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Everything posted by motorcycle_1300

  1. I have a Joe Rocket tank bag, magnetic mount works well for binoculars camera and sun glASSES not room for much else, also has two small pockets on top with clear plastic for cell phone and gps. Unfortunately it isn't waterproof. It does come with a rain resistant bonnet, which really does not offer much protection. If you are putting it on a venture it will keep things dry wven in a pretty good rain....untill you stop. Al
  2. I too would like to see the numbers for all the big highway cruisers. the Kawasaki, the Victory, the Harleys etc. the actual hp specs and speeds seem to be well hidden for some reason. Al Never mind. if you can work through the alphabet soup here is the info www.mcnews.com/mcn/articles/2010JanIndex.pdf
  3. 2007 midnight venture My wife and I have ridden to several star days events like Billings Montana from northern NY it was hot and there was some discomfort from being nestled so comfortable in black plastic. Did have to buy a seat belt on the Montana trip as the wife kept falling asleep.. Likewise the Chattanoga trip temps over 100, humid. The seats can get hot and sticky, I think I still have an imprint of the seams in my underware on my butt, but again by far the most comfortable stock seats you will find. far more comfortable than the ones on my goldwing Al
  4. I am not one with the wake babies and scare little old ladies crowd, but I am always concerned with the risk of incrementalism in ordinances. Little by little we are signing away our rights, while we try to limit the rights of others. Al
  5. I officially retired about 10 days ago packed everything up and headed to my new home in Naples Florida, well at least for the winter months. looked a bit like the beverly hillbillies with the truck packed two bikes on the trailer and me driving the Penske ford. was wet and nasty for the first day driving down bikes looked like crap. clutch lever worked hard at first once i ofloaded them now however the clutch slips in second gear if I get on it. Guess it is time for springs. Anybody in south west Fl wants to go for a ride give me a shout. Al
  6. [Did you guys know that some Harleys have four wheels ? After a month of bickering with my salesperson at my local Ford dealer and a counrty search I bought a new truck. First time they were offered in white. I have a Holiday Rambler motorhome which was manufactured by a HD owned company, real nice motorhome nothing has fallen off yet and so far no oil leaks other than the leveling jacks. thats about as far HD as I will ever go
  7. looks like a good bike for the little people, just like my 2004 goldwing ok for short trips or short people. Just no place to move your feet. before somebody says highway pegs, they are not much help with the edge of the fairing where it is Al
  8. Windows 8 must be a real old version I am all the way up to 95
  9. the more junk food the more room for more tats
  10. just wait untill your bike starts smoking:detective:
  11. do they all run at the same time that explains the oil shortage why didn't somebody hide the training wheels so much for rugged individualism
  12. got to about 1:52 stopped stuck on loading, tried backing uo to get a running start stopped at the same place. What I did see was nice Wait I clicked the HQ icon on the video tool bar it restarted and ran all the way through. Nice ride
  13. there are two riding seasons around here salt season and no salt, I do not ride on the streets during salt season, I will ride dirt bikes all year. salt season generally runs late nov/early dec to mid april, depends a lot on when the rains come to wash the roads
  14. I have been a Star toring member for 7 yers. I do have issues with National, but I like the national events like star days, without this there are friends I have made that I would probably never run into otherwise. Do I like the way it is run nope. Our group Dutifully nods our heads and then do what Our group decides to do locally. Do we get our $48 bucks worth, probably not. I do like that as a group we get together an a regular pasis Star Touring provides a focus, but not an over riding control. The family friendly rules like no alcohol on star rides is fine with me, Our local group escorted a Sherrifs department memorial ride riding under the star touring banner and our accepted rules on No alcohol befor or during the rides. Previous years the ride started at a bar and ended at a bar, and there were several issues, not the least of which were dui by members of the sherrifs dept. this time we doubled participation and there were no traffic incidents. Our Chapter does abide by most of the star touring rules but the ones we dissagree with are honored with a wink and a nod Al
  15. At the next chapter meeting Make a motion that members be allowed to wear other clubs patches while on club sanctioned rides. If you get another member to second the motion, it can come to a vote. If you have seeded the meeting with members who support your position and the vote goes your way the president has little he can do about it. Is it worth it to cause friction within the group to wear the other patches? Who will get to decide which patches are acceptable and which are offensive? not saying you are right just saying how to get it allowed, or if the vote goes against you prohibited Al
  16. I wouldn't think of offering the asking price of anything I bought used or afor a new vehicle either Boat car Bike etc. My father would roll over in his grave and then come back to haunt me. he never paid list and everything was some kind of a three way deal with something else thrown in. It isn't like you offered him dimes on a dollar, you made a reasonable offer which he was free to decline or accept.
  17. last year MY wife and I road our bikes to get married in December 30 degrees that day. yesterday a group of ten of us took our Motorcycles on what was probably the last group ride of the year. We left Plattsburgh at 27 degrees and of course did the logical thing, we rode over through Saranac lake to Raybrook where we met a group from the canton Potsdam region. we then headed down through the adirondacks to the Lake george area for lunch. temperatures were in the 40s by the time we got home all in all a great ride, many thanks to the Canton Potsdam Star group for the invite
  18. worked in Ben Hur but then it was taking out chariots
  19. good for waking babies and scareing little old ladies. shame to take a nice bile like that and use it as a noise maker:confused24:
  20. As a rule I try not to personally insult people, I might make fun of the bikes they are riding, but they deserve that for the bike they are riding,I truely don't mean to make fun of others. If you try to make fun of me it won't work because I don't respect your oppinion unless you agree with me. I do appreciate the hard work the moderators do, this is one of the best run well organized forums I have been on. As for censoring offensive behavour, it isn't all that important, the offenders will eventually realize nobody is paying them any attention and move on.
  21. the DPO did it looked nice at first but didn't hold up. Same guy who hacked off a piece of three wire extension cord and used it for wiring the movement sensor lights on my driveway. Everytime I stumble across his handy work I just scratch my head and fix it right.
  22. [quote= Tiling shop floors looks good too and with a motorcycle lift you won't be using a jack all that often. I reccomend against tiling a garage floor, mine is/was well is sort of still tiled. My garage is tiled using asphault tile, when it gets cold the tiles get brittle and crack easily Your side stand will do a number on tiles they will eventually pop up. fuel spills also do a number on tile floors. I plan to scrape up all the tiles in my garage, I am not sure where to go from there. Al
  23. but not permanently
  24. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/30/14160479-2-killed-1-wounded-in-biker-shooting-at-vfw-lodge-in-florida?lite Damn shame you can not even be safe at a charity event
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