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Everything posted by motorcycle_1300

  1. I ride with a few other Venture riders and recently we noticed all of our speedometer/oddometers are incorrect. When comparing the speed noted on our speedometers to our GPS units we noted our speedometers. all read out about 8% higher speeds than we were actually riding. we have also confirmed this using mile markers oddometers indicating 10 while mile markers had just passed the 9 mile mark. We have compared with automobile speedometers as well as other Yamaha bikes. Now while this allows a little buffer room, well it did untill we started riding a bit faster to make up the difference, it also racks up phantom miles that erode our resale values. Tire warrentes run out before their time, we change oil more often(not a bad thing) 0 to 50 is really 0 to 46 so we think we are faster than we think we are, but not actually half fast Have any other 2nd gen riders noted this? is it possible to recalibrate the speedometers? Al
  2. I have all three, different bikes different rides all good bikes, but for sheer fun FJR, long range comfort RSV, pulling power Goldwing Al
  3. Mother; thanks thats just the kind of info we needed.. yes we went to Nova Scotia last summer we were very well welcomed, everywhere we went folks would ask us how we were enjoying our trip. folks would just walk up while we were stopped for gas and start chatting with us, once I set my suspicious nature aside it was great. I have taken the ferry from bar harbor to NS a couple times and found a cabin was a great idea. I have to admit I alwasy thought of NL as a small island( about the size of PEI), but once I actually looked at it on a map I realized how wrong I was, so I turned to the friendly folks here for advice. Again thanks for all the suggestions Al
  4. While I can't say anything about the VTX, I do own a 2004 goldwing and a 2007 RSV. My girlfriend and I have made several rides greater than 3k miles on the RSV, most of these rides were 300 to 400 miles a day for a couple weeks. on the goldwing we occasionally do a couple 300 mile plus days but not the long trips like the venture. My girlfiend has never fallen asleep on the goldwing. On a trip from upstate New York out to montana we ran into the problem of her falling asleep on the Venture. swung into a wal-mart got a luggage strap and jurry rigged a seat belt, since upgraded to arm rests and a strap to hold them in position so she held more secure. I am 6 feet one 200 lbs and find the goldwing a little cramped for the long runs, the Venture is my bike of choice for most rides. Since I long ago grew out of the need to wake babies and scare little old ladies I do like the Goldwing for it's quiet engine and smooth transmission. I prefer the fel of the Venture on rougher roads, smooth highways it is a toss up. hope this helps Al
  5. a group of us have decided to ride to Newfoundland next summer. There will be three couples on five bikes we plan to spend 6 or 7 days there, about three to get up to there and three back for about two weeks total. Are there ferry services at both ends of Route 1. what are the must see places, will we need to plan carefully to avoid running out of gas or are stations spaced reasonably close, last summer on a sunday morning we ended up running on fumes looking for a gas station (that was open) in the cape bretton area. In nova scotia we never bothered to make hotel reservations, we were able to ride untill something or someplace caught our eye and rooms were always availible. Can we expect the same in Newfoundland? Some Newfie want to plan our trip for us? Al
  6. Of course mandrin oranges come from China Mandrin China got it, sort of like American Cheese:stickinouttounge:
  7. I have both a 2004 goldwing and a 2007 venture Midnight, I would not trade the venture for a Goldwing but I would give serious consideration to trading the goldwing for a venture. If the goldwing had the rommy comfort of the Venture it would be a different story. Al
  8. I own among other bikes a 2004 goldwing and a 2007 venture midnight. The Venture is by far the more comfortable ride for long distance has a better ride and enough room for my legs to sit comfortably. The goldwing engine and transmission is far better than the venture's Ideally the Goldwings engine and transmission in a venture chasis would make my life complete (if only it was that simple). I owned a 82 goldwing kept it for a month or so sold it at a profit but never really liked the bike. You can test ride many bikes and like them but you need to put a couple weeks straight on them to know if you really like them, unfortunately the 82 goldwing just wasn't my cup of tea I also own a 92 Venture Royale and so far I like it a lot but I have been restoring it and do not have a lot of saddle time on it never met a bike I truely disliked Al
  9. I am sargent at arms for this chapter(have no clue as to my function, guess I am supposed to break up the fights)( they never happen, my girlfriend and I realized we are the only members of this chapter that is not on some kind of medication) we are a very informal group, during the non winter months we ride to ice cream joints every other thursday night on the alternate weeks we ride to dinner thursday nights, we also have a club soponsered ride most weekends(usually to some place to eat). I guess officially we are a eating group with a riding disorder. about half of the active members will attend Stardays in any given year. I seem to get a lot more out of the group than I put into it. average age is about 50, pops is 85 still rides a trike has missed a couple meetings due to health but makes most of the rides. Al
  10. After sitting at the dealers in Plattsburgh NY for 2.5 months, I picked up my bike still running like crap after the dealer replaced the head gaskets. I did a little self diagnosis and then scheduled the bike into the Yamaha dealer in Williston VT, I just asked them to evaluate my bike didn't tell them what I thought was wrong(only running on three cylinders. within two hours after I dropped the bike off they told me it was running on three cylinders, and that they had checked the carb sync and one was pulling nothing at all. I then asked them to fix the bike. Two weeks later they called me and said the bike was ready. the cam shaft on one cylinder had been torqued so tight that it cracked the cam shaft. they tried to get Yamaha to cover this under warrenty, but Yamaha said the previous dealer had really screwed up the bike, and that Yamaha was no longer responsible for that part of the bike. Yamaha did replace under warranty the fuel pump which just stopped working while the bike was being tested. Total bill for fixing what the previous dealer had screwed up was $750, not chump change but nowhere as bad as I had feared. Next project is to offer the first dealer a chance to make things right by offering to cover the cost of fixing what their mechanic screwed up, baring that small claims court here I come. The bike is running great no shakes no vibration on acceleration, sounds smooth runs smooth. I had forgotten how much more comfortable the Venture was over my goldwing. Still would like to see the goldwing engine and transmission in the venture chasis. Maybe someday Yamaha will offer more of an upgrade than more gigabytes in the Ipod Al Petrie Current bikes 2007 Venture Midnight 2008 FJR1300 2004 Goldwing 1992 Venture Royale previous bikes 14 yamahas 3 hondas 1 sportster 1 Benelli 250 1 rupp mini bike
  11. One of the guys in the locaql star touring group had both knees replaced, one right after the other spaced few months apart. He chose to do one at a time to make for an easier recovery over the period of one winter. The work was performed in the Opperasting room he used to work in so he knew the guys doing the work he retired right after the work. that weas last winter he started riding again this spring and is very pleased with the result. He is still riding his Venture and says it is much easier than it was pre surgury. Al
  12. well I dropped my bike off to the other local Yamaha dealer. this dealer is just Yamaha, Kawasaki. the previous dealer was a Harley, suzuki, Yamaha dealer, which might explain why they thought a rough running low power vibrating bike was running fine. When I got the bike back from them I measured the cylinder temperatures and determined it was firing on only three cylinders. The new shop called me back 2 hours after I dropped the bike off, told me the bike was running on three cylinders, they then put a carb sync tool on it and determined the carb on the non working cylinder was not pulling any air. So they are going to dig deeper and see why either the valves are not opening and closing like they should, timming or just plain stuck, or why the carb isn't working. my guess is the previous dealer bent a valve stem and it is now jammed in the head. More to come Al:fingers-crossed-emo
  13. bought most of my bikes out of curiosity, wonder how much I will like that bike after a couple weeks or days on the road. my current bikes were bought in this order, and this is why. Bought my 2007 venture midnight as my one and only purchased brand new bike, because I had a 2001 royalstar td or whatever that model was called loved everything except the seat so bought the venture midnight( my all time favorite bike) bought the 1992 venture Royale because it was sitting out on somebodys lawn in the rain. it had good bones and body wasn't bad either just needed brake work and computerized air system repaired, decided to put it into like new condition. nice bike smooth quiet still needs air system fixed but getting there. bought the 2008 FJR 2k miles on it because I took one out for a test ride at stardays in Montana. bike is scary fast and fairly comfortable for the first 300 miles of a day. Bought a 2004 goldwing because a million flies must know something. Nice smooth quiet engine and transmission is smooth and quiet. unfortunately the bike is built for a 5'8" 160 lb rider. ok for a one day ride but not suitable for a 6'2" 200lb rider for a week straight. I guess my ideal bike would be a gen 2 chasis with the new V max motor a six speed transmission with a quiet clutch and fuel injection. and maybe a flat screen tv with microwave and coffee maker Al
  14. only put 7k miles 3k of which was a 10 day ride around northern Nova Scotia on my venture midnight this year, of course it was in the dealers shop since mid July. 2.5 months out of a northern New York summer is a big bite. Put 4500 on my FJR and a couple thousand on the goldwing. 5 miles on the 92 venture royale, but that will change someday. I can usually count on about 15k miles a year, but then it is a short year 11 months of winter, 30 days of rain Al
  15. I have a 2003 s10 pickup with the 4.3 engine, had a 99 two wheel drive s10 pickup b4 that. can't beat the engine. body pannel rust is an issue. the 99 was 2wd, sat lower so it was easier to load a bike into the back. 2003 is a push button 4wd, have not figured out how to get it stuck yet. the 2003 is used only rarely to haul Kayaks, bikes on a trailer or three dogs to the lake. had to replace air conditioner compressors on both. and somehow the forward catilytic converter self destructed and the rusty flaKES blocked the rear catalytic converter, no power no accel, could barely go up a slight hill. other than that bullet proof, will eventually have to replace it but will just get another one. Al
  16. 11 months of winter 30 days of rain
  17. Are the clutch baskets still noisey on the newer bikes on the showroom floor still noisey or has Yamaha done anything to resolve this? Thinking about trading in my 2007 if Yamaha ever gets it back to running normally, or even if they don't. still want to ride a Venture as my primary touring ride. Al
  18. Ok I finnaly got my bike back from the dealer, service manager and shop owner (both Harley riders) says it is running fine, plenty of power, very little vibration. The last two things they tried while attempting to fix the rough running, vibrating, loud etc problems were tires and swing arm bushing(remember the vibration reported was at a stop as well as rolling) Anyway after a short ride it was still obvious, nothing had been resolved, so I decided to do a little troubleshooting on my own. Rode the bike for about an hour, actually to work where I have a non contact infrared thermometer, and measured cylinder temperature. I did this by aiming the thermometer at the hex head bolt on each cylinderthat holds the fake heat sink fins on. found three measuring 150 degrees+ and one only 120 degrees. now this is a watercooled bike and there is obviously some heat transfer between all cylinders. I would guess the right rear cylinder is not firing at all, with any heat there having been absorbed from the other three. I also noted the exhaust pipe from that side was dry so no unburned fuel is getting that far. also no back firing . I would guess this is not an electrical(no apark) issue. Conclusion no fuel at all through the carb, or the intake timming on that cylinder is so far off no fuel is being pulled into the cylinder. I have an appointment with another dealer for tuesday and will wait for his evaluation. On another note last week I got a survey in the mail from Jill Hobbs Manager, Yamaha customer satisfaisfaction Division, asking my satisfaction with my recent warrenty repair. Nedless to say I did not rate the dealer very highly. I also wrote her a detailed explanation of why the ratings were so low, and asked what Yamaha plans to do to resolve the issue. Al Petrie Current bikes 2007 Venture Midnight 2008 FJR1300 2004 Goldwing 1992 Venture Royale previous bikes 14 yamahas 3 hondas 1 sportster 1 Benelli 250 1 rupp mini bike
  19. you are right, the next time he tells me it is road worthy, I plan to take it to the three other Yamaha dealers all within a couple hours ride, and have them road test it and give me a written report. Then have to get it fixed and then fight with Yamaha to get the orriginal dealer cover the cost of fixing their mistake. Or just give up and dig deep
  20. Well at least it was a comfortable seat. I am beginning to think Dealers should be treated like lawyers (kill em all). My dealer who has been working on my venture for over two months to cure a serious vibration when stopped at idle, no low rpm power, and significantly increased noise, which resulted from the dealer "fixing a minor oil leak" has just told me they swapped out the swing arm bushing without improvement. HUH??? They tried the tires first
  21. When you say hammered under load in 4 and 5 are you saying the bike bucked like a horse and you had to drop a gear or two to accelerate? If so sounds familiar, mine has been doing that ever since the dealer fixed a small oil leak at one of the head gaskets(of course he had to take the whole bike apart for a couple months to do that) glad you found your cause Al
  22. I was comparing it to a 2007 venture and a FJR. Nice bike little short on passenger room. quieter than the Venture, about the same as the FJR. the engine is designed to as light as possible, every little sound inside the moteor can be heard, needs a little more Metal. It is a lot more peppy than the venture, about the same as the fjr, might give the 1600 the edge there but not by ten grand. chasis is too small for a good touring bike but again not bad for a sport touring bike. There are a lot of gadgets to fiddle with but no time to learn with a test ride. Could probably make it better by tweeking the settings. It was ok and a fun test ride, but I didn't come away saying it was going to be my next bike, like the FJR did. Al
  23. You are very right, and I do plan to upgrade my membership. I was just hanging out for a while. Not too long ago I joined a Goldwing forum, and made my first post a couple weeks later, I was given a lot of crap from a couple posters for posting a response to a topic that had been idle for two years. The info I posted was current and possibly usefull to other readers, just the orriginal posts had run their course. I don't mind that they pointed this out to me it was just their manner that was a bit anoying, so here I was taking it slow to see how things shake out. On this forum I have had nothing but friendly responses and some real usefull information. Thank you to all who have posted info and to all who have held their piece when I may have stepped on toes Al
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