closer to us!!! Thank you both for such a wonderful day!!!
  8. Belated wishes for a Happy Birthday, Jeff!
  9. Wow! A little star in our own midst!:clap2: :thumbsup:He will have to perform for us one day!
  10. Watch this little guy rock with Joan Jett and The Blackhearts! Not sure how you get so good so young. Watch his foot on the "bass drum". Towards the end of the song, he spots his parents in the audience. The look on his face is priceless. And only 4 years old!! He certainly has rhythm. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJG9Tol1a0U]YouTube - Facebook Inbox - 明版的Howard drum show!!! [HQ].mp4[/ame]
  11. Spurs come to mind!!:rotf:I can just see sparks flying!
  12. This is a little different spin on a motorcycle!:cool10: I would have to get one too to keep up with Sleeperhawk! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdq4wer7vgk&feature=player_embedded#]YouTube - Kerry McLean & His Monocycle[/ame]
  13. Good luck with the offer, Margaret! Hope it goes as you want it to!
  14. Good luck, Jeff! We'll miss ya but we will keep an eye out on Margaret for you! Be safe! Bobbie
  15. What a great wedding night!!!! :dancefool: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J-3mIpk67c]YouTube - Senior's Wedding Night (Side by Side)[/ame]
  16. You would think so!!
  17. I didn't get out the house yet! All I could take is from the front door and back door! Maybe later on?!! You all be safe in this!!
  18. The weatherman's predictions came true! Schools and businesses were shutting down for today last night. Usually when they do that, it is a beautiful sunny day but not this time! It started snowing after midnight, then we had thunder and lightning and it started snowing more! Snow day! Snow day! Snow day! :happy65: Looks about 3 to 4 inches here!!! A great day to enjoy more of George's chili and my homemade cornbread!!! Be safe everyone! Bobbie
  19. Blackjack, you did such an incredible job of putting the meets and eats together each month! Good luck in your business ventures and we look forward to seeing you at the meets and eats you can come to! Tell Janis hi for me!!! Ride safe, Bobbie
  20. I just finished talking with my friend in Bozeman, Montana He said that since early this morning the snow has been waist high and is still falling.... His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window. He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in... :rotf:
  21. Happy Birthday, Todd! Hope you have had a great day! Hope to see ya someday!!!
  22. Happy New Year to you two too!!!:cool10: Sleeperhawk and I are looking forward to seeing you at MD! :beer:
  23. Happy Birthday, Cindy!!! Hope you have a great day!
  24. We had a great time today at the NC New Years Meet & Eat! It was so good to see everyone there! What a way to start the New Years!!! Happy New Year, everyone! Here are the pictures! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2011/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%2020110101%20NC%20New%20Years%20Day/
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