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Everything posted by motorcycle_1300

  1. can't remember the name of the place, but has something about all you can eat
  2. Wife says I got one of those tucked inside my shirt
  3. Mostly up and down my driveway, ocassional midnight road test, almost ready to go back on the road my 2007 midnight consistantly gets 45 to 50mpg, only exception was when I rode out to Billings, dropped to about 35 in the high country Al
  4. Since I typically ride with my wife on her bike we usually stop when she has reached her limit 400-500 miles a day, on occasion i have reasons to go from Northern NY or western VT to Cleveland 610 miles takes me about 10 hours only stopping to fill one tank and drain the other. Plus quick food stops. Have done 930 miles in a day about 16 hours Al
  5. once the bike is charged measure the voltage directly on the battery terminals, should be about 12.7 volts. let the bike sit a couple hours measure the voltage again should still be 12.7 . Do the headlights come on bright with the bike not running if you read 12.7 and the lights are not bright look for a bad loose connection to the battery. I assume when you started the bike on the charger the clips were attached to the battery cables so you can probably assume from that point on the cables are good. how are the terminal connections? Battery hooked up backwards? the new battery was it Dry when you got it, was it like the wal-mart specials where you need to fill it with acid, then give a full charge it or was it one of the prefilled charged batteries you get at better shops. Al
  6. Having owned a 2001 royalstar(not the rsv) and having the tall windshield on the bike I can say you should have no problems pulling from 40 mph on up in 5th gear. My previous dealer replaced the head gaskets on my 2007 venture. While putting things back together they broke the right front cam shaft. the bike ran real rough kicking and bucking in both 4th and 5th gear. once I got up to about 65 I could shift into 5th without the bike bucking like a car in a drivers ed class. fought with that dealer for three months getting told the bike was running fine, and knowing better. one day decided I had had enough and started doing my own investigation. feel your cylinder walls is one noticable cooler than the rest? pull plug wires one at a time is there one that makes no difference in performance? if so in either case that cylinder is not firing. find another dealer have them straighten out the bike. Only cost me 800 to have another dealer fix my bike, Yamaha wouldn't cover the repair under the warrwenty said it was dammaged by the first dealer and therefore not covered. Next look to the carbs/ air flow. consider the ignition system. In any case things are not right. Being a Yamaha dealer does not mean the mechanics are factory trained. There are levels of certification Yamaha assigns the dealers a bronze level shop just means they have been trained via a dvd course( corespondence course) just a little better than the training you can get in art on a book of matches. Silver and gold indicate a much higher level of training. Just because a shop is certified does not mean the mechanic working on your bike knows his butt from a hole in the ground. Look for a local star riders chapter in your area ask them where to go. Al
  7. Well it is a little hard to tell but I have been checking all the moths I find with a magnifying glass, still find it a little hard to tell but it seems to work Al
  8. As one who can flat foot my RSV I have a little trouble understanding the concept of a bike being too big. I find my Goldwing to be a little cramped and harleys to be even less roomy. I can understand somebody choosing a bike like a goldwing even though they may be a bit on the shorter side. The attraction of a smooth quiet powerfull bike with all the bells and whistles built in is hard to deny. There are very few smaller bikes that offer these amenities. I have looked for years for something smooth quiet and powerfull like my FJR for sport touring for my wife to drive. The closest we have come would be a Honda 700nt but even that is a little tall. It is time the bike manufacturers woke up to the fact that more and more women as well as shorter stature men are looking for long distance smooth quiet tourers. Although my rsv is the perfect size bike for me I still find myself wondering what that bike would be like with the FJR engine and transmission, maybe detuned for more torgue and a little less top end. I want it all and I want it now Al
  9. I have 4 bikes one is a FJR 1300. I am 6'1" 200lbs. Almost never ride with a passenger on the FJR. but I would think seriously about a trunk if I did, not to store stuff but as a safety measure, these are powerfull machines and would hate to drop an unprepared passenger on the ground. I have made several mods to make the bike more comfortable. A Cal sci tall windshield (no wind buffet) motorcycle larry risers up and set back(also changes the angle of the bars so the grips are more comfortable.) lowered the rider pegs 3/4 inch I do drag them a little more often but not bad. Russel seat. after the mods went from good bike to great riding bike. I also ride a 2007 venture midnight, a 2004 goldwing(anybody want to buy it) the wing just isn't all that comfortable for a rider my size. 1992 project Venture Royale(will be on the road someday soon I hope). Riding in the mountains I would pick the FJR, For cross country I would use the RSV. Al
  10. wonder how many left turn relays she has gone through My hat is off to her, never got more than a couple hundred thousand miles per vehicle:backinmyday:
  11. last year i picked up a couple Hawk bluetooth Modular helmets from leather up fairly cheap, when compared to the name brands. They work well for bike to bike communications, I assume they would work well as intercoms. I can also answer my phone while riding( I am on call several weekends a year and can still ride and answer the call). you will notice as yeor speed goes up wind noise becomes a problem for bike to bike communications. My end seems to work fine but my wifes 1100 has a lot more wind and engine noise so she has trouble hearing and due to the noise I have trouble understanding what she says( thats my story and I am sticking to it). below 65 mph this is not a problem. the helmets come with chargers, just plug them into the helmet. The sliding vents are noisey sort of rattle in the wind in either the wide open position or the closed position, half way position is fairly quiet. A little super glue into one position fixes it, although you can no longer change the vents. Also has built in sun visor just flip a button and they pop down forgot they have about a quarter mile range All that said you could go with one wired headset. give the wife the headphones and you keep the microphone( keep that straight for a relaxing ride) Al
  12. I kinda go with the 160 miles look for a gas station crowd. that said remember we are riding carburated bikes, if you get 160 at sea level and then you head up into the high plains you are going to get significantly lower gas milage. It might be a good Idea to know how your bikes gas guage indicate as a back up plan. noticed my mpg dropped about 25 percent on a trip to billings Montana. 200ft above sea level to 6000 or so along the way Al
  13. two days ago I was getting ready to put some finishing touches on my 92 venture royale project bike. I had just taken the bike off the battery charger. turned the key switch. everything lit up like it should, pushed the starter button heard a click near the battery, and all the lights went out, radio has some but not all lights. I have the owners manual and there is a fuse labeled 43 in the positive lead comming from the battery. actually there are two wire/cables comming off the positive terminal, one heavy one goes to the starter solinoid, the other one is lighter weight and apparently goes to the fuse, from there it goes to the computer. I have not yet actually chased this fuse holder down as it was dark that night, but if this fuse is blown you would see about what you discribe. I will be checking this fuse first, b4 tearing into the ignition switch. Al
  14. I have three bikes on the road. a 2007 venture midnight, a 2008 FJR and a 2004 goldwing. The venture is by far my favorite bike, followed by the Goldwing, the FJR is just for thrills. I can ride the Venture all day for weeks without suffering. the goldwing is smooth quiet and built for a 5'10" 180 pounder at 6'1" and 200lb 34 inseam I find the seating cramped leg position back underneath me sort of like the FJR (raised the bars and lowered the pegs). there are aftermarket seats that move your Butt back a couple inchs for the goldwing, that along with handlebar risers would go a long way towards comfort. A lot of guys will suggest highway pegs for the wing, but you will find the fairing edge will rub on your leg and eventually chafe your leg raw. The Venture is a big heavy bike, it is top heavy and a chore arround town, but if you plan trips of thousands of miles, it would be my bike of choice. Al
  15. well not exactly, but I do try to control costs. I stay at MT kenyon campground on the lake luzerne road maybe 8 miles out of town. Maybe 5 miles out from the old Americade headquarters at Roaring brook ranch. It is out in the woods and far enough from the road to get away from the wake babies anf scare little old ladies crowd. I do not buy the parking passes, I just park at one of the event lots and walk to the shops on Canada street . it isn't all that far. there are lots of vendors selling chrome geegaws, there are even a few that cater to metric bikes vendors are usually at one of two locations. either at the forum or at the million dollar beach location, boat cruises leave fromnear the million dollar beach( lots of free parking in the fields, bring a plate for your kick stand Take a ride out rt 8 if you get off dragging pegs, or slow down and enjoy the view. Head out towards great scanandauga lake last year my wife and I road down to howe caverns ( 3 hours each way) in a downpour but well worth it. Check our the vendors in nearby warensburg, and glenns falls( many vendors have balked at the booth prices and have set up in both these towns Hotels will be hard to come by and will be costly. Make sure your bike is properly registered and inspected, watch your speed. make sure you have a DOT helmet. The state police set up roadblocks just special for bikers and will give you a souviner if you don't meet expectations. Al
  16. since I live only a couple hours north of Lake George, we pack up the motorhome put a few of the bikes on the trailer and head on down for the week. the food on the tours can vary from I can't believe I ate that to wow I need to come back for more of that. The boat cruises can be fun, avoid the cajun boat tour, unless you really hate cajun music, you will feel justified. The Yamaha boat is on the smallest boat, food is usually good and the music isn't bad considering it comes from a casset deck( not really, usually a couple talented musicians sounding like 4 or 5). The first time I went I signed up for every tour I could fit in( don't plan for more than one a day) I no longer sign up for the tours, choosing instead to head our at random ( take a ride out route 8 and hang on)( grab a bite at Suzie Qs). River rafting is either a blast or boring, you need to pray for rain for the week before or you will be dragging the raft. The saturday BBQ after the parade is usually good, but will not be on top of MT prospect this year, instead being held at some wild west ranch( well they will have pony rides) the ride up MT prospect was a fun fide. Demo rides plan to sign up early as they fill up quick(you can'[t sign up a day earlier) only first come first served on the day of the ride) More later if you want or I will just shut up Al
  17. my wife and I will be in the keys shopping for a house to retire too, unfortunately we will not be riding down, still a lot of snow, cold with salt and sand on all the roads. I will be keeping my eyes open for Ventures rolling by while I am green with envy. Wish you a great get together Al
  18. They are one and the same now
  19. Dec 2 temperature in northern NY 38 degrees F. Left this morning with my Girlfriend returned a ouple hours later with my wife. Al
  20. would like USA Canada, Japan Thanks Al
  21. I have a 2004 goldwing but ride it a lot less than my midnight venture, or my FJR, I do ride it more than my 92 royale, but that is a work in progress. so I guess that makes me something like 42.25 or so Al
  22. don't see why you expect abuse, sympathy maybe but not abuse. That said i own a Venture and a goldwing and a fjr, and a venture royale they are all different bikes and serve different purposes for me. the goldwing is great for pulling a trailer, the Venture is great for long distNCE RIDES, THE fJR gets the blood flowing, the Royale gets my hands dirty. The thing is you get out and ride on what dosen't matter. Almost bought another Rupp mini bike the other day, but the rear sproket was just as toothless as some of us gummers here. Al
  23. My FJR is right on, the goldwing is 3% off girlfriends 1100custom is right virago 250 is right shadow 1100 is off 3% and as noted at start of discussion RSV is 8% off. all are either right or read higher than actual speed interesting than nobodys reads low. Al
  24. wonder if you can streatch your dollar
  25. eat hot dogs stuffed into a twinkie you will live forever or at least if you die you won't decay Al
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